blob: a504f7565c74dbf10ce477faca09a6133674b211 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "HTMLElement.h"
#include "Attribute.h"
#include "CSSPropertyNames.h"
#include "CSSValueKeywords.h"
#include "DocumentFragment.h"
#include "Event.h"
#include "EventListener.h"
#include "EventNames.h"
#include "ExceptionCode.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "HTMLBRElement.h"
#include "HTMLCollection.h"
#include "HTMLDocument.h"
#include "HTMLElementFactory.h"
#include "HTMLFormElement.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "HTMLParserIdioms.h"
#include "RenderWordBreak.h"
#include "ScriptEventListener.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "Text.h"
#include "TextIterator.h"
#include "markup.h"
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
#include <wtf/text/CString.h>
namespace WebCore {
using namespace HTMLNames;
using std::min;
using std::max;
PassRefPtr<HTMLElement> HTMLElement::create(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document* document)
return adoptRef(new HTMLElement(tagName, document));
String HTMLElement::nodeName() const
// FIXME: Would be nice to have an atomicstring lookup based off uppercase
// chars that does not have to copy the string on a hit in the hash.
// FIXME: We should have a way to detect XHTML elements and replace the hasPrefix() check with it.
if (document()->isHTMLDocument() && !tagQName().hasPrefix())
return tagQName().localNameUpper();
return Element::nodeName();
bool HTMLElement::ieForbidsInsertHTML() const
// FIXME: Supposedly IE disallows settting innerHTML, outerHTML
// and createContextualFragment on these tags. We have no tests to
// verify this however, so this list could be totally wrong.
// This list was moved from the previous endTagRequirement() implementation.
// This is also called from editing and assumed to be the list of tags
// for which no end tag should be serialized. It's unclear if the list for
// IE compat and the list for serialization sanity are the same.
if (hasLocalName(areaTag)
|| hasLocalName(baseTag)
|| hasLocalName(basefontTag)
|| hasLocalName(brTag)
|| hasLocalName(colTag)
|| hasLocalName(dcellTag)
|| hasLocalName(dcolTag)
|| hasLocalName(embedTag)
|| hasLocalName(frameTag)
|| hasLocalName(hrTag)
|| hasLocalName(imageTag)
|| hasLocalName(imgTag)
|| hasLocalName(inputTag)
|| hasLocalName(isindexTag)
|| hasLocalName(linkTag)
|| hasLocalName(metaTag)
|| hasLocalName(paramTag)
|| hasLocalName(sourceTag)
|| hasLocalName(wbrTag))
return true;
// FIXME: I'm not sure why dashboard mode would want to change the
// serialization of <canvas>, that seems like a bad idea.
if (hasLocalName(canvasTag)) {
Settings* settings = document()->settings();
if (settings && settings->usesDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode())
return true;
return false;
bool HTMLElement::mapToEntry(const QualifiedName& attrName, MappedAttributeEntry& result) const
if (attrName == alignAttr
|| attrName == contenteditableAttr
|| attrName == hiddenAttr) {
result = eUniversal;
return false;
if (attrName == dirAttr) {
result = hasLocalName(bdoTag) ? eBDO : eUniversal;
return false;
return StyledElement::mapToEntry(attrName, result);
void HTMLElement::parseMappedAttribute(Attribute* attr)
if (isIdAttributeName(attr->name()) || attr->name() == classAttr || attr->name() == styleAttr)
return StyledElement::parseMappedAttribute(attr);
String indexstring;
if (attr->name() == alignAttr) {
if (equalIgnoringCase(attr->value(), "middle"))
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyTextAlign, "center");
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyTextAlign, attr->value());
} else if (attr->name() == contenteditableAttr) {
} else if (attr->name() == hiddenAttr) {
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyDisplay, CSSValueNone);
} else if (attr->name() == tabindexAttr) {
indexstring = getAttribute(tabindexAttr);
int tabindex = 0;
if (parseHTMLInteger(indexstring, tabindex)) {
// Clamp tabindex to the range of 'short' to match Firefox's behavior.
setTabIndexExplicitly(max(static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<short>::min()), min(tabindex, static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<short>::max()))));
} else if (attr->name() == langAttr) {
// FIXME: Implement
} else if (attr->name() == dirAttr) {
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyDirection, attr->value());
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyUnicodeBidi, hasLocalName(bdoTag) ? CSSValueBidiOverride : CSSValueEmbed);
} else if (attr->name() == draggableAttr) {
const AtomicString& value = attr->value();
if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "true")) {
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyWebkitUserDrag, CSSValueElement);
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyWebkitUserSelect, CSSValueNone);
} else if (equalIgnoringCase(value, "false"))
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyWebkitUserDrag, CSSValueNone);
// standard events
else if (attr->name() == onclickAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().clickEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == oncontextmenuAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().contextmenuEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == ondblclickAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dblclickEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onmousedownAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mousedownEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onmousemoveAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mousemoveEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onmouseoutAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mouseoutEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onmouseoverAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mouseoverEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onmouseupAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mouseupEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onmousewheelAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().mousewheelEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onfocusAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().focusEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onfocusinAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().focusinEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onfocusoutAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().focusoutEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onblurAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().blurEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onkeydownAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().keydownEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onkeypressAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().keypressEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onkeyupAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().keyupEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onscrollAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().scrollEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onbeforecutAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforecutEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == oncutAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().cutEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onbeforecopyAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforecopyEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == oncopyAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().copyEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onbeforepasteAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforepasteEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onpasteAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().pasteEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == ondragenterAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragenterEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == ondragoverAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragoverEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == ondragleaveAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragleaveEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == ondropAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dropEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == ondragstartAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragstartEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == ondragAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == ondragendAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().dragendEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onselectstartAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().selectstartEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onsubmitAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().submitEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onerrorAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().errorEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onwebkitanimationstartAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().webkitAnimationStartEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onwebkitanimationiterationAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().webkitAnimationIterationEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onwebkitanimationendAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().webkitAnimationEndEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onwebkittransitionendAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().webkitTransitionEndEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == oninputAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().inputEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == oninvalidAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().invalidEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == ontouchstartAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().touchstartEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == ontouchmoveAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().touchmoveEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == ontouchendAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().touchendEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == ontouchcancelAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().touchcancelEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
} else if (attr->name() == onwebkitfullscreenchangeAttr) {
setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().webkitfullscreenchangeEvent, createAttributeEventListener(this, attr));
String HTMLElement::innerHTML() const
return createMarkup(this, ChildrenOnly);
String HTMLElement::outerHTML() const
return createMarkup(this);
// FIXME: This logic should move into Range::createContextualFragment
PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> HTMLElement::deprecatedCreateContextualFragment(const String& markup, FragmentScriptingPermission scriptingPermission)
// The following is in accordance with the definition as used by IE.
if (ieForbidsInsertHTML())
return 0;
if (hasLocalName(colTag) || hasLocalName(colgroupTag) || hasLocalName(framesetTag)
|| hasLocalName(headTag) || hasLocalName(styleTag) || hasLocalName(titleTag))
return 0;
return Element::deprecatedCreateContextualFragment(markup, scriptingPermission);
static inline bool hasOneChild(ContainerNode* node)
Node* firstChild = node->firstChild();
return firstChild && !firstChild->nextSibling();
static inline bool hasOneTextChild(ContainerNode* node)
return hasOneChild(node) && node->firstChild()->isTextNode();
static void replaceChildrenWithFragment(HTMLElement* element, PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment, ExceptionCode& ec)
if (!fragment->firstChild()) {
if (hasOneTextChild(element) && hasOneTextChild(fragment.get())) {
static_cast<Text*>(element->firstChild())->setData(static_cast<Text*>(fragment->firstChild())->data(), ec);
if (hasOneChild(element)) {
element->replaceChild(fragment, element->firstChild(), ec);
element->appendChild(fragment, ec);
static void replaceChildrenWithText(HTMLElement* element, const String& text, ExceptionCode& ec)
if (hasOneTextChild(element)) {
static_cast<Text*>(element->firstChild())->setData(text, ec);
RefPtr<Text> textNode = Text::create(element->document(), text);
if (hasOneChild(element)) {
element->replaceChild(textNode.release(), element->firstChild(), ec);
element->appendChild(textNode.release(), ec);
// We may want to move a version of this function into DocumentFragment.h/cpp
static PassRefPtr<DocumentFragment> createFragmentFromSource(const String& markup, Element* contextElement, ExceptionCode& ec)
Document* document = contextElement->document();
RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment;
fragment = DocumentFragment::create(document);
if (document->isHTMLDocument()) {
fragment->parseHTML(markup, contextElement);
return fragment;
bool wasValid = fragment->parseXML(markup, contextElement);
if (!wasValid) {
return 0;
return fragment;
void HTMLElement::setInnerHTML(const String& html, ExceptionCode& ec)
RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = createFragmentFromSource(html, this, ec);
if (fragment)
replaceChildrenWithFragment(this, fragment.release(), ec);
void HTMLElement::setOuterHTML(const String& html, ExceptionCode& ec)
Node* p = parentNode();
if (!p || !p->isHTMLElement()) {
HTMLElement* parent = static_cast<HTMLElement*>(p);
RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = createFragmentFromSource(html, parent, ec);
if (fragment) {
// FIXME: Why doesn't this have code to merge neighboring text nodes the way setOuterText does?
parent->replaceChild(fragment.release(), this, ec);
void HTMLElement::setInnerText(const String& text, ExceptionCode& ec)
if (ieForbidsInsertHTML()) {
if (hasLocalName(colTag) || hasLocalName(colgroupTag) || hasLocalName(framesetTag) ||
hasLocalName(headTag) || hasLocalName(htmlTag) || hasLocalName(tableTag) ||
hasLocalName(tbodyTag) || hasLocalName(tfootTag) || hasLocalName(theadTag) ||
hasLocalName(trTag)) {
// FIXME: This doesn't take whitespace collapsing into account at all.
if (!text.contains('\n') && !text.contains('\r')) {
if (text.isEmpty()) {
replaceChildrenWithText(this, text, ec);
// FIXME: Do we need to be able to detect preserveNewline style even when there's no renderer?
// FIXME: Can the renderer be out of date here? Do we need to call updateStyleIfNeeded?
// For example, for the contents of textarea elements that are display:none?
RenderObject* r = renderer();
if (r && r->style()->preserveNewline()) {
if (!text.contains('\r')) {
replaceChildrenWithText(this, text, ec);
String textWithConsistentLineBreaks = text;
textWithConsistentLineBreaks.replace("\r\n", "\n");
textWithConsistentLineBreaks.replace('\r', '\n');
replaceChildrenWithText(this, textWithConsistentLineBreaks, ec);
// Add text nodes and <br> elements.
ec = 0;
RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = DocumentFragment::create(document());
int lineStart = 0;
UChar prev = 0;
int length = text.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
UChar c = text[i];
if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') {
if (i > lineStart) {
fragment->appendChild(Text::create(document(), text.substring(lineStart, i - lineStart)), ec);
if (ec)
if (!(c == '\n' && i != 0 && prev == '\r')) {
fragment->appendChild(HTMLBRElement::create(document()), ec);
if (ec)
lineStart = i + 1;
prev = c;
if (length > lineStart)
fragment->appendChild(Text::create(document(), text.substring(lineStart, length - lineStart)), ec);
replaceChildrenWithFragment(this, fragment.release(), ec);
void HTMLElement::setOuterText(const String &text, ExceptionCode& ec)
if (ieForbidsInsertHTML()) {
if (hasLocalName(colTag) || hasLocalName(colgroupTag) || hasLocalName(framesetTag) ||
hasLocalName(headTag) || hasLocalName(htmlTag) || hasLocalName(tableTag) ||
hasLocalName(tbodyTag) || hasLocalName(tfootTag) || hasLocalName(theadTag) ||
hasLocalName(trTag)) {
ContainerNode* parent = parentNode();
if (!parent) {
// FIXME: This creates a new text node even when the text is empty.
// FIXME: This creates a single text node even when the text has CR and LF
// characters in it. Instead it should create <br> elements.
RefPtr<Text> t = Text::create(document(), text);
ec = 0;
parent->replaceChild(t, this, ec);
if (ec)
// Is previous node a text node? If so, merge into it.
Node* prev = t->previousSibling();
if (prev && prev->isTextNode()) {
Text* textPrev = static_cast<Text*>(prev);
textPrev->appendData(t->data(), ec);
if (ec)
if (ec)
t = textPrev;
// Is next node a text node? If so, merge it in.
Node* next = t->nextSibling();
if (next && next->isTextNode()) {
Text* textNext = static_cast<Text*>(next);
t->appendData(textNext->data(), ec);
if (ec)
if (ec)
Node* HTMLElement::insertAdjacent(const String& where, Node* newChild, ExceptionCode& ec)
// In Internet Explorer if the element has no parent and where is "beforeBegin" or "afterEnd",
// a document fragment is created and the elements appended in the correct order. This document
// fragment isn't returned anywhere.
// This is impossible for us to implement as the DOM tree does not allow for such structures,
// Opera also appears to disallow such usage.
if (equalIgnoringCase(where, "beforeBegin")) {
ContainerNode* parent = this->parentNode();
return (parent && parent->insertBefore(newChild, this, ec)) ? newChild : 0;
if (equalIgnoringCase(where, "afterBegin"))
return insertBefore(newChild, firstChild(), ec) ? newChild : 0;
if (equalIgnoringCase(where, "beforeEnd"))
return appendChild(newChild, ec) ? newChild : 0;
if (equalIgnoringCase(where, "afterEnd")) {
ContainerNode* parent = this->parentNode();
return (parent && parent->insertBefore(newChild, nextSibling(), ec)) ? newChild : 0;
// IE throws COM Exception E_INVALIDARG; this is the best DOM exception alternative.
return 0;
Element* HTMLElement::insertAdjacentElement(const String& where, Element* newChild, ExceptionCode& ec)
if (!newChild) {
// IE throws COM Exception E_INVALIDARG; this is the best DOM exception alternative.
return 0;
Node* returnValue = insertAdjacent(where, newChild, ec);
ASSERT(!returnValue || returnValue->isElementNode());
return static_cast<Element*>(returnValue);
// Step 3 of
static Element* contextElementForInsertion(const String& where, Element* element, ExceptionCode& ec)
if (equalIgnoringCase(where, "beforeBegin") || equalIgnoringCase(where, "afterEnd")) {
ContainerNode* parent = element->parentNode();
if (parent && parent->isDocumentNode()) {
return 0;
ASSERT(!parent || parent->isElementNode());
return static_cast<Element*>(parent);
if (equalIgnoringCase(where, "afterBegin") || equalIgnoringCase(where, "beforeEnd"))
return element;
return 0;
void HTMLElement::insertAdjacentHTML(const String& where, const String& markup, ExceptionCode& ec)
RefPtr<DocumentFragment> fragment = document()->createDocumentFragment();
Element* contextElement = contextElementForInsertion(where, this, ec);
if (!contextElement)
if (document()->isHTMLDocument())
fragment->parseHTML(markup, contextElement);
else {
if (!fragment->parseXML(markup, contextElement))
// FIXME: We should propagate a syntax error exception out here.
insertAdjacent(where, fragment.get(), ec);
void HTMLElement::insertAdjacentText(const String& where, const String& text, ExceptionCode& ec)
RefPtr<Text> textNode = document()->createTextNode(text);
insertAdjacent(where, textNode.get(), ec);
void HTMLElement::addHTMLAlignment(Attribute* attr)
addHTMLAlignmentToStyledElement(this, attr);
void HTMLElement::addHTMLAlignmentToStyledElement(StyledElement* element, Attribute* attr)
// Vertical alignment with respect to the current baseline of the text
// right or left means floating images.
int floatValue = CSSValueInvalid;
int verticalAlignValue = CSSValueInvalid;
const AtomicString& alignment = attr->value();
if (equalIgnoringCase(alignment, "absmiddle"))
verticalAlignValue = CSSValueMiddle;
else if (equalIgnoringCase(alignment, "absbottom"))
verticalAlignValue = CSSValueBottom;
else if (equalIgnoringCase(alignment, "left")) {
floatValue = CSSValueLeft;
verticalAlignValue = CSSValueTop;
} else if (equalIgnoringCase(alignment, "right")) {
floatValue = CSSValueRight;
verticalAlignValue = CSSValueTop;
} else if (equalIgnoringCase(alignment, "top"))
verticalAlignValue = CSSValueTop;
else if (equalIgnoringCase(alignment, "middle"))
verticalAlignValue = CSSValueWebkitBaselineMiddle;
else if (equalIgnoringCase(alignment, "center"))
verticalAlignValue = CSSValueMiddle;
else if (equalIgnoringCase(alignment, "bottom"))
verticalAlignValue = CSSValueBaseline;
else if (equalIgnoringCase(alignment, "texttop"))
verticalAlignValue = CSSValueTextTop;
if (floatValue != CSSValueInvalid)
element->addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyFloat, floatValue);
if (verticalAlignValue != CSSValueInvalid)
element->addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyVerticalAlign, verticalAlignValue);
bool HTMLElement::supportsFocus() const
return Element::supportsFocus() || (isContentEditable() && parentNode() && !parentNode()->isContentEditable());
bool HTMLElement::isContentEditable() const
if (document()->frame() && document()->frame()->isContentEditable())
return true;
// Ideally we'd call ASSERT!needsStyleRecalc()) here, but
// ContainerNode::setFocus() calls setNeedsStyleRecalc(), so the assertion
// would fire in the middle of Document::setFocusedNode().
if (!renderer()) {
if (parentNode())
return parentNode()->isContentEditable();
return false;
return renderer()->style()->userModify() == READ_WRITE || renderer()->style()->userModify() == READ_WRITE_PLAINTEXT_ONLY;
bool HTMLElement::isContentRichlyEditable() const
if (document()->frame() && document()->frame()->isContentEditable())
return true;
if (!renderer()) {
if (parentNode())
return parentNode()->isContentEditable();
return false;
return renderer()->style()->userModify() == READ_WRITE;
String HTMLElement::contentEditable() const
if (!renderer())
return "false";
switch (renderer()->style()->userModify()) {
return "true";
return "false";
return "plaintext-only";
return "inherit";
void HTMLElement::setContentEditable(Attribute* attr)
const AtomicString& enabled = attr->value();
if (enabled.isEmpty() || equalIgnoringCase(enabled, "true")) {
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyWebkitUserModify, CSSValueReadWrite);
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyWordWrap, CSSValueBreakWord);
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyWebkitNbspMode, CSSValueSpace);
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyWebkitLineBreak, CSSValueAfterWhiteSpace);
} else if (equalIgnoringCase(enabled, "false")) {
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyWebkitUserModify, CSSValueReadOnly);
attr->decl()->removeProperty(CSSPropertyWordWrap, false);
attr->decl()->removeProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitNbspMode, false);
attr->decl()->removeProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitLineBreak, false);
} else if (equalIgnoringCase(enabled, "inherit")) {
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyWebkitUserModify, CSSValueInherit);
attr->decl()->removeProperty(CSSPropertyWordWrap, false);
attr->decl()->removeProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitNbspMode, false);
attr->decl()->removeProperty(CSSPropertyWebkitLineBreak, false);
} else if (equalIgnoringCase(enabled, "plaintext-only")) {
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyWebkitUserModify, CSSValueReadWritePlaintextOnly);
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyWordWrap, CSSValueBreakWord);
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyWebkitNbspMode, CSSValueSpace);
addCSSProperty(attr, CSSPropertyWebkitLineBreak, CSSValueAfterWhiteSpace);
void HTMLElement::setContentEditable(const String &enabled)
if (enabled == "inherit") {
ExceptionCode ec;
removeAttribute(contenteditableAttr, ec);
setAttribute(contenteditableAttr, enabled.isEmpty() ? "true" : enabled);
bool HTMLElement::draggable() const
return equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(draggableAttr), "true");
void HTMLElement::setDraggable(bool value)
setAttribute(draggableAttr, value ? "true" : "false");
bool HTMLElement::spellcheck() const
return isSpellCheckingEnabled();
void HTMLElement::setSpellcheck(bool enable)
setAttribute(spellcheckAttr, enable ? "true" : "false");
void HTMLElement::click()
dispatchSimulatedClick(0, false, false);
// accessKeyAction is used by the accessibility support code
// to send events to elements that our JavaScript caller does
// does not. The elements JS is interested in have subclasses
// that override this method to direct the click appropriately.
// Here in the base class, then, we only send the click if
// the caller wants it to go to any HTMLElement, and we say
// to send the mouse events in addition to the click.
void HTMLElement::accessKeyAction(bool sendToAnyElement)
if (sendToAnyElement)
dispatchSimulatedClick(0, true);
String HTMLElement::title() const
return getAttribute(titleAttr);
short HTMLElement::tabIndex() const
if (supportsFocus())
return Element::tabIndex();
return -1;
void HTMLElement::setTabIndex(int value)
setAttribute(tabindexAttr, String::number(value));
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollection> HTMLElement::children()
return HTMLCollection::create(this, NodeChildren);
bool HTMLElement::rendererIsNeeded(RenderStyle *style)
if (hasLocalName(noscriptTag)) {
Frame* frame = document()->frame();
if (!document()->shouldProcessNoscriptElement())
return false;
if (frame && frame->script()->canExecuteScripts(NotAboutToExecuteScript))
return false;
} else if (hasLocalName(noembedTag)) {
Frame* frame = document()->frame();
if (frame && frame->loader()->subframeLoader()->allowPlugins(NotAboutToInstantiatePlugin))
return false;
return StyledElement::rendererIsNeeded(style);
RenderObject* HTMLElement::createRenderer(RenderArena* arena, RenderStyle* style)
if (hasLocalName(wbrTag))
return new (arena) RenderWordBreak(this);
return RenderObject::createObject(this, style);
HTMLFormElement* HTMLElement::findFormAncestor() const
for (ContainerNode* ancestor = parentNode(); ancestor; ancestor = ancestor->parentNode()) {
if (ancestor->hasTagName(formTag))
return static_cast<HTMLFormElement*>(ancestor);
return 0;
HTMLFormElement* HTMLElement::virtualForm() const
return findFormAncestor();
} // namespace WebCore
#ifndef NDEBUG
// For use in the debugger
void dumpInnerHTML(WebCore::HTMLElement*);
void dumpInnerHTML(WebCore::HTMLElement* element)
printf("%s\n", element->innerHTML().ascii().data());