blob: 7e789c6e91d6b488a089dc83e3995e4795e903d1 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.database.Cursor;
public interface PhotoViewCallbacks {
* Listener to be invoked for screen events.
public static interface OnScreenListener {
* The full screen state has changed.
public void onFullScreenChanged(boolean fullScreen);
* A new view has been activated and the previous view de-activated.
public void onViewActivated();
* Called when a right-to-left touch move intercept is about to occur.
* @param origX the raw x coordinate of the initial touch
* @param origY the raw y coordinate of the initial touch
* @return {@code true} if the touch should be intercepted.
public boolean onInterceptMoveLeft(float origX, float origY);
* Called when a left-to-right touch move intercept is about to occur.
* @param origX the raw x coordinate of the initial touch
* @param origY the raw y coordinate of the initial touch
* @return {@code true} if the touch should be intercepted.
public boolean onInterceptMoveRight(float origX, float origY);
public static interface CursorChangedListener {
* Called when the cursor that contains the photo list data
* is updated. Note that there is no guarantee that the cursor
* will be at the proper position.
* @param cursor the cursor containing the photo list data
public void onCursorChanged(Cursor cursor);
public void addScreenListener(OnScreenListener listener);
public void removeScreenListener(OnScreenListener listener);
public void addCursorListener(CursorChangedListener listener);
public void removeCursorListener(CursorChangedListener listener);
public void setViewActivated();
public void onNewPhotoLoaded();
public void toggleFullScreen();
public boolean isFragmentActive(Fragment fragment);
public void onFragmentVisible(PhotoViewFragment fragment);
public boolean isFragmentFullScreen(Fragment fragment);
public void onCursorChanged(PhotoViewFragment fragment, Cursor cursor);