blob: 4f707c0c6920a85faee042ac05e469bc4319a248 [file] [log] [blame]
* Broadcom device-specific manifest constants.
* Copyright (C) 1999-2011, Broadcom Corporation
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* Notwithstanding the above, under no circumstances may you combine this
* software in any way with any other Broadcom software provided under a license
* other than the GPL, without Broadcom's express prior written consent.
* $Id: bcmdevs.h,v 2011-02-04 05:03:16 Exp $
#ifndef _BCMDEVS_H
#define _BCMDEVS_H
#define VENDOR_EPIGRAM 0xfeda
#define VENDOR_BROADCOM 0x14e4
#define VENDOR_SI_IMAGE 0x1095
#define VENDOR_TI 0x104c
#define VENDOR_RICOH 0x1180
#define VENDOR_JMICRON 0x197b
#define BCM_DNGL_VID 0x0a5c
#define BCM_DNGL_BL_PID_4328 0xbd12
#define BCM_DNGL_BL_PID_4322 0xbd13
#define BCM_DNGL_BL_PID_4319 0xbd16
#define BCM_DNGL_BL_PID_43236 0xbd17
#define BCM_DNGL_BL_PID_4332 0xbd18
#define BCM_DNGL_BL_PID_4330 0xbd19
#define BCM_DNGL_BL_PID_43239 0xbd1b
#define BCM_DNGL_BDC_PID 0x0bdc
#define BCM_DNGL_JTAG_PID 0x4a44
#define BCM4325_D11DUAL_ID 0x431b
#define BCM4325_D11G_ID 0x431c
#define BCM4325_D11A_ID 0x431d
#define BCM4321_D11N_ID 0x4328
#define BCM4321_D11N2G_ID 0x4329
#define BCM4321_D11N5G_ID 0x432a
#define BCM4322_D11N_ID 0x432b
#define BCM4322_D11N2G_ID 0x432c
#define BCM4322_D11N5G_ID 0x432d
#define BCM4329_D11N_ID 0x432e
#define BCM4329_D11N2G_ID 0x432f
#define BCM4329_D11N5G_ID 0x4330
#define BCM4315_D11DUAL_ID 0x4334
#define BCM4315_D11G_ID 0x4335
#define BCM4315_D11A_ID 0x4336
#define BCM4319_D11N_ID 0x4337
#define BCM4319_D11N2G_ID 0x4338
#define BCM4319_D11N5G_ID 0x4339
#define BCM43231_D11N2G_ID 0x4340
#define BCM43221_D11N2G_ID 0x4341
#define BCM43222_D11N_ID 0x4350
#define BCM43222_D11N2G_ID 0x4351
#define BCM43222_D11N5G_ID 0x4352
#define BCM43224_D11N_ID 0x4353
#define BCM43224_D11N_ID_VEN1 0x0576
#define BCM43226_D11N_ID 0x4354
#define BCM43236_D11N_ID 0x4346
#define BCM43236_D11N2G_ID 0x4347
#define BCM43236_D11N5G_ID 0x4348
#define BCM43225_D11N2G_ID 0x4357
#define BCM43421_D11N_ID 0xA99D
#define BCM4313_D11N2G_ID 0x4727
#define BCM4330_D11N_ID 0x4360
#define BCM4330_D11N2G_ID 0x4361
#define BCM4330_D11N5G_ID 0x4362
#define BCM4336_D11N_ID 0x4343
#define BCM6362_D11N_ID 0x435f
#define BCM4331_D11N_ID 0x4331
#define BCM4331_D11N2G_ID 0x4332
#define BCM4331_D11N5G_ID 0x4333
#define BCM43237_D11N_ID 0x4355
#define BCM43237_D11N5G_ID 0x4356
#define BCM43227_D11N2G_ID 0x4358
#define BCM43228_D11N_ID 0x4359
#define BCM43228_D11N5G_ID 0x435a
#define BCM43362_D11N_ID 0x4363
#define BCM43239_D11N_ID 0x4370
#define SDIOH_FPGA_ID 0x43f2
#define SPIH_FPGA_ID 0x43f5
#define BCM4710_DEVICE_ID 0x4710
#define BCM27XX_SDIOH_ID 0x2702
#define PCIXX21_FLASHMEDIA0_ID 0x8033
#define PCIXX21_SDIOH0_ID 0x8034
#define PCIXX21_FLASHMEDIA_ID 0x803b
#define PCIXX21_SDIOH_ID 0x803c
#define R5C822_SDIOH_ID 0x0822
#define JMICRON_SDIOH_ID 0x2381
#define BCM4306_CHIP_ID 0x4306
#define BCM4311_CHIP_ID 0x4311
#define BCM43111_CHIP_ID 43111
#define BCM43112_CHIP_ID 43112
#define BCM4312_CHIP_ID 0x4312
#define BCM4313_CHIP_ID 0x4313
#define BCM4315_CHIP_ID 0x4315
#define BCM4318_CHIP_ID 0x4318
#define BCM4319_CHIP_ID 0x4319
#define BCM4320_CHIP_ID 0x4320
#define BCM4321_CHIP_ID 0x4321
#define BCM4322_CHIP_ID 0x4322
#define BCM43221_CHIP_ID 43221
#define BCM43222_CHIP_ID 43222
#define BCM43224_CHIP_ID 43224
#define BCM43225_CHIP_ID 43225
#define BCM43227_CHIP_ID 43227
#define BCM43228_CHIP_ID 43228
#define BCM43226_CHIP_ID 43226
#define BCM43231_CHIP_ID 43231
#define BCM43234_CHIP_ID 43234
#define BCM43235_CHIP_ID 43235
#define BCM43236_CHIP_ID 43236
#define BCM43237_CHIP_ID 43237
#define BCM43238_CHIP_ID 43238
#define BCM43239_CHIP_ID 43239
#define BCM43420_CHIP_ID 43420
#define BCM43421_CHIP_ID 43421
#define BCM43428_CHIP_ID 43428
#define BCM43431_CHIP_ID 43431
#define BCM4325_CHIP_ID 0x4325
#define BCM4328_CHIP_ID 0x4328
#define BCM4329_CHIP_ID 0x4329
#define BCM4331_CHIP_ID 0x4331
#define BCM4336_CHIP_ID 0x4336
#define BCM43362_CHIP_ID 43362
#define BCM4330_CHIP_ID 0x4330
#define BCM4402_CHIP_ID 0x4402
#define BCM4704_CHIP_ID 0x4704
#define BCM4710_CHIP_ID 0x4710
#define BCM4712_CHIP_ID 0x4712
#define BCM4785_CHIP_ID 0x4785
#define BCM5350_CHIP_ID 0x5350
#define BCM5352_CHIP_ID 0x5352
#define BCM5354_CHIP_ID 0x5354
#define BCM5365_CHIP_ID 0x5365
#define BCM4303_PKG_ID 2
#define BCM4309_PKG_ID 1
#define BCM4712LARGE_PKG_ID 0
#define BCM4712SMALL_PKG_ID 1
#define BCM4712MID_PKG_ID 2
#define BCM4328USBD11G_PKG_ID 2
#define BCM4328USBDUAL_PKG_ID 3
#define BCM4328SDIOD11G_PKG_ID 4
#define BCM4328SDIODUAL_PKG_ID 5
#define BCM4329_289PIN_PKG_ID 0
#define BCM4329_182PIN_PKG_ID 1
#define BCM5354E_PKG_ID 1
#define HDLSIM5350_PKG_ID 1
#define HDLSIM_PKG_ID 14
#define HWSIM_PKG_ID 15