blob: 7eb676fe604b839a581af9388db7dfa089c2c633 [file] [log] [blame]
# WebKit IDL parser
# Copyright (C) 2005 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig <>
# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Cameron McCormack <>
# Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
# along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package CodeGenerator;
use strict;
use File::Find;
my $useDocument = "";
my $useGenerator = "";
my $useOutputDir = "";
my $useOutputHeadersDir = "";
my $useDirectories = "";
my $useLayerOnTop = 0;
my $preprocessor;
my $writeDependencies = 0;
my $defines = "";
my $codeGenerator = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my %numericTypeHash = ("int" => 1, "short" => 1, "long" => 1, "long long" => 1,
"unsigned int" => 1, "unsigned short" => 1,
"unsigned long" => 1, "unsigned long long" => 1,
"float" => 1, "double" => 1);
my %primitiveTypeHash = ( "boolean" => 1, "void" => 1, "Date" => 1);
my %stringTypeHash = ("DOMString" => 1, "AtomicString" => 1);
my %nonPointerTypeHash = ("DOMTimeStamp" => 1, "CompareHow" => 1);
my %svgAnimatedTypeHash = ("SVGAnimatedAngle" => 1, "SVGAnimatedBoolean" => 1,
"SVGAnimatedEnumeration" => 1, "SVGAnimatedInteger" => 1,
"SVGAnimatedLength" => 1, "SVGAnimatedLengthList" => 1,
"SVGAnimatedNumber" => 1, "SVGAnimatedNumberList" => 1,
"SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio" => 1,
"SVGAnimatedRect" => 1, "SVGAnimatedString" => 1,
"SVGAnimatedTransformList" => 1);
my %svgAttributesInHTMLHash = ("class" => 1, "id" => 1, "onabort" => 1, "onclick" => 1,
"onerror" => 1, "onload" => 1, "onmousedown" => 1,
"onmousemove" => 1, "onmouseout" => 1, "onmouseover" => 1,
"onmouseup" => 1, "onresize" => 1, "onscroll" => 1,
"onunload" => 1);
my %svgTypeNeedingTearOff = (
"SVGAngle" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGAngle>",
"SVGLength" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGLength>",
"SVGLengthList" => "SVGListPropertyTearOff<SVGLengthList>",
"SVGMatrix" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGMatrix>",
"SVGNumber" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<float>",
"SVGNumberList" => "SVGListPropertyTearOff<SVGNumberList>",
"SVGPathSegList" => "SVGPathSegListPropertyTearOff",
"SVGPoint" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<FloatPoint>",
"SVGPointList" => "SVGListPropertyTearOff<SVGPointList>",
"SVGPreserveAspectRatio" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGPreserveAspectRatio>",
"SVGRect" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<FloatRect>",
"SVGStringList" => "SVGStaticListPropertyTearOff<SVGStringList>",
"SVGTransform" => "SVGPropertyTearOff<SVGTransform>",
"SVGTransformList" => "SVGTransformListPropertyTearOff"
my %svgTypeWithWritablePropertiesNeedingTearOff = (
"SVGPoint" => 1,
"SVGMatrix" => 1
# Cache of IDL file pathnames.
my $idlFiles;
# Default constructor
sub new
my $object = shift;
my $reference = { };
$useDirectories = shift;
$useGenerator = shift;
$useOutputDir = shift;
$useOutputHeadersDir = shift;
$useLayerOnTop = shift;
$preprocessor = shift;
$writeDependencies = shift;
$verbose = shift;
bless($reference, $object);
return $reference;
sub StripModule($)
my $object = shift;
my $name = shift;
$name =~ s/[a-zA-Z0-9]*:://;
return $name;
sub ProcessDocument
my $object = shift;
$useDocument = shift;
$defines = shift;
my $ifaceName = "CodeGenerator" . $useGenerator;
require $ifaceName . ".pm";
# Dynamically load external code generation perl module
$codeGenerator = $ifaceName->new($object, $useOutputDir, $useOutputHeadersDir, $useLayerOnTop, $preprocessor, $writeDependencies, $verbose);
unless (defined($codeGenerator)) {
my $classes = $useDocument->classes;
foreach my $class (@$classes) {
print "Skipping $useGenerator code generation for IDL interface \"" . $class->name . "\".\n" if $verbose;
# Start the actual code generation!
$codeGenerator->GenerateModule($useDocument, $defines);
my $classes = $useDocument->classes;
foreach my $class (@$classes) {
print "Generating $useGenerator bindings code for IDL interface \"" . $class->name . "\"...\n" if $verbose;
$codeGenerator->GenerateInterface($class, $defines);
sub ForAllParents
my $object = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
my $beforeRecursion = shift;
my $afterRecursion = shift;
my $parentsOnly = shift;
my $recurse;
$recurse = sub {
my $interface = shift;
for (@{$interface->parents}) {
my $interfaceName = $object->StripModule($_);
my $parentInterface = $object->ParseInterface($interfaceName, $parentsOnly);
if ($beforeRecursion) {
&$beforeRecursion($parentInterface) eq 'prune' and next;
&$afterRecursion($parentInterface) if $afterRecursion;
sub AddMethodsConstantsAndAttributesFromParentClasses
# Add to $dataNode all of its inherited interface members, except for those
# inherited through $dataNode's first listed parent. If an array reference
# is passed in as $parents, the names of all ancestor interfaces visited
# will be appended to the array. If $collectDirectParents is true, then
# even the names of $dataNode's first listed parent and its ancestors will
# be appended to $parents.
my $object = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
my $parents = shift;
my $collectDirectParents = shift;
my $first = 1;
$object->ForAllParents($dataNode, sub {
my $interface = shift;
if ($first) {
# Ignore first parent class, already handled by the generation itself.
$first = 0;
if ($collectDirectParents) {
# Just collect the names of the direct ancestor interfaces,
# if necessary.
push(@$parents, $interface->name);
$object->ForAllParents($interface, sub {
my $interface = shift;
push(@$parents, $interface->name);
}, undef, 1);
# Prune the recursion here.
return 'prune';
# Collect the name of this additional parent.
push(@$parents, $interface->name) if $parents;
print " | |> -> Inheriting "
. @{$interface->constants} . " constants, "
. @{$interface->functions} . " functions, "
. @{$interface->attributes} . " attributes...\n | |>\n" if $verbose;
# Add this parent's members to $dataNode.
push(@{$dataNode->constants}, @{$interface->constants});
push(@{$dataNode->functions}, @{$interface->functions});
push(@{$dataNode->attributes}, @{$interface->attributes});
sub GetMethodsAndAttributesFromParentClasses
# For the passed interface, recursively parse all parent
# IDLs in order to find out all inherited properties/methods.
my $object = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
my @parentList = ();
$object->ForAllParents($dataNode, undef, sub {
my $interface = shift;
my $hash = {
"name" => $interface->name,
"functions" => $interface->functions,
"attributes" => $interface->attributes
unshift(@parentList, $hash);
return @parentList;
sub IDLFileForInterface
my $object = shift;
my $interfaceName = shift;
unless ($idlFiles) {
my $sourceRoot = $ENV{SOURCE_ROOT};
my @directories = map { $_ = "$sourceRoot/$_" if $sourceRoot && -d "$sourceRoot/$_"; $_ } @$useDirectories;
$idlFiles = { };
my $wanted = sub {
$idlFiles->{$1} = $File::Find::name if /^([A-Z].*)\.idl$/;
$File::Find::prune = 1 if /^\../;
find($wanted, @directories);
return $idlFiles->{$interfaceName};
sub ParseInterface
my $object = shift;
my $interfaceName = shift;
my $parentsOnly = shift;
return undef if $interfaceName eq 'Object';
# Step #1: Find the IDL file associated with 'interface'
my $filename = $object->IDLFileForInterface($interfaceName)
or die("Could NOT find IDL file for interface \"$interfaceName\"!\n");
print " | |> Parsing parent IDL \"$filename\" for interface \"$interfaceName\"\n" if $verbose;
# Step #2: Parse the found IDL file (in quiet mode).
my $parser = IDLParser->new(1);
my $document = $parser->Parse($filename, $defines, $preprocessor, $parentsOnly);
foreach my $interface (@{$document->classes}) {
return $interface if $interface->name eq $interfaceName;
die("Could NOT find interface definition for $interfaceName in $filename");
# Helpers for all CodeGenerator***.pm modules
sub AvoidInclusionOfType
my $object = shift;
my $type = shift;
# Special case: SVGPoint.h / SVGNumber.h do not exist.
return 1 if $type eq "SVGPoint" or $type eq "SVGNumber";
return 0;
sub IsNumericType
my $object = shift;
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $numericTypeHash{$type};
return 0;
sub IsPrimitiveType
my $object = shift;
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $primitiveTypeHash{$type};
return 1 if $numericTypeHash{$type};
return 0;
sub IsStringType
my $object = shift;
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $stringTypeHash{$type};
return 0;
sub IsNonPointerType
my $object = shift;
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $nonPointerTypeHash{$type} or $primitiveTypeHash{$type} or $numericTypeHash{$type};
return 0;
sub IsSVGTypeNeedingTearOff
my $object = shift;
my $type = shift;
return 1 if exists $svgTypeNeedingTearOff{$type};
return 0;
sub IsSVGTypeWithWritablePropertiesNeedingTearOff
my $object = shift;
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $svgTypeWithWritablePropertiesNeedingTearOff{$type};
return 0;
sub GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff
my $object = shift;
my $type = shift;
return $svgTypeNeedingTearOff{$type} if exists $svgTypeNeedingTearOff{$type};
return undef;
sub GetSVGWrappedTypeNeedingTearOff
my $object = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $svgTypeNeedingTearOff = $object->GetSVGTypeNeedingTearOff($type);
return $svgTypeNeedingTearOff if not $svgTypeNeedingTearOff;
if ($svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ /SVGPropertyTearOff/) {
$svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ s/SVGPropertyTearOff<//;
} elsif ($svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ /SVGListPropertyTearOff/) {
$svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ s/SVGListPropertyTearOff<//;
} elsif ($svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ /SVGStaticListPropertyTearOff/) {
$svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ s/SVGStaticListPropertyTearOff<//;
} elsif ($svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ /SVGTransformListPropertyTearOff/) {
$svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ s/SVGTransformListPropertyTearOff<//;
$svgTypeNeedingTearOff =~ s/>//;
return $svgTypeNeedingTearOff;
sub IsSVGAnimatedType
my $object = shift;
my $type = shift;
return 1 if $svgAnimatedTypeHash{$type};
return 0;
# Uppercase the first letter while respecting WebKit style guidelines.
# E.g., xmlEncoding becomes XMLEncoding, but xmlllang becomes Xmllang.
sub WK_ucfirst
my ($object, $param) = @_;
my $ret = ucfirst($param);
$ret =~ s/Xml/XML/ if $ret =~ /^Xml[^a-z]/;
return $ret;
# Lowercase the first letter while respecting WebKit style guidelines.
# URL becomes url, but SetURL becomes setURL.
sub WK_lcfirst
my ($object, $param) = @_;
my $ret = lcfirst($param);
$ret =~ s/hTML/html/ if $ret =~ /^hTML/;
$ret =~ s/uRL/url/ if $ret =~ /^uRL/;
$ret =~ s/jS/js/ if $ret =~ /^jS/;
$ret =~ s/xML/xml/ if $ret =~ /^xML/;
$ret =~ s/xSLT/xslt/ if $ret =~ /^xSLT/;
# For HTML5 FileSystem API Flags attributes.
# (create is widely used to instantiate an object and must be avoided.)
$ret =~ s/^create/isCreate/ if $ret =~ /^create$/;
$ret =~ s/^exclusive/isExclusive/ if $ret =~ /^exclusive$/;
return $ret;
# Return the C++ namespace that a given attribute name string is defined in.
sub NamespaceForAttributeName
my ($object, $interfaceName, $attributeName) = @_;
return "SVGNames" if $interfaceName =~ /^SVG/ && !$svgAttributesInHTMLHash{$attributeName};
return "HTMLNames";
# Identifies overloaded functions and for each function adds an array with
# links to its respective overloads (including itself).
sub LinkOverloadedFunctions
my ($object, $dataNode) = @_;
my %nameToFunctionsMap = ();
foreach my $function (@{$dataNode->functions}) {
my $name = $function->signature->name;
$nameToFunctionsMap{$name} = [] if !exists $nameToFunctionsMap{$name};
push(@{$nameToFunctionsMap{$name}}, $function);
$function->{overloads} = $nameToFunctionsMap{$name};
$function->{overloadIndex} = @{$nameToFunctionsMap{$name}};
sub AttributeNameForGetterAndSetter
my ($generator, $attribute) = @_;
my $attributeName = $attribute->signature->name;
my $attributeType = $generator->StripModule($attribute->signature->type);
# Avoid clash with C++ keyword.
$attributeName = "_operator" if $attributeName eq "operator";
# SVGAElement defines a non-virtual "String& target() const" method which clashes with "virtual String target() const" in Element.
# To solve this issue the SVGAElement method was renamed to "svgTarget", take care of that when calling this method.
$attributeName = "svgTarget" if $attributeName eq "target" and $attributeType eq "SVGAnimatedString";
# SVG animated types need to use a special attribute name.
# The rest of the special casing for SVG animated types is handled in the language-specific code generators.
$attributeName .= "Animated" if $generator->IsSVGAnimatedType($attributeType);
return $attributeName;
sub ContentAttributeName
my ($generator, $implIncludes, $interfaceName, $attribute) = @_;
my $contentAttributeName = $attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Reflect"};
return undef if !$contentAttributeName;
$contentAttributeName = lc $generator->AttributeNameForGetterAndSetter($attribute) if $contentAttributeName eq "1";
my $namespace = $generator->NamespaceForAttributeName($interfaceName, $contentAttributeName);
$implIncludes->{"${namespace}.h"} = 1;
return "WebCore::${namespace}::${contentAttributeName}Attr";
sub GetterExpressionPrefix
my ($generator, $implIncludes, $interfaceName, $attribute) = @_;
my $contentAttributeName = $generator->ContentAttributeName($implIncludes, $interfaceName, $attribute);
if (!$contentAttributeName) {
return $generator->WK_lcfirst($generator->AttributeNameForGetterAndSetter($attribute)) . "(";
my $functionName;
if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"URL"}) {
if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"NonEmpty"}) {
$functionName = "getNonEmptyURLAttribute";
} else {
$functionName = "getURLAttribute";
} elsif ($attribute->signature->type eq "boolean") {
$functionName = "hasAttribute";
} elsif ($attribute->signature->type eq "long") {
$functionName = "getIntegralAttribute";
} elsif ($attribute->signature->type eq "unsigned long") {
$functionName = "getUnsignedIntegralAttribute";
} else {
$functionName = "getAttribute";
return "$functionName($contentAttributeName"
sub SetterExpressionPrefix
my ($generator, $implIncludes, $interfaceName, $attribute) = @_;
my $contentAttributeName = $generator->ContentAttributeName($implIncludes, $interfaceName, $attribute);
if (!$contentAttributeName) {
return "set" . $generator->WK_ucfirst($generator->AttributeNameForGetterAndSetter($attribute)) . "(";
my $functionName;
if ($attribute->signature->type eq "boolean") {
$functionName = "setBooleanAttribute";
} elsif ($attribute->signature->type eq "long") {
$functionName = "setIntegralAttribute";
} elsif ($attribute->signature->type eq "unsigned long") {
$functionName = "setUnsignedIntegralAttribute";
} else {
$functionName = "setAttribute";
return "$functionName($contentAttributeName, "
sub ShouldCheckEnums
my $dataNode = shift;
return not $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"DontCheckEnums"};
sub GenerateCompileTimeCheckForEnumsIfNeeded
my ($object, $dataNode) = @_;
my $interfaceName = $dataNode->name;
my @checks = ();
# If necessary, check that all constants are available as enums with the same value.
if (ShouldCheckEnums($dataNode) && @{$dataNode->constants}) {
push(@checks, "\n");
foreach my $constant (@{$dataNode->constants}) {
my $name = $constant->name;
my $value = $constant->value;
push(@checks, "COMPILE_ASSERT($value == ${interfaceName}::$name, ${interfaceName}Enum${name}IsWrongUseDontCheckEnums);\n");
push(@checks, "\n");
return @checks;