ump: initial commit

This is the userland component of the Unified Memory Provider (UMP)

Signed-off-by: Angus Ainslie <>
Signed-off-by: Zach Pfeffer <>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..951d930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ifeq ($(TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM),origen)
+LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+UMP_SRCS := \
+	arch_011_udd/ump_frontend.c \
+	arch_011_udd/ump_ref_drv.c \
+	arch_011_udd/ump_arch.c \
+	os/linux/ump_uku.c \
+	os/linux/ump_osu_memory.c \
+	os/linux/ump_osu_locks.c
+# Shared and static library for target
+# ========================================================
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+	hardware/samsung/origen/ump/include \
+	hardware/samsung/origen/ump/include/ump
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b936fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+UMP_DIR ?= .
+UMP_LIB ?= libUMP
+UDD_OS ?= android
+#CROSS_COMPILE ?= arm-none-linux-gnueabi-
+CFLAGS += -I$(UMP_DIR)/include -I$(UMP_DIR)/include/ump -Wall -march=armv6 -mthumb-interwork -fno-strict-aliasing -Wno-strict-aliasing -Wno-long-long -O3
+include ump.mak
+%.o: %.c
+	$(TARGET_CC) -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS)
+UMP_OBJS := $(UMP_SRCS:.c=.o)
+	arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -shared -o $@ $(UMP_OBJS) $(CFLAGS)
+libUMP.a: $(UMP_OBJS)
+	$(TARGET_AR) rcs $@ $(UMP_OBJS)
+	-rm -f $(UMP_OBJS) libUMP.a
diff --git a/arch_011_udd/ump_arch.c b/arch_011_udd/ump_arch.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79c3c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch_011_udd/ump_arch.c
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file ump_arch.c
+ *
+ * UMP arch layer for UMP-UDD
+ */
+#include <ump/ump.h>
+#include "ump_arch.h"
+#include <ump/ump_debug.h>
+#include <ump/ump_uk_types.h>
+#include "../os/ump_uku.h"
+/** Pointer to an OS-Specific context that we should pass in _uku_ calls */
+void *ump_uk_ctx = NULL;
+/** Reference counting of ump_arch_open() and ump_arch_close(). */
+volatile static int ump_ref_count = 0;
+/** Lock for critical section in open/close */
+_ump_osu_lock_t * ump_lock = NULL;
+ump_result ump_arch_open(void)
+	ump_result retval = UMP_OK;
+	_ump_osu_lock_auto_init( &ump_lock, 0, 0, 0 );
+	/* Check that the lock was initialized */
+	if (NULL == ump_lock)
+	{
+		UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("UMP: ump_arch_open() failed to init lock\n"));
+		return UMP_ERROR;
+	}
+	/* Attempt to obtain a lock */
+	if( _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK !=  _ump_osu_lock_wait( ump_lock, _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW ) )
+	{
+		UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("UMP: ump_arch_open() failed to acquire lock\n"));
+		return UMP_ERROR;
+	}
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 <= ump_ref_count, ("UMP: Reference count invalid at _ump_base_arch_open()"));
+	ump_ref_count++;
+	if (1 == ump_ref_count)
+	{
+		/* We are the first, open the UMP device driver */
+		if (_UMP_OSU_ERR_OK != _ump_uku_open( &ump_uk_ctx ))
+		{
+			UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("UMP: ump_arch_open() failed to open UMP device driver\n"));
+			retval = UMP_ERROR;
+			ump_ref_count--;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Signal the lock so someone else can use it */
+	 _ump_osu_lock_signal( ump_lock, _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW );
+	return retval;
+void ump_arch_close(void)
+	_ump_osu_lock_auto_init( &ump_lock, 0, 0, 0 );
+	/* Check that the lock was initialized */
+	if(NULL == ump_lock)
+	{
+		UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("UMP: ump_arch_close() failed to init lock\n"));
+		return;
+	}
+	/* Attempt to obtain a lock */
+	if( _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK !=  _ump_osu_lock_wait( ump_lock, _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW ) )
+	{
+		UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("UMP: ump_arch_close() failed to acquire lock\n"));
+		return;
+	}
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < ump_ref_count, ("UMP: ump_arch_close() called while no references exist"));
+	if (ump_ref_count > 0)
+	{
+		ump_ref_count--;
+		if (0 == ump_ref_count)
+		{
+			_ump_osu_errcode_t retval = _ump_uku_close(&ump_uk_ctx);
+			UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(retval == _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK, ("UMP: Failed to close UMP interface"));
+			UMP_IGNORE(retval);
+			ump_uk_ctx = NULL;
+			_ump_osu_lock_signal( ump_lock, _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW );
+			_ump_osu_lock_term( ump_lock ); /* Not 100% thread safe, since another thread can already be waiting for this lock in ump_arch_open() */
+			ump_lock = NULL;
+			return;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Signal the lock so someone else can use it */
+	 _ump_osu_lock_signal( ump_lock, _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW );
+ump_secure_id ump_arch_allocate(unsigned long * size, ump_alloc_constraints constraints)
+	_ump_uk_allocate_s call_arg;
+	if ( NULL == size )
+	{
+	}
+	call_arg.ctx = ump_uk_ctx;
+	call_arg.secure_id = UMP_INVALID_SECURE_ID;
+	call_arg.size = *size;
+	/** Run-time ASSERTing that _ump_uk_api_version_s and ump_alloc_constraints are
+	 * interchangable */
+	switch (constraints)
+	{
+		UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( UMP_REF_DRV_UK_CONSTRAINT_NONE == constraints, ("ump_uk_alloc_constraints out of sync with ump_alloc_constraints") );
+		break;
+		UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( UMP_REF_DRV_UK_CONSTRAINT_PHYSICALLY_LINEAR == constraints, ("ump_uk_alloc_constraints out of sync with ump_alloc_constraints") );
+		break;
+	default:
+		UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( 1, ("ump_uk_alloc_constraints out of sync with ump_alloc_constraints: %d unrecognized", constraints) );
+		break;
+	}
+	call_arg.constraints = (ump_uk_alloc_constraints)constraints;
+	if ( _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK != _ump_uku_allocate(&call_arg) )
+	{
+	}
+	*size = call_arg.size;
+	UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("UMP: Allocated ID %u, size %ul", call_arg.secure_id, call_arg.size));
+	return call_arg.secure_id;
+unsigned long ump_arch_size_get(ump_secure_id secure_id)
+	_ump_uk_size_get_s dd_size_call_arg;
+	dd_size_call_arg.ctx = ump_uk_ctx;
+	dd_size_call_arg.secure_id = secure_id;
+	dd_size_call_arg.size = 0;
+	if (_UMP_OSU_ERR_OK == _ump_uku_size_get( &dd_size_call_arg ) )
+	{
+		return dd_size_call_arg.size;
+	}
+	return 0;
+void ump_arch_reference_release(ump_secure_id secure_id)
+	_ump_uk_release_s dd_release_call_arg;
+	_ump_osu_errcode_t retval;
+	dd_release_call_arg.ctx = ump_uk_ctx;
+	dd_release_call_arg.secure_id = secure_id;
+	UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("UMP: Releasing ID %u", secure_id));
+	retval = _ump_uku_release( &dd_release_call_arg );
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(retval == _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK, ("UMP: Failed to release reference to UMP memory"));
+	UMP_IGNORE(retval);
+void* ump_arch_map(ump_secure_id secure_id, unsigned long size, ump_cache_enabled cache, unsigned long *cookie_out)
+	_ump_uk_map_mem_s dd_map_call_arg;
+	dd_map_call_arg.ctx = ump_uk_ctx;
+	dd_map_call_arg.secure_id = secure_id;
+	dd_map_call_arg.size = size;
+	dd_map_call_arg.is_cached = (u32) (UMP_CACHE_ENABLE==cache);
+	if ( -1 == _ump_uku_map_mem( &dd_map_call_arg ) )
+	{
+		UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("UMP: Mapping failed for ID %u", secure_id));
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Mapped %u at 0x%08lx", secure_id, (unsigned long)dd_map_call_arg.mapping));
+	*cookie_out = dd_map_call_arg.cookie;
+	return dd_map_call_arg.mapping;
+void ump_arch_unmap(void* mapping, unsigned long size, unsigned long cookie)
+	_ump_uk_unmap_mem_s dd_unmap_call_arg;
+	dd_unmap_call_arg.ctx = ump_uk_ctx;
+	dd_unmap_call_arg.mapping = mapping;
+	dd_unmap_call_arg.size = size;
+	dd_unmap_call_arg.cookie = cookie;
+	UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Unmapping 0x%08lx", (unsigned long)mapping));
+	_ump_uku_unmap_mem( &dd_unmap_call_arg );
+/** Memory synchronization - cache flushing of mapped memory */
+int ump_arch_msync(ump_secure_id secure_id, void* mapping, unsigned long cookie, void * address, unsigned long size,  ump_cpu_msync_op op)
+	_ump_uk_msync_s dd_msync_call_arg;
+	dd_msync_call_arg.ctx = ump_uk_ctx;
+	dd_msync_call_arg.mapping = mapping;
+	dd_msync_call_arg.address = address;
+	dd_msync_call_arg.size = size;
+	dd_msync_call_arg.op = (ump_uk_msync_op)op;
+	dd_msync_call_arg.cookie = cookie;
+	dd_msync_call_arg.secure_id = secure_id;
+	dd_msync_call_arg.is_cached = 0;
+	UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Msync 0x%08lx", (unsigned long)mapping));
+	_ump_uku_msynch( &dd_msync_call_arg );
+	if ( 0==dd_msync_call_arg.is_cached )
+	{
+		UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Trying to flush uncached UMP mem ID: %d", secure_id));
+	}
+	return dd_msync_call_arg.is_cached;
diff --git a/arch_011_udd/ump_arch.h b/arch_011_udd/ump_arch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..064d7c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch_011_udd/ump_arch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file ump_arch.h
+ *
+ * Header file for the arch dependent backend, which will do the communication with the UMP device driver.
+ */
+#include <ump/ump.h>
+#include <ump/ump_ref_drv.h>
+#include "ump_internal.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/** Open UMP interface. */
+ump_result ump_arch_open(void);
+/** Close UMP interface. */
+void ump_arch_close(void);
+/** Allocate UMP memory. */
+ump_secure_id ump_arch_allocate(unsigned long * size, ump_alloc_constraints constraints);
+/** Query size of specified UMP memory, in bytes. */
+unsigned long ump_arch_size_get(ump_secure_id secure_id);
+/** Release a reference from specified UMP memory. */
+void ump_arch_reference_release(ump_secure_id secure_id);
+/** Map specified UMP memory into CPU address space */
+void* ump_arch_map(ump_secure_id secure_id, unsigned long size, ump_cache_enabled cache, unsigned long *cookie_out);
+/** Unmap specified UMP memory from CPU adderss space */
+void ump_arch_unmap(void* mapping, unsigned long size, unsigned long cookie);
+/** Memory synchronization - cache flushing of mapped memory
+ * @return Is_cached: 1==True 0==NonCached */
+int ump_arch_msync(ump_secure_id secure_id, void* mapping, unsigned long cookie, void * address, unsigned long size,  ump_cpu_msync_op op);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/arch_011_udd/ump_frontend.c b/arch_011_udd/ump_frontend.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5396450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch_011_udd/ump_frontend.c
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file ump_frontend.c
+ *
+ * This file implements the user space API of the UMP API.
+ * It relies heavily on a arch backend to do the communication with the UMP device driver.
+ */
+#include <ump/ump.h>
+#include "ump_internal.h"
+#include "ump_arch.h"
+#include <ump/ump_debug.h>
+#include <ump/ump_osu.h>
+ump_result ump_open(void)
+	return ump_arch_open();
+void ump_close(void)
+	ump_arch_close();
+ump_secure_id ump_secure_id_get(ump_handle memh)
+	ump_mem * mem = (ump_mem*)memh;
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_MEMORY_HANDLE != memh, ("Handle is invalid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_SECURE_ID != mem->secure_id, ("Secure ID is inavlid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < mem->ref_count, ("Reference count too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < mem->size, ("Memory size of passed handle too low"));
+	return mem->secure_id;
+ump_handle ump_handle_create_from_secure_id(ump_secure_id secure_id)
+	unsigned long size;
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_SECURE_ID != secure_id, ("Secure ID is invalid"));
+	size = ump_arch_size_get(secure_id);
+	if (0 != size)
+	{
+		unsigned long cookie;
+		/*
+		 * The UMP memory which the secure_id referes to could now be deleted and re-created
+		 * since we don't have any references to it yet. The mapping below will however fail if
+		 * we have supplied incorrect size, so we are safe.
+		 */
+		void * mapping = ump_arch_map(secure_id, size, UMP_CACHE_DISABLE, &cookie);
+		if (NULL != mapping)
+		{
+			ump_mem * mem = _ump_osu_calloc(1, sizeof(*mem));
+			if (NULL != mem)
+			{
+				mem->secure_id = secure_id;
+				mem->mapped_mem = mapping;
+				mem->size = size;
+				mem->cookie = cookie;
+				mem->is_cached = 1; /* Is set to actually check in the ump_cpu_msync_now() function */
+				_ump_osu_lock_auto_init(&mem->ref_lock, 0, 0, 0);
+				UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != mem->ref_lock, ("Failed to initialize lock\n"));
+				mem->ref_count = 1;
+				/* This is called only to set the cache settings in this handle */
+				ump_cpu_msync_now((ump_handle)mem, UMP_MSYNC_READOUT_CACHE_ENABLED, NULL, 0);
+				UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("UMP handle created for ID %u of size %lu, mapped into address 0x%08lx", mem->secure_id, mem->size, (unsigned long)mem->mapped_mem));
+				return (ump_handle)mem;
+			}
+			ump_arch_unmap(mapping, size, cookie);
+		}
+	}
+	UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(2, ("UMP handle creation failed for ID %u", secure_id));
+unsigned long ump_size_get(ump_handle memh)
+	ump_mem * mem = (ump_mem*)memh;
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_MEMORY_HANDLE != memh, ("Handle is invalid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_SECURE_ID != mem->secure_id, ("Secure ID is inavlid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < mem->ref_count, ("Reference count too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < mem->size, ("Memory size of passed handle too low"));
+	return mem->size;
+void ump_read(void *dst, ump_handle srch, unsigned long offset, unsigned long length)
+	ump_mem * src = (ump_mem*)srch;
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_MEMORY_HANDLE != srch, ("Handle is invalid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_SECURE_ID != src->secure_id, ("Secure ID is inavlid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < src->ref_count, ("Reference count too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < src->size, ("Memory size of passed handle too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != src->mapped_mem, ("UMP Memory is not mapped"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT((src->size) >= (offset + length), ("Requested read beyond end of UMP memory"));
+	_ump_osu_memcpy(dst,(char*)(src->mapped_mem) + offset, length);
+void ump_write(ump_handle dsth, unsigned long offset, const void *src, unsigned long length)
+	ump_mem * dst = (ump_mem*)dsth;
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_MEMORY_HANDLE != dsth, ("Handle is invalid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_SECURE_ID != dst->secure_id, ("Secure ID is inavlid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < dst->ref_count, ("Reference count too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < dst->size, ("Memory size of passed handle too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != dst->mapped_mem, ("UMP Memory is not mapped"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT((dst->size) >= (offset + length), ("Requested write beyond end of UMP memory"));
+	_ump_osu_memcpy((char*)(dst->mapped_mem) + offset, src, length);
+void* ump_mapped_pointer_get(ump_handle memh)
+	ump_mem * mem = (ump_mem*)memh;
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_MEMORY_HANDLE != memh, ("Handle is invalid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_SECURE_ID != mem->secure_id, ("Secure ID is inavlid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < mem->ref_count, ("Reference count too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < mem->size, ("Memory size of passed handle too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != mem->mapped_mem, ("Error in mapping pointer (not mapped)"));
+	return mem->mapped_mem;
+void ump_mapped_pointer_release(ump_handle memh)
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_MEMORY_HANDLE != memh, ("Handle is invalid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_SECURE_ID != ((ump_mem*)memh)->secure_id, ("Secure ID is inavlid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < ((ump_mem*)memh)->ref_count, ("Reference count too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < ((ump_mem*)memh)->size, ("Memory size of passed handle too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != ((ump_mem*)memh)->mapped_mem, ("Error in mapping pointer (not mapped)"));
+	/* noop, cos we map in the pointer when handle is created, and unmap it when handle is destroyed */
+void ump_reference_add(ump_handle memh)
+	ump_mem * mem = (ump_mem*)memh;
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_MEMORY_HANDLE != memh, ("Handle is invalid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_SECURE_ID != mem->secure_id, ("Secure ID is inavlid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < mem->ref_count, ("Reference count too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < mem->size, ("Memory size of passed handle too low"));
+	_ump_osu_lock_wait(mem->ref_lock, _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW);
+	mem->ref_count += 1;
+	_ump_osu_lock_signal(mem->ref_lock, _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW);
+void ump_reference_release(ump_handle memh)
+	ump_mem * mem = (ump_mem*)memh;
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_MEMORY_HANDLE != memh, ("Handle is invalid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_SECURE_ID != ((ump_mem*)mem)->secure_id, ("Secure ID is inavlid"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < (((ump_mem*)mem)->ref_count), ("Reference count too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < ((ump_mem*)mem)->size, ("Memory size of passed handle too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != ((ump_mem*)mem)->mapped_mem, ("Error in mapping pointer (not mapped)"));
+	_ump_osu_lock_wait(mem->ref_lock, _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW);
+	mem->ref_count -= 1;
+	if (0 == mem->ref_count)
+	{
+		/* Remove memory mapping, which holds our only reference towards the UMP kernel space driver */
+		ump_arch_unmap(mem->mapped_mem, mem->size, mem->cookie);
+		_ump_osu_lock_signal(mem->ref_lock, _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW);
+		/* Free the lock protecting the reference count */
+		_ump_osu_lock_term(mem->ref_lock);
+		/* Free the memory for this handle */
+		_ump_osu_free(mem);
+	} else {
+		_ump_osu_lock_signal(mem->ref_lock, _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW);
+	}
diff --git a/arch_011_udd/ump_internal.h b/arch_011_udd/ump_internal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc1f2a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch_011_udd/ump_internal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file ump_internal.c
+ *
+ * Internal definitions and debugging macros for the UMP implementation.
+ */
+#include <ump/ump.h>
+#include <ump/ump_osu.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef enum ump_cache_enabled
+} ump_cache_enabled;
+ * The actual (hidden) definition of ump_handles.
+ */
+typedef struct ump_mem
+	ump_secure_id secure_id;       /**< UMP device driver cookie */
+	void * mapped_mem;             /**< Mapped memory; all read and write use this */
+	unsigned long size;            /**< Size of allocated memory */
+	_ump_osu_lock_t* ref_lock;    /**< Lock protection ref_count */
+	int ref_count;                 /**< The reference count of the ump_handle in userspace. It is used for finding out
+	                                    when to free the memory used by this userspace handle. It is NOT the same as the
+	                                    real ump_mem reference count in the devicedriver which do reference counting
+	                                    for the memory that this handle reveals. */
+	unsigned long cookie;          /**< cookie for use in arch_unmap calls */
+	ump_cache_enabled is_cached;
+} ump_mem;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/arch_011_udd/ump_ref_drv.c b/arch_011_udd/ump_ref_drv.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf3b9eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch_011_udd/ump_ref_drv.c
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file ump_ref_drv.c
+ *
+ * Implementation of the user space API extensions provided by the reference implementation.
+ */
+#include <ump/ump_ref_drv.h>
+#include <ump/ump.h>
+#include "ump_internal.h"
+#include "ump_arch.h"
+#include <ump/ump_debug.h>
+#include <ump/ump_osu.h>
+/* Allocate a buffer which can be used directly by hardware, 4kb aligned */
+static ump_handle ump_ref_drv_allocate_internal(unsigned long size, ump_alloc_constraints constraints, ump_cache_enabled cache);
+/* Allocate a buffer which can be used directly by hardware, 4kb aligned */
+ump_handle ump_ref_drv_allocate(unsigned long size, ump_alloc_constraints constraints)
+	ump_cache_enabled cache= UMP_CACHE_DISABLE;
+	if ( 0!=(constraints&UMP_REF_DRV_CONSTRAINT_USE_CACHE) )
+	{
+		cache = UMP_CACHE_ENABLE;
+	}
+	return ump_ref_drv_allocate_internal(size, constraints, cache);
+UMP_API_EXPORT int ump_cpu_msync_now(ump_handle memh, ump_cpu_msync_op op, void* address, int size)
+	ump_mem * mem = (ump_mem*)memh;
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_INVALID_MEMORY_HANDLE != memh, ("Handle is invalid"));
+	/* If the op is readout, we do the readout from DD.
+	   Else we skip flushing if the userspace handle says that it is uncached */
+	if ((UMP_MSYNC_READOUT_CACHE_ENABLED!=op) && (0 == mem->is_cached) ) return 0;
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 < (((ump_mem*)mem)->ref_count), ("Reference count too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT((size>=0) && (size <= ((ump_mem*)mem)->size), ("Memory size of passed handle too low"));
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != ((ump_mem*)mem)->mapped_mem, ("Error in mapping pointer (not mapped)"));
+	if (size > mem->size) size = mem->size;
+	mem->is_cached = ump_arch_msync(mem->secure_id, mem->mapped_mem, mem->cookie, address, size, op);
+	return mem->is_cached ;
+/* Allocate a buffer which can be used directly by hardware, 4kb aligned */
+static ump_handle ump_ref_drv_allocate_internal(unsigned long size, ump_alloc_constraints constraints, ump_cache_enabled cache)
+	ump_secure_id secure_id;
+	unsigned long allocated_size = size;
+	UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Allocating UMP memory of size %lu", size));
+	secure_id = ump_arch_allocate(&allocated_size, constraints);
+	if (secure_id != UMP_INVALID_SECURE_ID)
+	{
+		unsigned long cookie;
+		void * mapping;
+		mapping = ump_arch_map(secure_id, allocated_size, cache, &cookie);
+		if (NULL != mapping)
+		{
+			/*
+			 * PS: By now we have actually increased the ref count in the device driver by 2,
+			 * one for the allocation iteself, and one for the mapping.
+			 */
+			ump_mem * mem;
+			mem = _ump_osu_calloc(1, sizeof(*mem));
+			if (NULL != mem)
+			{
+				mem->secure_id = secure_id;
+				mem->mapped_mem = mapping;
+				mem->size = allocated_size;
+				mem->cookie = cookie;
+				mem->is_cached = 1; /* Default to ON, is disabled later if not */
+				_ump_osu_lock_auto_init(&mem->ref_lock, 0, 0, 0);
+				UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(NULL != mem->ref_lock, ("Failed to initialize lock\n"));
+				mem->ref_count = 1;
+				/*
+				 * ump_arch_allocate() gave us a kernel space reference, and the same did ump_arch_map()
+				 * We release the one from ump_arch_allocate(), and rely solely on the one from the ump_arch_map()
+				 * That is, ump_arch_unmap() should now do the final release towards the UMP kernel space driver.
+				 */
+				ump_arch_reference_release(secure_id);
+				/* This is called only to set the cache settings in this handle */
+				ump_cpu_msync_now((ump_handle)mem, UMP_MSYNC_READOUT_CACHE_ENABLED, NULL, 0);
+				UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("UMP handle created for ID %u of size %lu, mapped into address 0x%08lx", mem->secure_id, mem->size, (unsigned long)mem->mapped_mem));
+				return (ump_handle)mem;
+			}
+			ump_arch_unmap(mapping, allocated_size, cookie); /* Unmap the memory */
+			ump_arch_reference_release(secure_id); /* Release reference added when we allocated the UMP memory */
+		}
+		ump_arch_reference_release(secure_id); /* Release reference added when we allocated the UMP memory */
+	}
+	UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(4, ("Allocation of UMP memory failed"));
diff --git a/include/ump/ump.h b/include/ump/ump.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2829113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ump/ump.h
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file ump.h
+ *
+ * This file contains the user space part of the UMP API.
+ */
+/** @defgroup ump_user_space_api UMP User Space API
+ * @{ */
+#include "ump_platform.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * External representation of a UMP handle in user space.
+ */
+typedef void * ump_handle;
+ * Typedef for a secure ID, a system wide identificator for UMP memory buffers.
+ */
+typedef unsigned int ump_secure_id;
+ * Value to indicate an invalid UMP memory handle.
+ */
+#define UMP_INVALID_MEMORY_HANDLE ((ump_handle)0)
+ * Value to indicate an invalid secure Id.
+ */
+#define UMP_INVALID_SECURE_ID     ((ump_secure_id)-1)
+ * UMP error codes for user space.
+ */
+typedef enum
+	UMP_OK = 0, /**< indicates success */
+	UMP_ERROR,  /**< indicates failure */
+} ump_result;
+ * Opens and initializes the UMP library.
+ *
+ * This function must be called at least once before calling any other UMP API functions.
+ * Each open is reference counted and must be matched with a call to @ref ump_close "ump_close".
+ *
+ * @see ump_close
+ *
+ * @return UMP_OK indicates success, UMP_ERROR indicates failure.
+ */
+UMP_API_EXPORT ump_result ump_open(void);
+ * Terminate the UMP library.
+ *
+ * This must be called once for every successful @ref ump_open "ump_open". The UMP library is
+ * terminated when, and only when, the last open reference to the UMP interface is closed.
+ *
+ * @see ump_open
+ */
+UMP_API_EXPORT void ump_close(void);
+ * Retrieves the secure ID for the specified UMP memory.
+ *
+ * This identificator is unique across the entire system, and uniquely identifies
+ * the specified UMP memory. This identificator can later be used through the
+ * @ref ump_handle_create_from_secure_id "ump_handle_create_from_secure_id" or
+ * @ref ump_dd_handle_create_from_secure_id "ump_dd_handle_create_from_secure_id"
+ * functions in order to access this UMP memory, for instance from another process.
+ *
+ * @note There is a kernel space equivalent function called @ref ump_dd_secure_id_get "ump_dd_secure_id_get"
+ *
+ * @see ump_handle_create_from_secure_id
+ * @see ump_dd_handle_create_from_secure_id
+ * @see ump_dd_secure_id_get
+ *
+ * @param mem Handle to UMP memory.
+ *
+ * @return Returns the secure ID for the specified UMP memory.
+ */
+UMP_API_EXPORT ump_secure_id ump_secure_id_get(ump_handle mem);
+ * Retrieves a handle to allocated UMP memory.
+ *
+ * The usage of UMP memory is reference counted, so this will increment the reference
+ * count by one for the specified UMP memory.
+ * Use @ref ump_reference_release "ump_reference_release" when there is no longer any
+ * use for the retrieved handle.
+ *
+ * @note There is a kernel space equivalent function called @ref ump_dd_handle_create_from_secure_id "ump_dd_handle_create_from_secure_id"
+ *
+ * @see ump_reference_release
+ * @see ump_dd_handle_create_from_secure_id
+ *
+ * @param secure_id The secure ID of the UMP memory to open, that can be retrieved using the @ref ump_secure_id_get "ump_secure_id_get " function.
+ *
+ * @return UMP_INVALID_MEMORY_HANDLE indicates failure, otherwise a valid handle is returned.
+ */
+UMP_API_EXPORT ump_handle ump_handle_create_from_secure_id(ump_secure_id secure_id);
+ * Retrieves the actual size of the specified UMP memory.
+ *
+ * The size is reported in bytes, and is typically page aligned.
+ *
+ * @note There is a kernel space equivalent function called @ref ump_dd_size_get "ump_dd_size_get"
+ *
+ * @see ump_dd_size_get
+ *
+ * @param mem Handle to UMP memory.
+ *
+ * @return Returns the allocated size of the specified UMP memory, in bytes.
+ */
+UMP_API_EXPORT unsigned long ump_size_get(ump_handle mem);
+ * Read from specified UMP memory.
+ *
+ * Another way of reading from (and writing to) UMP memory is to use the
+ * @ref ump_mapped_pointer_get "ump_mapped_pointer_get" to retrieve
+ * a CPU mapped pointer to the memory.
+ *
+ * @see ump_mapped_pointer_get
+ *
+ * @param dst Destination buffer.
+ * @param src Handle to UMP memory to read from.
+ * @param offset Where to start reading, given in bytes.
+ * @param length How much to read, given in bytes.
+ */
+UMP_API_EXPORT void ump_read(void * dst, ump_handle src, unsigned long offset, unsigned long length);
+ * Write to specified UMP memory.
+ *
+ * Another way of writing to (and reading from) UMP memory is to use the
+ * @ref ump_mapped_pointer_get "ump_mapped_pointer_get" to retrieve
+ * a CPU mapped pointer to the memory.
+ *
+ * @see ump_mapped_pointer_get
+ *
+ * @param dst Handle to UMP memory to write to.
+ * @param offset Where to start writing, given in bytes.
+ * @param src Buffer to read from.
+ * @param length How much to write, given in bytes.
+ */
+UMP_API_EXPORT void ump_write(ump_handle dst, unsigned long offset, const void * src, unsigned long length);
+ * Retrieves a memory mapped pointer to the specified UMP memory.
+ *
+ * This function retrieves a memory mapped pointer to the specified UMP memory,
+ * that can be used by the CPU. Every successful call to
+ * @ref ump_mapped_pointer_get "ump_mapped_pointer_get" is reference counted,
+ * and must therefor be followed by a call to
+ * @ref ump_mapped_pointer_release "ump_mapped_pointer_release " when the
+ * memory mapping is no longer needed.
+ *
+ * @note Systems without a MMU for the CPU only return the physical address, because no mapping is required.
+ *
+ * @see ump_mapped_pointer_release
+ *
+ * @param mem Handle to UMP memory.
+ *
+ * @return NULL indicates failure, otherwise a CPU mapped pointer is returned.
+ */
+UMP_API_EXPORT void * ump_mapped_pointer_get(ump_handle mem);
+ * Releases a previously mapped pointer to the specified UMP memory.
+ *
+ * The CPU mapping of the specified UMP memory memory is reference counted,
+ * so every call to @ref ump_mapped_pointer_get "ump_mapped_pointer_get" must
+ * be matched with a call to this function when the mapping is no longer needed.
+ *
+ * The CPU mapping is not removed before all references to the mapping is released.
+ *
+ * @note Systems without a MMU must still implement this function, even though no unmapping should be needed.
+ *
+ * @param mem Handle to UMP memory.
+ */
+UMP_API_EXPORT void ump_mapped_pointer_release(ump_handle mem);
+ * Adds an extra reference to the specified UMP memory.
+ *
+ * This function adds an extra reference to the specified UMP memory. This function should
+ * be used every time a UMP memory handle is duplicated, that is, assigned to another ump_handle
+ * variable. The function @ref ump_reference_release "ump_reference_release" must then be used
+ * to release each copy of the UMP memory handle.
+ *
+ * @note You are not required to call @ref ump_reference_add "ump_reference_add"
+ * for UMP handles returned from
+ * @ref ump_handle_create_from_secure_id "ump_handle_create_from_secure_id",
+ * because these handles are already reference counted by this function.
+ *
+ * @note There is a kernel space equivalent function called @ref ump_dd_reference_add "ump_dd_reference_add"
+ *
+ * @see ump_dd_reference_add
+ *
+ * @param mem Handle to UMP memory.
+ */
+UMP_API_EXPORT void ump_reference_add(ump_handle mem);
+ * Releases a reference from the specified UMP memory.
+ *
+ * This function should be called once for every reference to the UMP memory handle.
+ * When the last reference is released, all resources associated with this UMP memory
+ * handle are freed.
+ *
+ * @note There is a kernel space equivalent function called @ref ump_dd_reference_release "ump_dd_reference_release"
+ *
+ * @see ump_dd_reference_release
+ *
+ * @param mem Handle to UMP memory.
+ */
+UMP_API_EXPORT void ump_reference_release(ump_handle mem);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+/** @} */ /* end group ump_user_space_api */
diff --git a/include/ump/ump_debug.h b/include/ump/ump_debug.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ede8a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ump/ump_debug.h
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file ump_debug.h
+ *
+ * The file include several useful macros for debugging and printing.
+ * - UMP_PRINTF(...)           Do not use this function: Will be included in Release builds.
+ * - UMP_DEBUG_TRACE()         Prints current location in code.
+ * - UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(nr, (X) ) Prints the second argument if nr<=UMP_DEBUG_LEVEL.
+ * - UMP_DEBUG_TPRINT(nr, X )  Prints the source trace and second argument if nr<=UMP_DEBUG_LEVEL.
+ * - UMP_DEBUG_ERROR( (X) )    Prints an errortext, a source trace, and the given error message.
+ * - UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(exp,(X)) If the asserted expr is false, the program will exit.
+ * - UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_RANGE(x, min, max) Triggers if variable x is not between or equal to max and min.
+ * - UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_LEQ(x, max) Triggers if variable x is not less than equal to max.
+ * - UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(pointer)  Triggers if the pointer is a zero pointer.
+ * - UMP_DEBUG_CODE( X )       The code inside the macro is only copiled in Debug builds.
+ *
+ * The (X) means that you must add an extra parantese around the argumentlist.
+ *
+ * The  printf function: UMP_PRINTF(...) is routed to _ump_sys_printf
+ *
+ * Suggested range for the DEBUG-LEVEL is [1:6] where
+ * [1:2] Is messages with highest priority, indicate possible errors.
+ * [3:4] Is messages with medium priority, output important variables.
+ * [5:6] Is messages with low priority, used during extensive debugging.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _UMP_DEBUG_H_
+#define _UMP_DEBUG_H_
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/* START: Configuration */
+#ifndef UMP_PRINTF
+	#define UMP_PRINTF printf
+#endif /* UMP_PRINTF */
+	#define UMP_PRINT_FLUSH do {} while (0)
+#endif /* UMP_PRINT_FLUSH */
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_LEVEL 1
+#endif /* UMP_DEBUG_LEVEL */
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_ERROR_START_MSG do {\
+    UMP_PRINTF("*********************************************************************\n");\
+    UMP_PRINT_FLUSH; } while (0)
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_ERROR_STOP_MSG  do { UMP_PRINTF("\n"); UMP_PRINT_FLUSH; } while (0)
+	#define UMP_ASSERT_QUIT_CMD    abort()
+#endif /* UMP_ASSERT_QUIT_CMD */
+/* STOP: Configuration */
+ *	The macro UMP_FUNCTION evaluates to the name of the function enclosing
+ *	this macro's usage, or "<unknown>" if not supported.
+ */
+#if (defined(__SYMBIAN32__) && defined(__ARMCC__)) || defined(_MSC_VER)
+#elif __STDC__  && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+#elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 2
+#elif defined(__func__)
+#	define UMP_FUNCTION __func__
+#	define UMP_FUNCTION "<unknown>"
+ *	Explicitly ignore a parameter passed into a function, to suppress compiler warnings.
+ *	Should only be used with parameter names.
+ */
+#define UMP_IGNORE(x) (void)x
+ * @def     UMP_DEBUG_TRACE()
+ * @brief   Prints current location in code.
+ *          Can be turned off by defining UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_TRACE
+ */
+        #define UMP_DEBUG_TRACE()  do { UMP_PRINTF( "In file: "__FILE__ \
+                        "  function: %s()   line:%4d\n" , UMP_FUNCTION, __LINE__);  UMP_PRINT_FLUSH; } while (0)
+	#else
+        #define UMP_DEBUG_TRACE()  do { UMP_PRINTF( "In file: "__FILE__ "  line:%4d\n" , __LINE__);  UMP_PRINT_FLUSH; } while (0)
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_TRACE()
+#endif /* UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_TRACE */
+ * @def     UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(nr, (X) )
+ * @brief   Prints the second argument if nr<=UMP_DEBUG_LEVEL.
+ *          Can be turned off by defining UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_PRINT
+ * @param   nr   If nr <= UMP_DEBUG_LEVEL, we print the text.
+ * @param   X  A parantese with the contents to be sent to UMP_PRINTF
+ */
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(nr, X )  do { if ( nr<=UMP_DEBUG_LEVEL ) { UMP_PRINTF X ; UMP_PRINT_FLUSH; } } while (0)
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(nr, X )
+#endif /* UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_PRINT */
+ * @def     UMP_DEBUG_TPRINT(nr, (X) )
+ * @brief   Prints the second argument if nr<=UMP_DEBUG_LEVEL.
+ *          Can be turned off by defining UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_TPRINT.
+ *          Can be shortened by defining UMP_DEBUG_TPRINT_SKIP_FUNCTION.
+ * @param   nr   If nr <= UMP_DEBUG_LEVEL, we print the text.
+ * @param   X  A parantese with the contents to be sent to UMP_PRINTF
+ */
+/* helper to handle if the function name should be included or not */
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_TPRINT_INTERN do {UMP_PRINTF( ""__FILE__" %s()%4d " , UMP_FUNCTION, __LINE__); UMP_PRINT_FLUSH; }  while (0)
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_TPRINT_INTERN do {UMP_PRINTF( ""__FILE__ "%4d " , __LINE__); UMP_PRINT_FLUSH; }  while (0)
+	#define UMP_DEBUG_TPRINT(nr, X ) \
+    do{\
+        if ( nr<=UMP_DEBUG_LEVEL )\
+        {\
+            UMP_PRINTF X ;\
+            UMP_PRINT_FLUSH;\
+        }\
+    } while (0)
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_TPRINT(nr, X )
+ * @def     UMP_DEBUG_ERROR( (X) )
+ * @brief   Prints an errortext, a source Trace, and the given error message.
+ *          Prints filename, function, linenr, and the given error message.
+ *          The error message must be inside a second parantese.
+ *          The error message is written on a separate line, and a NL char is added.
+ *          Can be turned of by defining UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_ERROR;
+ *          You do not need to type the words ERROR in the message, since it will
+ *          be added anyway.
+ *
+ * @note    You should not end the text with a newline, since it is added by the macro.
+ * @note    You should not write "ERROR" in the text, since it is added by the macro.
+ * @param    X  A parantese with the contents to be sent to UMP_PRINTF
+ */
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_ERROR( X )  \
+        do{ \
+            UMP_PRINTF("ERROR: ");\
+            UMP_PRINT_FLUSH;\
+            UMP_DEBUG_TRACE(); \
+            UMP_PRINTF X ; \
+            UMP_PRINT_FLUSH;\
+        } while (0)
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_ERROR( X ) do{ ; } while ( 0 )
+#endif /* UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_ERROR */
+ * @def     UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(expr, (X) )
+ * @brief   If the asserted expr is false, the program will exit.
+ *          Prints filename, function, linenr, and the given error message.
+ *          The error message must be inside a second parantese.
+ *          The error message is written on a separate line, and a NL char is added.
+ *          Can be turned of by defining UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_ERROR;
+ *          You do not need to type the words ASSERT in the message, since it will
+ *          be added anyway.
+ *
+ * @param    X  A parantese with the contents to be sent to UMP_PRINTF
+ *          Prints filename, function, linenr, and the error message
+ *          on a separte line. A newline char is added at the end.
+ *          Can be turned of by defining UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_ASSERT
+ * @param   expr  Will exit program if \a expr is false;
+ * @param   (X)  Text that will be written if the assertion toggles.
+ */
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(expr, X ) \
+    do{\
+        if ( !(expr) ) \
+        { \
+                UMP_DEBUG_ERROR_START_MSG;\
+                UMP_PRINTF("ASSERT EXIT: ");\
+                UMP_PRINT_FLUSH;\
+                UMP_DEBUG_TRACE(); \
+                UMP_PRINTF X ; \
+                UMP_PRINT_FLUSH;\
+                UMP_DEBUG_ERROR_STOP_MSG;\
+                UMP_ASSERT_QUIT_CMD;\
+        }\
+    } while (0)
+	#define UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(expr, X)
+ * @def     UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(pointer)
+ * @brief   If the asserted pointer is NULL, the program terminates and TRACE info is printed
+ *          The checking is disabled if "UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_ASSERT" is defined.
+ */
+#define UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_POINTER(pointer) UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(pointer, ("Null pointer " #pointer) )
+ * @def     UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_HANDLE(handle)
+ * @brief   If the asserted handle is not a valid handle, the program terminates and TRACE info is printed
+ *          The checking is disabled if "UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_ASSERT" is defined.
+ */
+#define UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_HANDLE(handle) UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(UMP_NO_HANDLE != (handle), ("Invalid handle" #handle) )
+ * @def     UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_ALIGNMENT(ptr, align)
+ * @brief   If the asserted pointer is  not aligned to align, the program terminates with trace info printed.
+ *          The checking is disabled if "UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_ASSERT" is defined.
+ */
+	#define UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_ALIGNMENT(ptr, align) do {                                                    \
+		UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 == (align & (align - 1)), ("align %d is not a power-of-two", align));           \
+		UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 == (((u32)(ptr)) & (align - 1)), ("ptr %p not aligned to %d bytes", (void*)ptr, align)); \
+		} while (0)
+	#define UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_ALIGNMENT(ptr, align)
+ * @def     UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_RANGE(x,min,max)
+ * @brief   If variable x is not between or equal to max and min, the assertion triggers.
+ *          The checking is disabled if "UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_ASSERT" is defined.
+ */
+#define UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_RANGE(x, min, max) \
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( (x) >= (min) && (x) <= (max), \
+			   (#x " out of range (%2.2f)", (double)x ) \
+			 )
+ * @def     UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_LEQ(x,max)
+ * @brief   If variable x is less than or equal to max, the assertion triggers.
+ *          The checking is disabled if "UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_ASSERT" is defined.
+ */
+#define UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT_LEQ(x, max) \
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( (x) <= (max), \
+			   (#x " out of range (%2.2f)", (double)x ) \
+			 )
+ * @def     UMP_DEBUG_CODE( X )
+ * @brief   Run the code X on debug builds.
+ *          The code will not be used if UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_CODE is defined .
+ *
+ */
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_CODE( X )
+    #define UMP_DEBUG_CODE( X ) X
+#endif /* UMP_DEBUG_SKIP_CODE */
+#endif /* _UMP_DEBUG_H_ */
diff --git a/include/ump/ump_osu.h b/include/ump/ump_osu.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c9a650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ump/ump_osu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file ump_osu.h
+ * Defines the OS abstraction layer for the base driver
+ */
+#ifndef __UMP_OSU_H__
+#define __UMP_OSU_H__
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+typedef unsigned int u32;
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+        typedef unsigned __int64        u64;
+        typedef signed   __int64        s64;
+        typedef unsigned long long      u64;
+        typedef signed long long        s64;
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL ((void*)0)
+typedef unsigned long ump_bool;
+#ifndef UMP_TRUE
+#define UMP_TRUE ((ump_bool)1)
+#ifndef UMP_FALSE
+#define UMP_FALSE ((ump_bool)0)
+#define UMP_STATIC          static
+ * @addtogroup ump_user_space_api Unified Device Driver (UDD) APIs used by UMP
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+ * @defgroup ump_osuapi UDD OS Abstraction for User-side (OSU) APIs for UMP
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+/* The following is necessary to prevent the _ump_osk_errcode_t doxygen from
+ * becoming unreadable: */
+ * @brief OSU/OSK Error codes.
+ *
+ * Each OS may use its own set of error codes, and may require that the
+ * User/Kernel interface take certain error code. This means that the common
+ * error codes need to be sufficiently rich to pass the correct error code
+ * through from the OSK/OSU to U/K layer, across all OSs.
+ *
+ * The result is that some error codes will appear redundant on some OSs.
+ * Under all OSs, the OSK/OSU layer must translate native OS error codes to
+ * _ump_osk/u_errcode_t codes. Similarly, the U/K layer must translate from
+ * _ump_osk/u_errcode_t codes to native OS error codes.
+ *
+ */
+typedef enum
+	_UMP_OSK_ERR_OK = 0,              /**< Success. */
+	_UMP_OSK_ERR_FAULT = -1,          /**< General non-success */
+	_UMP_OSK_ERR_INVALID_FUNC = -2,   /**< Invalid function requested through User/Kernel interface (e.g. bad IOCTL number) */
+	_UMP_OSK_ERR_INVALID_ARGS = -3,   /**< Invalid arguments passed through User/Kernel interface */
+	_UMP_OSK_ERR_NOMEM = -4,          /**< Insufficient memory */
+	_UMP_OSK_ERR_TIMEOUT = -5,        /**< Timeout occured */
+	_UMP_OSK_ERR_RESTARTSYSCALL = -6, /**< Special: On certain OSs, must report when an interruptable mutex is interrupted. Ignore otherwise. */
+	_UMP_OSK_ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND = -7, /**< Table Lookup failed */
+	_UMP_OSK_ERR_BUSY = -8,           /**< Device/operation is busy. Try again later */
+	_UMP_OSK_ERR_UNSUPPORTED = -9,	/**< Optional part of the interface used, and is unsupported */
+} _ump_osk_errcode_t;
+/** @endcond */ /* end cond OSU_COPY_OF__UMP_OSU_ERRCODE_T */
+ * @brief OSU Error codes.
+ *
+ * OSU error codes - enum values intentionally same as OSK
+ */
+typedef enum
+	_UMP_OSU_ERR_OK = 0,           /**< Success. */
+	_UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT = -1,       /**< General non-success */
+	_UMP_OSU_ERR_TIMEOUT = -2,     /**< Timeout occured */
+} _ump_osu_errcode_t;
+/** @brief Translate OSU error code to base driver error code.
+ *
+ * The _UMP_OSU_TRANSLATE_ERROR macro translates an OSU error code to the
+ * error codes in use by the base driver.
+ */
+#define _UMP_OSU_TRANSLATE_ERROR(_ump_osu_errcode) ( ( _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK == (_ump_osu_errcode) ) ? UMP_ERR_NO_ERROR : UMP_ERR_FUNCTION_FAILED)
+/** @defgroup _ump_osu_lock OSU Mutual Exclusion Locks
+  * @{ */
+/** @brief OSU Mutual Exclusion Lock flags type.
+ *
+ * This is made to look like and function identically to the OSK locks (refer
+ * to \ref _ump_osk_lock). However, please note the following \b important
+ * differences:
+ * - the OSU default lock is a Sleeping, non-interruptible mutex.
+ * - the OSU adds the ANYUNLOCK type of lock which allows a thread which doesn't
+ * own the lock to release the lock.
+ * - the order parameter when creating a lock is currently unused
+ *
+ * @note Pay careful attention to the difference in default locks for OSU and
+ * OSK locks; OSU locks are always non-interruptible, but OSK locks are by
+ * default, interruptible. This has implications for systems that do not
+ * distinguish between user and kernel mode.
+ */
+typedef enum
+	_UMP_OSU_LOCKFLAG_DEFAULT = 0, /**< Default lock type. */
+	/** @enum _ump_osu_lock_flags_t
+	 *
+	 * Flags from 0x8000--0x1 are RESERVED for Kernel-mode
+	 */
+	_UMP_OSU_LOCKFLAG_ANYUNLOCK = 0x10000, /**< Mutex that guarantees that any thread can unlock it when locked. Otherwise, this will not be possible. */
+	/** @enum _ump_osu_lock_flags_t
+	 *
+	 * Flags from 0x80000000 are RESERVED for User-mode
+	 */
+	_UMP_OSU_LOCKFLAG_STATIC = 0x80000000, /* Flag in OSU reserved range to identify lock as a statically initialized lock */
+ } _ump_osu_lock_flags_t;
+typedef enum
+	_UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_UNDEF = -1,  /**< Undefined lock mode. For internal use only */
+	_UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW    = 0x0, /**< Default. Lock is used to protect data that is read from and written to */
+	/** @enum _ump_osu_lock_mode_t
+	 *
+	 * Lock modes 0x1--0x3F are RESERVED for Kernel-mode */
+} _ump_osu_lock_mode_t;
+/** @brief Private type for Mutual Exclusion lock objects. */
+typedef struct _ump_osu_lock_t_struct _ump_osu_lock_t;
+/** @brief The number of static locks supported in _ump_osu_lock_static(). */
+#define UMP_OSU_STATIC_LOCK_COUNT (sizeof(_ump_osu_static_locks) / sizeof(_ump_osu_lock_t))
+/** @} */ /* end group _ump_osu_lock */
+/** @defgroup _ump_osu_memory OSU Memory Allocation
+ * @{ */
+/** @brief Allocate zero-initialized memory.
+ *
+ * Returns a buffer capable of containing at least \a n elements of \a size
+ * bytes each. The buffer is initialized to zero.
+ *
+ * The buffer is suitably aligned for storage and subsequent access of every
+ * type that the compiler supports. Therefore, the pointer to the start of the
+ * buffer may be cast into any pointer type, and be subsequently accessed from
+ * such a pointer, without loss of information.
+ *
+ * When the buffer is no longer in use, it must be freed with _ump_osu_free().
+ * Failure to do so will cause a memory leak.
+ *
+ * @note Most toolchains supply memory allocation functions that meet the
+ * compiler's alignment requirements.
+ *
+ * @param n Number of elements to allocate
+ * @param size Size of each element
+ * @return On success, the zero-initialized buffer allocated. NULL on failure
+ */
+void *_ump_osu_calloc( u32 n, u32 size );
+/** @brief Allocate memory.
+ *
+ * Returns a buffer capable of containing at least \a size bytes. The
+ * contents of the buffer are undefined.
+ *
+ * The buffer is suitably aligned for storage and subsequent access of every
+ * type that the compiler supports. Therefore, the pointer to the start of the
+ * buffer may be cast into any pointer type, and be subsequently accessed from
+ * such a pointer, without loss of information.
+ *
+ * When the buffer is no longer in use, it must be freed with _ump_osu_free().
+ * Failure to do so will cause a memory leak.
+ *
+ * @note Most toolchains supply memory allocation functions that meet the
+ * compiler's alignment requirements.
+ *
+ * Remember to free memory using _ump_osu_free().
+ * @param size Number of bytes to allocate
+ * @return On success, the buffer allocated. NULL on failure.
+ */
+void *_ump_osu_malloc( u32 size );
+/** @brief Free memory.
+ *
+ * Reclaims the buffer pointed to by the parameter \a ptr for the system.
+ * All memory returned from _ump_osu_malloc(), _ump_osu_calloc() and
+ * _ump_osu_realloc() must be freed before the application exits. Otherwise,
+ * a memory leak will occur.
+ *
+ * Memory must be freed once. It is an error to free the same non-NULL pointer
+ * more than once.
+ *
+ * It is legal to free the NULL pointer.
+ *
+ * @param ptr Pointer to buffer to free
+ */
+void _ump_osu_free( void *ptr );
+/** @brief Copies memory.
+ *
+ * Copies the \a len bytes from the buffer pointed by the parameter \a src
+ * directly to the buffer pointed by \a dst.
+ *
+ * It is an error for \a src to overlap \a dst anywhere in \a len bytes.
+ *
+ * @param dst Pointer to the destination array where the content is to be
+ * copied.
+ * @param src Pointer to the source of data to be copied.
+ * @param len Number of bytes to copy.
+ * @return \a dst is always passed through unmodified.
+ */
+void *_ump_osu_memcpy( void *dst, const void *src, u32	len );
+/** @brief Fills memory.
+ *
+ * Sets the first \a size bytes of the block of memory pointed to by \a ptr to
+ * the specified value
+ * @param ptr Pointer to the block of memory to fill.
+ * @param chr Value to be set, passed as u32. Only the 8 Least Significant Bits (LSB)
+ * are used.
+ * @param size Number of bytes to be set to the value.
+ * @return \a ptr is always passed through unmodified
+ */
+void *_ump_osu_memset( void *ptr, u32 chr, u32 size );
+/** @} */ /* end group _ump_osu_memory */
+/** @addtogroup _ump_osu_lock
+ * @{ */
+/** @brief Initialize a Mutual Exclusion Lock.
+ *
+ * Locks are created in the signalled (unlocked) state.
+ *
+ * The parameter \a initial must be zero.
+ *
+ * At present, the parameter \a order must be zero. It remains for future
+ * expansion for mutex order checking.
+ *
+ * @param flags flags combined with bitwise OR ('|'), or zero. There are
+ * restrictions on which flags can be combined, see \ref _ump_osu_lock_flags_t.
+ * @param initial For future expansion into semaphores. SBZ.
+ * @param order The locking order of the mutex. SBZ.
+ * @return On success, a pointer to a \ref _ump_osu_lock_t object. NULL on failure.
+ */
+_ump_osu_lock_t *_ump_osu_lock_init( _ump_osu_lock_flags_t flags, u32 initial, u32 order );
+/** @brief Obtain a statically initialized Mutual Exclusion Lock.
+ *
+ * Retrieves a reference to a statically initialized lock. Up to
+ * _UMP_OSU_STATIC_LOCK_COUNT statically initialized locks are
+ * available. Only _ump_osu_lock_wait(), _ump_osu_lock_trywait(),
+ * _ump_osu_lock_signal() can be used with statically initialized locks.
+ * _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW mode should be used when waiting and signalling
+ * statically initialized locks.
+ *
+ * For the same \a nr a pointer to the same statically initialized lock is
+ * returned. That is, given the following code:
+ * @code
+ *	extern u32 n;
+ *
+ * 	_ump_osu_lock_t *locka = _ump_osu_lock_static(n);
+ *	_ump_osu_lock_t *lockb = _ump_osu_lock_static(n);
+ * @endcode
+ * Then (locka == lockb), for all 0 <= n < UMP_OSU_STATIC_LOCK_COUNT.
+ *
+ * @param nr index of a statically initialized lock [0..UMP_OSU_STATIC_LOCK_COUNT-1]
+ * @return On success, a pointer to a _ump_osu_lock_t object. NULL on failure.
+ */
+_ump_osu_lock_t *_ump_osu_lock_static( u32 nr );
+/** @brief Initialize a Mutual Exclusion Lock safely across multiple threads.
+ *
+ * The _ump_osu_lock_auto_init() function guarantees that the given lock will
+ * be initialized once and precisely once, even in a situation involving
+ * multiple threads.
+ *
+ * This is necessary because the first call to certain Public API functions must
+ * initialize the API. However, there can be a race involved to call the first
+ * library function in multi-threaded applications. To resolve this race, a
+ * mutex can be used. This mutex must be initialized, but initialized only once
+ * by any thread that might compete for its initialization. This function
+ * guarantees the initialization to happen correctly, even when there is an
+ * initialization race between multiple threads.
+ *
+ * Otherwise, the operation is identical to the _ump_osu_lock_init() function.
+ * For more details, refer to _ump_osu_lock_init().
+ *
+ * @param pplock pointer to storage for a _ump_osu_lock_t pointer. This
+ * _ump_osu_lock_t pointer may point to a _ump_osu_lock_t that has been
+ * initialized already
+ * @param flags flags combined with bitwise OR ('|'), or zero. There are
+ * restrictions on which flags can be combined. Refer to
+ * \ref _ump_osu_lock_flags_t for more information.
+ * The absence of any flags (the value 0) results in a sleeping-mutex,
+ * which is non-interruptible.
+ * @param initial For future expansion into semaphores. SBZ.
+ * @param order The locking order of the mutex. SBZ.
+ * @return On success, _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK is returned and a pointer to an
+ * initialized \ref _ump_osu_lock_t object is written into \a *pplock.
+ * _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT is returned on failure.
+ */
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_osu_lock_auto_init( _ump_osu_lock_t **pplock, _ump_osu_lock_flags_t flags, u32 initial, u32 order );
+/** @brief Wait for a lock to be signalled (obtained).
+ *
+ * After a thread has successfully waited on the lock, the lock is obtained by
+ * the thread, and is marked as unsignalled. The thread releases the lock by
+ * signalling it.
+ *
+ * To prevent deadlock, locks must always be obtained in the same order.
+ *
+ * @param lock the lock to wait upon (obtain).
+ * @param mode the mode in which the lock should be obtained. Currently this
+ * must be _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW.
+ * @return On success, _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK, _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT on error.
+ */
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_osu_lock_wait( _ump_osu_lock_t *lock, _ump_osu_lock_mode_t mode);
+/** @brief Wait for a lock to be signalled (obtained) with timeout
+ *
+ * After a thread has successfully waited on the lock, the lock is obtained by
+ * the thread, and is marked as unsignalled. The thread releases the lock by
+ * signalling it.
+ *
+ * To prevent deadlock, locks must always be obtained in the same order.
+ *
+ * This version can return early if it cannot obtain the lock within the given timeout.
+ *
+ * @param lock the lock to wait upon (obtain).
+ * @param mode the mode in which the lock should be obtained. Currently this
+ * must be _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW.
+ * @param timeout Relative time in microseconds for the timeout
+ * @return _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK if the lock was obtained, _UMP_OSU_ERR_TIMEOUT if the timeout expired or  _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT on error.
+ */
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_osu_lock_timed_wait( _ump_osu_lock_t *lock, _ump_osu_lock_mode_t mode, u64 timeout);
+/** @brief Test for a lock to be signalled and obtains the lock when so.
+ *
+ * Obtains the lock only when it is in signalled state. The lock is then
+ * marked as unsignalled. The lock is released again by signalling
+ * it by _ump_osu_lock_signal().
+ *
+ * If the lock could not be obtained immediately (that is, another thread
+ * currently holds the lock), then this function \b does \b not wait for the
+ * lock to be in a signalled state. Instead, an error code is immediately
+ * returned to indicate that the thread could not obtain the lock.
+ *
+ * To prevent deadlock, locks must always be obtained in the same order.
+ *
+ * @param lock the lock to wait upon (obtain).
+ * @param mode the mode in which the lock should be obtained. Currently this
+ * must be _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_RW.
+ * @return When the lock was obtained, _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK. If the lock could not
+ * be obtained, _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT.
+ */
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_osu_lock_trywait( _ump_osu_lock_t *lock, _ump_osu_lock_mode_t mode);
+/** @brief Signal (release) a lock.
+ *
+ * Locks may only be signalled by the thread that originally waited upon the
+ * lock, unless the lock was created using the _UMP_OSU_LOCKFLAG_ANYUNLOCK flag.
+ *
+ * @param lock the lock to signal (release).
+ * @param mode the mode in which the lock should be obtained. This must match
+ * the mode in which the lock was waited upon.
+ */
+void _ump_osu_lock_signal( _ump_osu_lock_t *lock, _ump_osu_lock_mode_t mode );
+/** @brief Terminate a lock.
+ *
+ * This terminates a lock and frees all associated resources.
+ *
+ * It is a programming error to terminate the lock when it is held (unsignalled)
+ * by a thread.
+ *
+ * @param lock the lock to terminate.
+ */
+void _ump_osu_lock_term( _ump_osu_lock_t *lock );
+/** @} */ /* end group _ump_osu_lock */
+/** @} */ /* end group osuapi */
+/** @} */ /* end group uddapi */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __UMP_OSU_H__ */
diff --git a/include/ump/ump_platform.h b/include/ump/ump_platform.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8366958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ump/ump_platform.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file ump_platform.h
+ *
+ * This file should define UMP_API_EXPORT,
+ * which dictates how the UMP user space API should be exported/imported.
+ * Modify this file, if needed, to match your platform setup.
+ */
+#ifndef __UMP_PLATFORM_H__
+#define __UMP_PLATFORM_H__
+/** @addtogroup ump_user_space_api
+ * @{ */
+ * A define which controls how UMP user space API functions are imported and exported.
+ * This define should be set by the implementor of the UMP API.
+ */
+#if defined(_WIN32)
+#elif defined(__SYMBIAN32__)
+/** @} */ /* end group ump_user_space_api */
+#endif /* __UMP_PLATFORM_H__ */
diff --git a/include/ump/ump_ref_drv.h b/include/ump/ump_ref_drv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79face0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ump/ump_ref_drv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file ump_ref_drv.h
+ *
+ * Reference driver extensions to the UMP user space API for allocating UMP memory
+ */
+#include "ump.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+typedef enum
+	/* This enum must match with the IOCTL enum in ump_ioctl.h */
+} ump_alloc_constraints;
+/** Allocate an UMP handle containing a memory buffer.
+ * Input: Size: The minimum size for the allocation.
+ * Usage: If this is UMP_REF_DRV_CONSTRAINT_USE_CACHE, the allocation is mapped as cached by the cpu.
+ *        If it is UMP_REF_DRV_CONSTRAINT_NONE it is mapped as noncached.
+ *        The flag UMP_REF_DRV_CONSTRAINT_PHYSICALLY_LINEAR is not supported.*/
+UMP_API_EXPORT ump_handle ump_ref_drv_allocate(unsigned long size, ump_alloc_constraints usage);
+typedef enum
+} ump_cpu_msync_op;
+/** Flushing cache for an ump_handle.
+ * The function will always CLEAN_AND_INVALIDATE as long as the \a op is not UMP_MSYNC_READOUT_CACHE_ENABLED.
+ * If so it will only report back if the given ump_handle is cacheable.
+ * At the momement the implementation does not use \a address or \a size.
+ * Return value is 1 if cache is enabled, and 0 if it is disabled for the given allocation.*/
+UMP_API_EXPORT int ump_cpu_msync_now(ump_handle mem, ump_cpu_msync_op op, void* address, int size);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/include/ump/ump_uk_types.h b/include/ump/ump_uk_types.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6701158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ump/ump_uk_types.h
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file ump_uk_types.h
+ * Defines the types and constants used in the user-kernel interface
+ */
+#ifndef __UMP_UK_TYPES_H__
+#define __UMP_UK_TYPES_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+/* Helpers for API version handling */
+#define MAKE_VERSION_ID(x) (((x) << 16UL) | (x))
+#define IS_VERSION_ID(x) (((x) & 0xFFFF) == (((x) >> 16UL) & 0xFFFF))
+#define GET_VERSION(x) (((x) >> 16UL) & 0xFFFF)
+#define IS_API_MATCH(x, y) (IS_VERSION_ID((x)) && IS_VERSION_ID((y)) && (GET_VERSION((x)) == GET_VERSION((y))))
+ * API version define.
+ * Indicates the version of the kernel API
+ * The version is a 16bit integer incremented on each API change.
+ * The 16bit integer is stored twice in a 32bit integer
+ * So for version 1 the value would be 0x00010001
+ */
+typedef enum
+	_UMP_IOC_MAP_MEM,    /* not used in Linux */
+	_UMP_IOC_UNMAP_MEM,  /* not used in Linux */
+typedef enum
+} ump_uk_alloc_constraints;
+typedef enum
+} ump_uk_msync_op;
+ * Get API version ([in,out] u32 api_version, [out] u32 compatible)
+ */
+typedef struct _ump_uk_api_version_s
+	void *ctx;      /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+	u32 version;    /**< Set to the user space version on entry, stores the device driver version on exit */
+	u32 compatible; /**< Non-null if the device is compatible with the client */
+} _ump_uk_api_version_s;
+ * ALLOCATE ([out] u32 secure_id, [in,out] u32 size,  [in] contraints)
+ */
+typedef struct _ump_uk_allocate_s
+	void *ctx;                              /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+	u32 secure_id;                          /**< Return value from DD to Userdriver */
+	u32 size;                               /**< Input and output. Requested size; input. Returned size; output */
+	ump_uk_alloc_constraints constraints;   /**< Only input to Devicedriver */
+} _ump_uk_allocate_s;
+ * SIZE_GET ([in] u32 secure_id, [out]size )
+ */
+typedef struct _ump_uk_size_get_s
+	void *ctx;                              /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+	u32 secure_id;                          /**< Input to DD */
+	u32 size;                               /**< Returned size; output */
+} _ump_uk_size_get_s;
+ * Release ([in] u32 secure_id)
+ */
+typedef struct _ump_uk_release_s
+	void *ctx;                              /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+	u32 secure_id;                          /**< Input to DD */
+} _ump_uk_release_s;
+typedef struct _ump_uk_map_mem_s
+	void *ctx;                      /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+	void *mapping;                  /**< [out] Returns user-space virtual address for the mapping */
+	void *phys_addr;                /**< [in] physical address */
+	unsigned long size;             /**< [in] size */
+	u32 secure_id;                  /**< [in] secure_id to assign to mapping */
+	void * _ukk_private;            /**< Only used inside linux port between kernel frontend and common part to store vma */
+	u32 cookie;
+	u32 is_cached;            /**< [in,out] caching of CPU mappings */
+} _ump_uk_map_mem_s;
+typedef struct _ump_uk_unmap_mem_s
+	void *ctx;            /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+	void *mapping;
+	u32 size;
+	void * _ukk_private;
+	u32 cookie;
+} _ump_uk_unmap_mem_s;
+typedef struct _ump_uk_msync_s
+	void *ctx;            /**< [in,out] user-kernel context (trashed on output) */
+	void *mapping;        /**< [in] mapping addr */
+	void *address;        /**< [in] flush start addr */
+	u32 size;             /**< [in] size to flush */
+	ump_uk_msync_op op;   /**< [in] flush operation */
+	u32 cookie;           /**< [in] cookie stored with reference to the kernel mapping internals */
+	u32 secure_id;        /**< [in] cookie stored with reference to the kernel mapping internals */
+	u32 is_cached;        /**< [out] caching of CPU mappings */
+} _ump_uk_msync_s;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __UMP_UK_TYPES_H__ */
diff --git a/os/linux/ump_ioctl.h b/os/linux/ump_ioctl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e978858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/linux/ump_ioctl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef __UMP_IOCTL_H__
+#define __UMP_IOCTL_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/ioctl.h>
+#include <ump_uk_types.h>
+#ifndef __user
+#define __user
+ * @file UMP_ioctl.h
+ * This file describes the interface needed to use the Linux device driver.
+ * The interface is used by the userpace UMP driver.
+ */
+#define UMP_IOCTL_NR 0x90
+#define UMP_IOC_ALLOCATE  _IOWR(UMP_IOCTL_NR,  _UMP_IOC_ALLOCATE,  _ump_uk_allocate_s)
+#define UMP_IOC_RELEASE  _IOR(UMP_IOCTL_NR,  _UMP_IOC_RELEASE,  _ump_uk_release_s)
+#define UMP_IOC_SIZE_GET  _IOWR(UMP_IOCTL_NR,  _UMP_IOC_SIZE_GET, _ump_uk_size_get_s)
+#define UMP_IOC_MSYNC     _IOW(UMP_IOCTL_NR,  _UMP_IOC_MSYNC, _ump_uk_size_get_s)
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __UMP_IOCTL_H__ */
diff --git a/os/linux/ump_osu_locks.c b/os/linux/ump_osu_locks.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97ba858
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/linux/ump_osu_locks.c
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#if ((!defined _XOPEN_SOURCE) || ((_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) < 600))
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
+#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L
+#include <ump/ump_osu.h>
+#include <ump/ump_debug.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+ * @file ump_osu_locks.c
+ * File implements the user side of the OS interface
+ */
+/** @opt Most of the time, we use the plain mutex type of osu_lock, and so
+ * only require the flags and mutex members. This costs 2 extra DWORDS, but
+ * most of the time we don't use those DWORDS.
+ * Therefore, ANY_UNLOCK type osu_locks can be implemented as a second
+ * structure containing the member _ump_osu_lock_t lock_t, plus the extra
+ * state required. Then, we use &container->lock_t when passing out of the
+ * OSU api, and CONTAINER_OF() when passing back in to recover the original
+ * structure. */
+/** Private declaration of the OSU lock type */
+struct _ump_osu_lock_t_struct
+	/** At present, only two types of mutex, so we store this information as
+	 * the flags supplied at init time */
+	_ump_osu_lock_flags_t flags;
+	pthread_mutex_t mutex; /**< Used in both plain and ANY_UNLOCK osu_locks */
+	/* Extra State for ANY_UNLOCK osu_locks. These are UNINITIALIZED when
+	 * flags does not contain _UMP_OSU_LOCKFLAG_ANYUNLOCK: */
+	pthread_cond_t condition;  /**< The condition object to use while blocking */
+	ump_bool state;  /**< The boolean which indicates the event's state */
+				  /** debug checking of locks */
+				  _ump_osu_lock_mode_t locked_as;
+	) /* UMP_DEBUG_CODE */
+/* Provide two statically initialized locks */
+UMP_STATIC _ump_osu_lock_t _ump_osu_static_locks[] =
+	{
+	    UMP_FALSE,
+	},
+	{
+	    UMP_FALSE,
+	},
+	{
+	    UMP_FALSE,
+	},
+	{
+	    UMP_FALSE,
+	},
+/* Critical section for auto_init */
+UMP_STATIC pthread_mutex_t	static_auto_init_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_osu_lock_auto_init( _ump_osu_lock_t **pplock, _ump_osu_lock_flags_t flags, u32 initial, u32 order )
+	int call_result;
+	/* Validate parameters: */
+	/** @opt We don't lock the Critical Section or do anything if this is already non-null */
+	if ( NULL != *pplock)
+	{
+		return _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK;
+	}
+	/* We MIGHT need to initialize it, lock the Critical Section and check again */
+	call_result = pthread_mutex_lock(&static_auto_init_mutex);
+	/* It would be a programming error for this to fail: */
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( 0 == call_result,
+					   ("failed to lock critical section\n") );
+	if ( NULL != *pplock )
+	{
+		/*
+			We caught a race condition to initialize this osu_lock.
+			The other thread won the race, so the osu_lock is now initialized.
+		*/
+		call_result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&static_auto_init_mutex);
+		UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 == call_result,
+						  ("failed to unlock critical section\n"));
+		return _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK;
+	}
+	/* We're the first thread in: initialize the osu_lock */
+	*pplock = _ump_osu_lock_init( flags, initial, order );
+	if ( NULL == *pplock )
+	{
+		/* osu_lock creation failed */
+		call_result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&static_auto_init_mutex);
+		UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 == call_result,
+						  ("failed to unlock critical section\n"));
+		return _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT;
+	}
+	/* osu_lock created OK */
+	call_result = pthread_mutex_unlock(&static_auto_init_mutex);
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(0 == call_result,
+					  ("failed to unlock critical section\n"));
+	UMP_IGNORE( call_result );
+	return _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK;
+_ump_osu_lock_t *_ump_osu_lock_init( _ump_osu_lock_flags_t flags, u32 initial, u32 order )
+	_ump_osu_lock_t * lock;
+	pthread_mutexattr_t mutex_attributes;
+	/* Validate parameters: */
+	/* Flags acceptable */
+					   ("incorrect flags or trying to initialise a statically initialized lock, %.8X\n", flags) );
+	/* Parameter initial SBZ - for future expansion */
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( 0 == initial,
+					   ("initial must be zero\n") );
+	if (0 != pthread_mutexattr_init(&mutex_attributes))
+	{
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (0 != pthread_mutexattr_settype(&mutex_attributes, UMP_PTHREADS_MUTEX_TYPE))
+	{
+		/** Return NULL on failure */
+		pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&mutex_attributes);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	/** @opt use containing structures for the ANY_UNLOCK type, to
+	 * save 2 DWORDS when not in use */
+	lock = _ump_osu_malloc( sizeof(_ump_osu_lock_t) );
+	if( NULL == lock )
+	{
+		/** Return NULL on failure */
+		pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&mutex_attributes);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	if (0 != pthread_mutex_init( &lock->mutex, &mutex_attributes ))
+	{
+		pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&mutex_attributes);
+		_ump_osu_free( lock );
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	/* done with the mutexattr object */
+	pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&mutex_attributes);
+	/* ANY_UNLOCK type */
+	{
+		if (0 != pthread_cond_init( &lock->condition, NULL ))
+		{
+			/* cleanup */
+			pthread_mutex_destroy( &lock->mutex );
+			_ump_osu_free( lock );
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		lock->state = UMP_FALSE; /* mark as unlocked by default */
+	}
+	lock->flags = flags;
+	/** Debug lock checking */
+	UMP_DEBUG_CODE( lock->locked_as = _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_UNDEF	);
+	return lock;
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_osu_lock_timed_wait( _ump_osu_lock_t *lock, _ump_osu_lock_mode_t mode, u64 timeout)
+	/* absolute time specifier */
+	struct timespec ts;
+	struct timeval tv;
+	/* Parameter validation */
+					   ("unrecognised mode, %.8X\n", mode) );
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( _UMP_OSU_LOCKFLAG_ANYUNLOCK == lock->flags, ("Timed operations only implemented for ANYUNLOCK type locks"));
+	/* calculate the realtime timeout value */
+	if (0 != gettimeofday(&tv, NULL))
+	{
+		UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(1,("Could not get the current realtime value to calculate the absolute value for a timed mutex lock with a timeout"));
+		return _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT;
+	}
+	tv.tv_usec += timeout;
+#define UMP_USECS_PER_SECOND 1000000ULL
+	/* did we overflow a second in the usec part? */
+	while (tv.tv_usec >= UMP_USECS_PER_SECOND)
+	{
+		tv.tv_usec -= UMP_USECS_PER_SECOND;
+		tv.tv_sec++;
+	}
+	/* copy to the correct struct */
+	ts.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
+	ts.tv_nsec = (tv.tv_usec * UMP_NANOSECS_PER_USEC);
+	/* lock the mutex protecting access to the state field */
+	pthread_mutex_lock( &lock->mutex );
+	/* loop while locked (state is UMP_TRUE) */
+	/* pthread_cond_timedwait unlocks the mutex, wait, and locks the mutex once unblocked (either due to the event or the timeout) */
+	while ( UMP_TRUE == lock->state )
+	{
+		int res;
+		res = pthread_cond_timedwait( &lock->condition, &lock->mutex, &ts );
+		if (0 == res) continue; /* test the state variable again (loop condition) */
+		else if (ETIMEDOUT == res)
+		{
+			/* timeout, need to clean up and return the correct error code */
+			pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock->mutex);
+			return _UMP_OSU_ERR_TIMEOUT;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(1, ("Unexpected return from pthread_cond_timedwait 0x%08X\n", res));
+			pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock->mutex);
+			return _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT;
+		}
+	}
+	/* DEBUG tracking of previously locked state - occurs while lock is obtained */
+			("This lock was already locked\n") );
+	UMP_DEBUG_CODE( lock->locked_as = mode );
+	/* the state is UMP_FALSE (unlocked), so we set it to UMP_TRUE to indicate that it's locked and can return knowing that we own the lock */
+	lock->state = UMP_TRUE;
+	/* final unlock of the mutex */
+	pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock->mutex);
+	return _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK;
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_osu_lock_wait( _ump_osu_lock_t *lock, _ump_osu_lock_mode_t mode)
+	/* Parameter validation */
+					   ("unrecognised mode, %.8X\n", mode) );
+	/** @note since only one flag can be set, we use a switch statement here.
+	 * Otherwise, MUST add an enum into the _ump_osu_lock_t to store the
+	 * implemented lock type */
+	switch ( lock->flags )
+	{
+	case 0:
+		/* Usual Mutex type */
+		{
+			int call_result;
+			call_result = pthread_mutex_lock( &lock->mutex );
+			UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( 0 == call_result,
+							   ("pthread_mutex_lock call failed with error code %d\n", call_result));
+			UMP_IGNORE( call_result );
+		}
+		/* DEBUG tracking of previously locked state - occurs while lock is obtained */
+						   ("This lock was already locked\n") );
+		UMP_DEBUG_CODE( lock->locked_as = mode );
+		break;
+		/** @note Use of bitflags in a case statement ONLY works because this
+		 * is the ONLY flag that is supported */
+		/* lock the mutex protecting access to the state field */
+		pthread_mutex_lock( &lock->mutex );
+		/* loop while locked (state is UMP_TRUE) */
+		/* pthread_cond_wait unlocks the mutex, wait, and locks the mutex once unblocked */
+		while ( UMP_TRUE == lock->state ) pthread_cond_wait( &lock->condition, &lock->mutex );
+		/* DEBUG tracking of previously locked state - occurs while lock is obtained */
+						   ("This lock was already locked\n") );
+		UMP_DEBUG_CODE( lock->locked_as = mode );
+		/* the state is UMP_FALSE (unlocked), so we set it to UMP_TRUE to indicate that it's locked and can return knowing that we own the lock */
+		lock->state = UMP_TRUE;
+		/* final unlock of the mutex */
+		pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock->mutex);
+		break;
+	default:
+		UMP_DEBUG_ERROR( ("lock has incorrect flags==%.8X\n", lock->flags) );
+		break;
+	}
+	return _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK;
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_osu_lock_trywait( _ump_osu_lock_t *lock, _ump_osu_lock_mode_t mode)
+	_ump_osu_errcode_t err = _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT;
+	/* Parameter validation */
+					   ("unrecognised mode, %.8X\n", mode) );
+	/** @note since only one flag can be set, we use a switch statement here.
+	 * Otherwise, MUST add an enum into the _ump_osu_lock_t to store the
+	 * implemented lock type */
+	switch ( lock->flags )
+	{
+	case 0:
+		/* Usual Mutex type */
+		{
+			/* This is not subject to UMP_CHECK - overriding the result would cause a programming error */
+			if ( 0 == pthread_mutex_trylock( &lock->mutex ) )
+			{
+				err = _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK;
+				/* DEBUG tracking of previously locked state - occurs while lock is obtained */
+								   || mode == lock->locked_as,
+								   ("tried as mode==%.8X, but was locked as %.8X\n", mode, lock->locked_as) );
+				UMP_DEBUG_CODE( lock->locked_as = mode );
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+		/** @note Use of bitflags in a case statement ONLY works because this
+		 * is the ONLY flag that is supported */
+		/* lock the mutex protecting access to the state field */
+		pthread_mutex_lock(&lock->mutex);
+		if ( UMP_FALSE == lock->state)
+		{
+			/* unlocked, take the lock */
+			lock->state = UMP_TRUE;
+			err = _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK;
+		}
+		/* DEBUG tracking of previously locked state - occurs while lock is obtained */
+		/* Can do this regardless of whether we obtained ANYUNLOCK: */
+						   || mode == lock->locked_as,
+						   ("tried as mode==%.8X, but was locked as %.8X\n", mode, lock->locked_as) );
+		/* If we were already locked, this does no harm, because of the above assert: */
+		UMP_DEBUG_CODE( lock->locked_as = mode );
+		pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock->mutex);
+		break;
+	default:
+		UMP_DEBUG_ERROR( ("lock has incorrect flags==%.8X\n", lock->flags) );
+		break;
+	}
+	return err;
+void _ump_osu_lock_signal( _ump_osu_lock_t *lock, _ump_osu_lock_mode_t mode )
+	/* Parameter validation */
+					   ("unrecognised mode, %.8X\n", mode) );
+	/** @note since only one flag can be set, we use a switch statement here.
+	 * Otherwise, MUST add an enum into the _ump_osu_lock_t to store the
+	 * implemented lock type */
+	switch ( lock->flags )
+	{
+	case 0:
+		/* Usual Mutex type */
+		/* DEBUG tracking of previously locked state - occurs while lock is obtained */
+		UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( mode == lock->locked_as,
+						   ("This lock was locked as==%.8X, but tried to unlock as mode==%.8X\n", lock->locked_as, mode));
+		UMP_DEBUG_CODE( lock->locked_as = _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_UNDEF );
+		{
+			int call_result;
+			call_result = pthread_mutex_unlock( &lock->mutex );
+			UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( 0 == call_result,
+							   ("pthread_mutex_lock call failed with error code %d\n", call_result));
+			UMP_IGNORE( call_result );
+		}
+		break;
+		/** @note Use of bitflags in a case statement ONLY works because this
+		 * is the ONLY flag that is supported */
+		pthread_mutex_lock(&lock->mutex);
+		UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( UMP_TRUE == lock->state, ("Unlocking a _ump_osu_lock_t %p which is not locked\n", lock));
+		/* DEBUG tracking of previously locked state - occurs while lock is obtained */
+		UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( mode == lock->locked_as,
+						   ("This lock was locked as==%.8X, but tried to unlock as %.8X\n", lock->locked_as, mode ));
+		UMP_DEBUG_CODE( lock->locked_as = _UMP_OSU_LOCKMODE_UNDEF );
+		/* mark as unlocked */
+		lock->state = UMP_FALSE;
+		/* signal the condition, only wake a single thread */
+		pthread_cond_signal(&lock->condition);
+		pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock->mutex);
+		break;
+	default:
+		UMP_DEBUG_ERROR( ("lock has incorrect flags==%.8X\n", lock->flags) );
+		break;
+	}
+void _ump_osu_lock_term( _ump_osu_lock_t *lock )
+	int call_result;
+	/** Debug lock checking: */
+	/* Lock is signalled on terminate - not a guarantee, since we could be locked immediately beforehand */
+					   ("cannot terminate held lock\n") );
+	call_result = pthread_mutex_destroy( &lock->mutex );
+	UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( 0 == call_result,
+					   ("Incorrect mutex use detected: pthread_mutex_destroy call failed with error code %d\n", call_result) );
+	/* Destroy extra state for ANY_UNLOCK type osu_locks */
+	if ( lock->flags & _UMP_OSU_LOCKFLAG_ANYUNLOCK )
+	{
+		UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( UMP_FALSE == lock->state, ("terminate called on locked object %p\n", lock));
+		call_result = pthread_cond_destroy(&lock->condition);
+		UMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( 0 == call_result,
+						   ("Incorrect condition-variable use detected: pthread_cond_destroy call failed with error code %d\n", call_result) );
+	}
+	UMP_IGNORE(call_result);
+	_ump_osu_free( lock );
+_ump_osu_lock_t *_ump_osu_lock_static( u32 nr )
+	                   ("provided static lock index (%d) out of bounds (0 < nr < %d)\n", nr, UMP_OSU_STATIC_LOCK_COUNT) );
+	return &_ump_osu_static_locks[nr];
diff --git a/os/linux/ump_osu_memory.c b/os/linux/ump_osu_memory.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5807594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/linux/ump_osu_memory.c
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <ump/ump_osu.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h> /* memcmp, memchr, memset */
+ * @file ump_osu_memory.c
+ * File implements the user side of the OS interface
+ */
+void *_ump_osu_calloc( u32 n, u32 size )
+	return calloc( n, size );
+void *_ump_osu_malloc( u32 size )
+	return malloc( size );
+void *_ump_osu_realloc( void *ptr, u32 size )
+	return realloc( ptr, size );
+void _ump_osu_free( void *ptr )
+	free( ptr );
+void *_ump_osu_memcpy( void *dst, const void *src, u32	len )
+	return memcpy( dst, src, len );
+void *_ump_osu_memset( void *ptr, u32 chr, u32 size )
+	return memset( ptr, chr, size );
+int _ump_osu_memcmp( const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2, u32 size )
+	return memcmp( ptr1, ptr2, size );
diff --git a/os/linux/ump_uku.c b/os/linux/ump_uku.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f46a2c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/linux/ump_uku.c
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file ump_uku.c
+ * File implements the user side of the user-kernel interface
+ */
+#include "../ump_uku.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "ump_ioctl.h"
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+/* Needed for file operations on the device file*/
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+static _ump_osu_errcode_t ump_driver_ioctl(void *context, u32 command, void *args);
+static int ump_ioctl_api_version_used = UMP_IOCTL_API_VERSION;
+ * The device file to access the UMP device driver
+ * This is a character special file giving access to the device driver.
+ * Usually created using the mknod command line utility.
+ */
+static const char ump_device_file_name[] = "/dev/ump";
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_uku_open( void **context )
+	int ump_device_file;
+	if(NULL == context)
+	{
+		return _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT;
+	}
+	ump_device_file = open(ump_device_file_name, O_RDWR);
+	if (-1 == ump_device_file)
+	{
+		return _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT;
+	}
+	{
+		struct _ump_uk_api_version_s args;
+		args.ctx     = (void*)ump_device_file;
+		args.version = UMP_IOCTL_API_VERSION;
+		args.compatible = 3;
+		ump_driver_ioctl(args.ctx, UMP_IOC_QUERY_API_VERSION, &args);
+		if ( 1 != args.compatible )
+		{
+			if (IS_API_MATCH(MAKE_VERSION_ID(1), args.version))
+			{
+				ump_ioctl_api_version_used = MAKE_VERSION_ID(1);
+				UMP_PRINTF("The UMP devicedriver does not support cached UMP. Update it if this is needed.\n");
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				UMP_PRINTF("The UMP devicedriver is version: %d, UMP libraries is version: %d.\n", GET_VERSION(args.version), GET_VERSION(UMP_IOCTL_API_VERSION) );
+			   close(ump_device_file);
+			   return _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	*context = (void *) ump_device_file;
+	return _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK;
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_uku_close( void **context )
+	if(NULL == context)
+	{
+		return _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT;
+	}
+	if(-1 == (int)*context)
+	{
+		return _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT;
+	}
+	close((int)*context);
+	*context = (void *)-1;
+	return _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK;
+int _ump_uku_allocate(_ump_uk_allocate_s *args)
+	return ump_driver_ioctl(args->ctx, UMP_IOC_ALLOCATE, args);
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_uku_release(_ump_uk_release_s *args)
+	return ump_driver_ioctl(args->ctx, UMP_IOC_RELEASE, args);
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_uku_size_get(_ump_uk_size_get_s *args)
+	return ump_driver_ioctl(args->ctx, UMP_IOC_SIZE_GET, args);
+void _ump_uku_msynch(_ump_uk_msync_s *args)
+	/* This is for backwards compatibillity */
+	if ( MAKE_VERSION_ID(1) == ump_ioctl_api_version_used)
+	{
+		args->is_cached = 0;
+		{
+			UMP_DEBUG_PRINT(3, ("Warning: Doing UMP cache flush operations on a Device Driver that does not support cached UMP mem.\n"));
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	ump_driver_ioctl(args->ctx, UMP_IOC_MSYNC, args);
+int _ump_uku_map_mem(_ump_uk_map_mem_s *args)
+	int flags;
+	if( -1 == (int)args->ctx )
+	{
+		return -1;
+	}
+	flags = MAP_SHARED;
+	/* This is for backwards compatibillity */
+	if ( MAKE_VERSION_ID(1) == ump_ioctl_api_version_used)
+	{
+		args->is_cached = 0;
+	}
+	/* If we want the Caching to be enabled we set the flags to be PRIVATE. The UMP DD reads this and do proper handling
+	   Note: this enforces the user to use proper invalidation*/
+	if ( args->is_cached ) flags = MAP_PRIVATE;
+	args->mapping = mmap(NULL, args->size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE ,flags , (int)args->ctx, (off_t)args->secure_id * sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE));
+	if (MAP_FAILED == args->mapping)
+	{
+		return -1;
+	}
+    args->cookie = 0; /* Cookie is not used in linux _ump_uku_unmap_mem */
+	return 0;
+void _ump_uku_unmap_mem( _ump_uk_unmap_mem_s *args )
+	/*
+	 * If a smaller size is used Linux will just remove the requested range but don't tell
+	 * the ump driver before all of it is unmapped, either via another unmap request or upon process shutdown.
+	 * Unmapping too much will just ignore the overhead or hit undefined behavior,
+	 * only affecting the calling process which could mess itself up in other ways anyway.
+	 * So we don't need any security checks here.
+	 */
+	munmap(args->mapping, args->size);
+static _ump_osu_errcode_t ump_driver_ioctl(void *context, u32 command, void *args)
+   	/* check for a valid file descriptor */
+	/** @note manual type safety check-point */
+	if( -1 == (int)context )
+	{
+		return _UMP_OSU_ERR_FAULT;
+	}
+	/* call ioctl handler of driver */
+	if (0 != ioctl((int)context, command, args)) return -1;
+	return _UMP_OSU_ERR_OK;
diff --git a/os/ump_uku.h b/os/ump_uku.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7da7185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os/ump_uku.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * @file ump_uku.h
+ * Defines the user-side interface of the user-kernel interface
+ */
+#ifndef __UMP_UKU_H__
+#define __UMP_UKU_H__
+#include <ump/ump_osu.h>
+#include <ump/ump_debug.h>
+#include <ump/ump_uk_types.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_uku_open( void **context );
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_uku_close( void **context );
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_uku_allocate( _ump_uk_allocate_s *args );
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_uku_release( _ump_uk_release_s *args );
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_uku_size_get( _ump_uk_size_get_s *args );
+_ump_osu_errcode_t _ump_uku_get_api_version( _ump_uk_api_version_s *args );
+int _ump_uku_map_mem( _ump_uk_map_mem_s *args );
+void _ump_uku_unmap_mem( _ump_uk_unmap_mem_s *args );
+void _ump_uku_msynch(_ump_uk_msync_s *args);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __UMP_UKU_H__ */
diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..297df38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Building the UMP user space library for Linux
+A simple Makefile is provided, and the UMP user space library can be built
+simply by issuing make. This Makefile is setup to use the ARM GCC compiler
+from CodeSourcery, and it builds for ARMv6. Modification to this Makefile
+is needed in order to build for other configurations.
+In order to use this library from the Mali GPU driver, invoke the Mali GPU
+driver build system with the following two make variables set;
+- UMP_INCLUDE_DIR should point to the include folder inside this package
+- UMP_LIB should point to the built library (
+This does not apply to Android builds, where the file for the
+Mali GPU driver needs to be manually edited in order to add the correct
+include path and link against the correct library.
diff --git a/ump.mak b/ump.mak
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e417313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ump.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ifeq ($(UMP_NO_UMP),1)
+	$(UMP_DIR)/arch_999_no_ump/ump_frontend.c \
+	$(UMP_DIR)/arch_999_no_ump/ump_ref_drv.c
+	$(UMP_DIR)/arch_011_udd/ump_frontend.c \
+	$(UMP_DIR)/arch_011_udd/ump_ref_drv.c \
+	$(UMP_DIR)/arch_011_udd/ump_arch.c \
+	$(UMP_DIR)/os/$(UDD_OS)/ump_uku.c \
+	$(UMP_DIR)/os/$(UDD_OS)/ump_osu_memory.c \
+	$(UMP_DIR)/os/$(UDD_OS)/ump_osu_locks.c