blob: 21fd277d6216c674327e9790da5908da62cfb8ad [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (C) 2007 Eric Seidel <>
Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "SVGFontFaceElement.h"
#include "CString.h"
#include "CSSFontFaceRule.h"
#include "CSSFontFaceSrcValue.h"
#include "CSSParser.h"
#include "CSSProperty.h"
#include "CSSPropertyNames.h"
#include "CSSStyleSelector.h"
#include "CSSStyleSheet.h"
#include "CSSValueKeywords.h"
#include "CSSValueList.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "SVGDefinitionSrcElement.h"
#include "SVGFontElement.h"
#include "SVGFontFaceSrcElement.h"
#include "SVGGlyphElement.h"
#include "SVGNames.h"
#include <math.h>
namespace WebCore {
using namespace SVGNames;
SVGFontFaceElement::SVGFontFaceElement(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document* doc)
: SVGElement(tagName, doc)
, m_fontFaceRule(CSSFontFaceRule::create())
, m_styleDeclaration(CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::create())
static void mapAttributeToCSSProperty(HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, int>* propertyNameToIdMap, const QualifiedName& attrName)
int propertyId = cssPropertyID(attrName.localName());
ASSERT(propertyId > 0);
propertyNameToIdMap->set(attrName.localName().impl(), propertyId);
static int cssPropertyIdForSVGAttributeName(const QualifiedName& attrName)
if (!attrName.namespaceURI().isNull())
return 0;
static HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, int>* propertyNameToIdMap = 0;
if (!propertyNameToIdMap) {
propertyNameToIdMap = new HashMap<AtomicStringImpl*, int>;
// This is a list of all @font-face CSS properties which are exposed as SVG XML attributes
// Those commented out are not yet supported by WebCore's style system
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, accent_heightAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, alphabeticAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, ascentAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, bboxAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, cap_heightAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, descentAttr);
mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, font_familyAttr);
mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, font_sizeAttr);
mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, font_stretchAttr);
mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, font_styleAttr);
mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, font_variantAttr);
mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, font_weightAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, hangingAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, ideographicAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, mathematicalAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, overline_positionAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, overline_thicknessAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, panose_1Attr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, slopeAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, stemhAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, stemvAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, strikethrough_positionAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, strikethrough_thicknessAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, underline_positionAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, underline_thicknessAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, unicode_rangeAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, units_per_emAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, v_alphabeticAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, v_hangingAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, v_ideographicAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, v_mathematicalAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, widthsAttr);
//mapAttributeToCSSProperty(propertyNameToIdMap, x_heightAttr);
return propertyNameToIdMap->get(attrName.localName().impl());
void SVGFontFaceElement::parseMappedAttribute(MappedAttribute* attr)
int propId = cssPropertyIdForSVGAttributeName(attr->name());
if (propId > 0) {
m_styleDeclaration->setProperty(propId, attr->value(), false);
if (inDocument())
unsigned SVGFontFaceElement::unitsPerEm() const
const AtomicString& value = getAttribute(units_per_emAttr);
if (value.isEmpty())
return 1000;
return static_cast<unsigned>(ceilf(value.toFloat()));
int SVGFontFaceElement::xHeight() const
return static_cast<int>(ceilf(getAttribute(x_heightAttr).toFloat()));
float SVGFontFaceElement::horizontalOriginX() const
if (!m_fontElement)
return 0.0f;
// Spec: The X-coordinate in the font coordinate system of the origin of a glyph to be used when
// drawing horizontally oriented text. (Note that the origin applies to all glyphs in the font.)
// If the attribute is not specified, the effect is as if a value of "0" were specified.
return m_fontElement->getAttribute(horiz_origin_xAttr).toFloat();
float SVGFontFaceElement::horizontalOriginY() const
if (!m_fontElement)
return 0.0f;
// Spec: The Y-coordinate in the font coordinate system of the origin of a glyph to be used when
// drawing horizontally oriented text. (Note that the origin applies to all glyphs in the font.)
// If the attribute is not specified, the effect is as if a value of "0" were specified.
return m_fontElement->getAttribute(horiz_origin_yAttr).toFloat();
float SVGFontFaceElement::horizontalAdvanceX() const
if (!m_fontElement)
return 0.0f;
// Spec: The default horizontal advance after rendering a glyph in horizontal orientation. Glyph
// widths are required to be non-negative, even if the glyph is typically rendered right-to-left,
// as in Hebrew and Arabic scripts.
return m_fontElement->getAttribute(horiz_adv_xAttr).toFloat();
float SVGFontFaceElement::verticalOriginX() const
if (!m_fontElement)
return 0.0f;
// Spec: The default X-coordinate in the font coordinate system of the origin of a glyph to be used when
// drawing vertically oriented text. If the attribute is not specified, the effect is as if the attribute
// were set to half of the effective value of attribute horiz-adv-x.
const AtomicString& value = m_fontElement->getAttribute(vert_origin_xAttr);
if (value.isEmpty())
return horizontalAdvanceX() / 2.0f;
return value.toFloat();
float SVGFontFaceElement::verticalOriginY() const
if (!m_fontElement)
return 0.0f;
// Spec: The default Y-coordinate in the font coordinate system of the origin of a glyph to be used when
// drawing vertically oriented text. If the attribute is not specified, the effect is as if the attribute
// were set to the position specified by the font's ascent attribute.
const AtomicString& value = m_fontElement->getAttribute(vert_origin_yAttr);
if (value.isEmpty())
return ascent();
return value.toFloat();
float SVGFontFaceElement::verticalAdvanceY() const
if (!m_fontElement)
return 0.0f;
// Spec: The default vertical advance after rendering a glyph in vertical orientation. If the attribute is
// not specified, the effect is as if a value equivalent of one em were specified (see units-per-em).
const AtomicString& value = m_fontElement->getAttribute(vert_adv_yAttr);
if (value.isEmpty())
return 1.0f;
return value.toFloat();
int SVGFontFaceElement::ascent() const
// Spec: Same syntax and semantics as the 'ascent' descriptor within an @font-face rule. The maximum
// unaccented height of the font within the font coordinate system. If the attribute is not specified,
// the effect is as if the attribute were set to the difference between the units-per-em value and the
// vert-origin-y value for the corresponding font.
const AtomicString& ascentValue = getAttribute(ascentAttr);
if (!ascentValue.isEmpty())
return static_cast<int>(ceilf(ascentValue.toFloat()));
if (m_fontElement) {
const AtomicString& vertOriginY = m_fontElement->getAttribute(vert_origin_yAttr);
if (!vertOriginY.isEmpty())
return static_cast<int>(unitsPerEm()) - static_cast<int>(ceilf(vertOriginY.toFloat()));
// Match Batiks default value
return static_cast<int>(ceilf(unitsPerEm() * 0.8f));
int SVGFontFaceElement::descent() const
// Spec: Same syntax and semantics as the 'descent' descriptor within an @font-face rule. The maximum
// unaccented depth of the font within the font coordinate system. If the attribute is not specified,
// the effect is as if the attribute were set to the vert-origin-y value for the corresponding font.
const AtomicString& descentValue = getAttribute(descentAttr);
if (!descentValue.isEmpty()) {
// 14 different W3C SVG 1.1 testcases use a negative descent value,
// where a positive was meant to be used Including:
// animate-elem-24-t.svg, fonts-elem-01-t.svg, fonts-elem-02-t.svg (and 11 others)
int descent = static_cast<int>(ceilf(descentValue.toFloat()));
return descent < 0 ? -descent : descent;
if (m_fontElement) {
const AtomicString& vertOriginY = m_fontElement->getAttribute(vert_origin_yAttr);
if (!vertOriginY.isEmpty())
return static_cast<int>(ceilf(vertOriginY.toFloat()));
// Match Batiks default value
return static_cast<int>(ceilf(unitsPerEm() * 0.2f));
String SVGFontFaceElement::fontFamily() const
return m_styleDeclaration->getPropertyValue(CSSPropertyFontFamily);
void SVGFontFaceElement::rebuildFontFace()
// we currently ignore all but the first src element, alternatively we could concat them
SVGFontFaceSrcElement* srcElement = 0;
SVGDefinitionSrcElement* definitionSrc = 0;
for (Node* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
if (child->hasTagName(font_face_srcTag) && !srcElement)
srcElement = static_cast<SVGFontFaceSrcElement*>(child);
else if (child->hasTagName(definition_srcTag) && !definitionSrc)
definitionSrc = static_cast<SVGDefinitionSrcElement*>(child);
#if 0
// @font-face (CSSFontFace) does not yet support definition-src, as soon as it does this code should do the trick!
if (definitionSrc)
m_styleDeclaration->setProperty(CSSPropertyDefinitionSrc, definitionSrc->getAttribute(XLinkNames::hrefAttr), false);
bool describesParentFont = parentNode()->hasTagName(fontTag);
RefPtr<CSSValueList> list;
if (describesParentFont) {
m_fontElement = static_cast<SVGFontElement*>(parentNode());
list = CSSValueList::createCommaSeparated();
} else {
m_fontElement = 0;
if (srcElement)
list = srcElement->srcValue();
if (!list)
// Parse in-memory CSS rules
CSSProperty srcProperty(CSSPropertySrc, list);
const CSSProperty* srcPropertyRef = &srcProperty;
m_styleDeclaration->addParsedProperties(&srcPropertyRef, 1);
if (describesParentFont) {
// Traverse parsed CSS values and associate CSSFontFaceSrcValue elements with ourselves.
RefPtr<CSSValue> src = m_styleDeclaration->getPropertyCSSValue(CSSPropertySrc);
CSSValueList* srcList = static_cast<CSSValueList*>(src.get());
unsigned srcLength = srcList ? srcList->length() : 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < srcLength; i++) {
if (CSSFontFaceSrcValue* item = static_cast<CSSFontFaceSrcValue*>(srcList->itemWithoutBoundsCheck(i)))
void SVGFontFaceElement::insertedIntoDocument()
void SVGFontFaceElement::removedFromDocument()
void SVGFontFaceElement::childrenChanged(bool changedByParser, Node* beforeChange, Node* afterChange, int childCountDelta)
SVGElement::childrenChanged(changedByParser, beforeChange, afterChange, childCountDelta);
if (inDocument())
void SVGFontFaceElement::removeFromMappedElementSheet()
CSSStyleSheet* mappedElementSheet = document()->mappedElementSheet();
if (!mappedElementSheet)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < mappedElementSheet->length(); ++i) {
if (mappedElementSheet->item(i) == m_fontFaceRule) {
} // namespace WebCore