blob: 0b7bef6250623c611d6ea5f63c3a2e3f0084489a [file] [log] [blame]
The protoc is now part of the Android build but its
called "aprotoc" so it doesn't conflict with versions
already installed. If you wish to install it permanetly
see external/protobuf/INSTALL.txt and
external/protobuf/python/README.txt. If you get
"from google.protobuf import xxxx" statements that
google.protobuf is not found, you didn't install the
python support for protobuf. Also on Mac OSX I got an
error running the protoc tests but installing was fine.
See "Testing a new ril:" below for general instructions but
for the mock-ril I've added some targets to the Makefile to
ease testing. Also Makefile needs to know the device being
used as this determines the directory where files are found
and stored. ANDROID_DEVICE is an environment variable and
maybe either exported:
$ export ANDROID_DEVICE=stingray
or it can be passed on the command line:
$ make clean ANDROID_DEVICE=stingray
If it's not set "passion" is the default.
Execute the "first" target first to setup appropriate
$ cd hardware/ril/mock-ril
$ make first
If changes made to ".proto" files run make with the default
"all" target:
$ make
If changes are made to "c++" file create a new library and
run the "test" target:
$ mm
$ make test
If changes to only the execute "js" target:
$ make js
To run the test control server:
$ make tcs
The mock-ril is a library where the ril is implemented primarily
in javascript, mock-ril.js. In addition it can be controlled by
sending messages from another computer to port 54312 (TODO make
programmable) to the ctrlServer, a Worker in In mock-ril.js.
See mock_ril.js for additional documentation.
ctrl.proto Protobuf messages for the control server
ctrl.* Protobuf generated files. Python files generated from ctrl.proto
ctrl_server.* Cpp interface routines between ctrlServer
in javascript and the controller.
experiments.* Early experiments
js_support.* Java script support methods. Exposes various
routines to javascript, such as print, readFile
and include.
logging.h LOG_TAG and include utils/log.h
mock_ril.[cpp|h] Main module inteface code.
mock_ril.js The mock ril
node_buffer.* A Buffer for communicating between c++ and js.
This was ported from
node_object.* An object wrapper to make it easier to expose
c++ code to js. Ported from
node_util.* Some utilities ported from
protobuf_v8.* Protobuf code for javascript ported from
requests.* Interface code for handling framework requests.
responses* Interface code for handling framework responses.
ril.proto The protobuf version of ril.h
ril_vars.js Some additional variables defined for enums in
ril.h. Python files generated from ril.proto.
status.h STATUS constants. Test the ctrlServer.
util.* Utility routines
worker.* Define WorkerThread and WorkerQueue.
worker_v8.* Expose WorkerQueue to js.
TODO: more documentation.
Testing a new ril:
The Makefile is used to generate files and make testing easier.
and there are has several targets:
all runs protoc and generates files, ril.desc ril.pb.*
clean target removes generated files.
first changes to root, remounts r/w and copies some files.
test copies the latest and kills rild
to run the new mockril
General instructions for testing ril's:
1) On the device login in as root and remount file system so it's read/write:
$ adb root
restarting adbd as root
$ adb remount
remount succeeded
2) Set rild.libpath to the name of the ril:
adb shell setprop rild.libpath /system/lib/
Using setprop makes the change temporary and the old ril will be
used after rebooting. (Another option is to set rild.libpath in
/data/local.prop, but don't forget to reboot for it to take effect).
3) Compile and copy the ril to /system/lib/:
adb push out/target/product/passion/system/lib/ /system/lib/
4) To restart the ril, kill the currently running ril and the new one
will automatically be restarted. You can use the ps command to find
/system/bin/rild PID, 3212 below and kill it:
$ adb shell ps | grep rild
radio 3212 1 3224 628 ffffffff afd0e4fc S /system/bin/rild
$ adb shell kill 3212
$ adb shell setprop ctl.restart ril-daemon
5) Make modifications, go to step 3.