blob: 92c7e7a96d7fba191c0d80157e86ea89120dee83 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- GNUArchiveReader.h -------------------------------------------------===//
// The MCLinker Project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <gtest.h>
#include "mcld/LD/ArchiveReader.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace llvm
class MemoryBuffer;
namespace mcld
class MemoryArea;
class MCLDInfo;
class Input;
class InputTree;
/** \class GNUArchiveReader
* \brief GNUArchiveReader reads GNU archive files.
class GNUArchiveReader : public ArchiveReader
struct SymbolTableEntry;
enum Constant
/// The length of the magic strign at the end of an archive member header.
HeaderFinalMagicSize = 2,
/// The length of the magic string at the start of an archive.
ArchiveMagicSize = 8
/// The magic string at the start of an archive.
static const char ArchiveMagic[ArchiveMagicSize];
static const char ThinArchiveMagic[ArchiveMagicSize];
/// The Magic string expected at the end of an archive member header.
static const char HeaderFinalMagic[HeaderFinalMagicSize];
explicit GNUArchiveReader(MCLDInfo &pLDInfo)
: m_pLDInfo(pLDInfo)
{ }
{ }
/// Read an archive and extract each member in.
/// Construct the coresponding Input for each member.
InputTree *readArchive(Input &input);
bool isMyFormat(Input &input) const;
LDReader::Endian endian(Input& pFile) const;
/// set up the archive, including
/// first, read symbol table
/// second, read extended file name which is used in thin archive
InputTree *setupNewArchive(Input &pInput, size_t off);
/// read the archive header, and return the member size
size_t readMemberHeader(MemoryArea &pArea,
off_t off,
std::string *p_Name,
off_t *nestedOff,
std::string &p_ExtendedName);
void readSymbolTable(MemoryArea &pArea,
std::vector<SymbolTableEntry> &pSymbolTable,
off_t start,
size_t size);
MCLDInfo &m_pLDInfo;
} // namespace of mcld