| # The letters in this file are case sensitive, use lower case only !!! |
| |
| SmeConnectMode = 1 #0 - auto, 1 - manual |
| ScanResultAging = 0 # in Second - range 0..1000 |
| WME_Enable = 1 #0=diable WME support / 1=Enable |
| dot11NetworkType = 3 #2 - A only mode, 3 - B/G mode, 4 - A/G Dual mode |
| SmeScanGChannelList = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 |
| SmeScanAChannelList = 36,40,44,48,52,56,60,64 |
| RecoveryEnable = 1 #0 -Disabled 1- Enabled |
| BThWlanCoexistEnable = 1 #0 - SG disable, 1 - SG protective |
| TxAggregationPktsLimit = 0 # Disable Tx packets aggregation for Linux (degrades TP) |
| |
| # |
| # Power Manager |
| # |
| BeaconListenInterval = 1 # the number of N-Beacon or N-DTim |
| DtimListenInterval = 1 # |
| |
| ReAuthActivePriority = 0 |
| |
| dot11PowerMode = 0 #0 - Auto |
| #1 - Active |
| #2 - Short Doze |
| #3 - Long Doze |
| |
| PowerMgmtHangOverPeriod = 10 #in mSec units |
| |
| AutoPowerModeDozeMode = 3 #2 - Short Doze |
| #3 - Long Doze |
| |
| AutoPowerModeActiveTh = 8 #packets per second (default 15) |
| |
| AutoPowerModeDozeTh = 4 #packets per seconds - threshold for entering ELP in Auto mode (default 8) |
| |
| defaultPowerLevel = 0 #0 - ELP |
| #1 - PD |
| #2 - AWAKE |
| |
| PowerSavePowerLevel = 0 #0 - ELP |
| #1 - PD |
| #2 - AWAKE |
| |
| DcoItrimEnabled = 0 # 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled |
| DcoItrimModerationTimeout = 50000 |
| |
| TxPower = 205 #set Default Tx Power Level in DBM * 10 |
| dot11FragmentationThreshold = 4096 |
| dot11RTSThreshold = 4096 |
| WPAMixedMode= 1 |
| RSNPreAuthentication = 1 |
| |
| CalibrationChannel24 = 7 |
| CalibrationChannel5 = 36 |
| |
| # Regulatury Domain tables. |
| # Each byte correlates to one channel in sequential order. Table 2.4 starts from channel 1, Table 5.0 starts from channel 36. |
| # Bits 0..4 - Max power allowed in Dbm. |
| # Bit 6 - Channel is allowed for Active scan |
| # BIt 7 - Channel is allowed |
| AllowedChannelsTable5 = FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF0000000000000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000FF000000000000000000000000000000 |
| |
| SpectrumManagement = 0 # 0 - Disable 802.11h, 1 - Enable |
| |
| RxBroadcastInPs = 1 |
| |
| #arp ip filter - must be written 8 characters for example -> 0a 02 2b 21 and not a 2 2b 21 |
| ArpIp_Addr = 0a 02 0a b7 |
| ArpIp_Filter_ena = 0 |
| |
| |
| #mac filter |
| Mac_Filter_Enabled = 0 |
| numGroupAddrs = 4 |
| Group_addr0 = 10 01 02 03 04 05 |
| Group_addr1 = 11 11 12 13 14 15 |
| Group_addr2 = 12 21 22 23 24 25 |
| Group_addr3 = 13 31 32 33 34 35 |
| Group_addr4 = 14 41 42 43 44 45 |
| Group_addr5 = 15 51 52 53 54 55 |
| Group_addr6 = 16 61 62 63 64 65 |
| Group_addr7 = 17 71 72 73 74 75 |
| |
| #beacon filter |
| Beacon_Filter_Desired_State = 1 |
| Beacon_Filter_Stored = 1 |
| |
| #beacon IE table |
| #the size is the len of the string - spaces = number of bytes |
| Beacon_IE_Num_Of_Elem = 16 |
| Beacon_IE_Table_Size = 37 |
| Beacon_IE_Table = 00 01 01 01 32 01 2a 01 03 01 06 01 07 01 20 01 25 01 23 01 30 01 28 01 2e 01 3d 01 85 01 dd 01 00 52 f2 02 00 01 |
| |
| #Rate adaptation |
| RateContThreshold = 10 |
| RateStepUpThreshold = 2 |
| FBShortInterval = 40 |
| FBLongInterval = 200 |
| RateAdaptationTimeout = 300 |
| |
| # rate policy - short / long retries |
| RatePolicyUserShortRetryLimit = 10 |
| RatePolicyUserLongRetryLimit = 10 |
| |
| #rate policies |
| #rates guide: -->>mcs7,msc6,mcs5,mcs4,mcs3,mcs2,mcs1,mcs0,54,58,36,24,22,18,12,11,9,6,5.5,2,1 |
| |
| |
| OsDbgState = 0x01e9003c # -1 or 0xffffffff -all (opens debug messages in o.s. only - sevirity+modules) |
| |
| ############################################################# |
| # Configure the severity table (0 = Disable/ 1 = Enable) |
| # |
| # Byte #0: Init |
| # Byte #1: Information |
| # Byte #2: Warning |
| # Byte #3: Error |
| # Byte #4: Fatal Error |
| # Byte #5: SM |
| # Byte #6: Console |
| ############################################################# |
| |
| ReportSeverityTable = 00001101 |
| |
| BeaconReceiveTime = 50 |
| |
| # |
| # Mem blocks |
| # |
| RxMemBlksNum = 50 |
| QOS_txBlksThresholdBE = 20 |
| QOS_txBlksThresholdVI = 20 |
| QOS_txBlksThresholdVO = 20 |
| |
| # |
| # QOS UPSD |
| # |
| |
| desiredPsMode = 1 # Global Power save delivery protocol (1 - UPSD, 0 - Legacy) |
| QOS_wmePsModeBE = 1 # Power save delivery protocol for BE AC (1 - UPSD, 0 - Legacy) |
| QOS_wmePsModeBK = 1 # Power save delivery protocol for BK AC (1 - UPSD, 0 - Legacy) |
| QOS_wmePsModeVI = 1 # Power save delivery protocol for VI AC (1 - UPSD, 0 - Legacy) |
| QOS_wmePsModeVO = 1 # Power save delivery protocol for VO AC (1 - UPSD, 0 - Legacy) |
| |
| # |
| # QOS Classifier |
| # |
| Clsfr_Type = 1 # 1 - DSCP, 2 - Port, 3 - IP+port |
| |
| |
| NumOfCodePoints = 4 |
| DSCPClassifier00_CodePoint = 0 #Best Effort |
| DSCPClassifier00_DTag = 0 |
| |
| DSCPClassifier01_CodePoint = 8 #Background |
| DSCPClassifier01_DTag = 1 |
| |
| DSCPClassifier02_CodePoint = 40 #Video |
| DSCPClassifier02_DTag = 5 |
| |
| DSCPClassifier03_CodePoint = 56 #Voice |
| DSCPClassifier03_DTag = 6 |
| |
| dot11MaxReceiveLifetime=512000 |
| FracOfLifeTimeToDrop = 50 |
| |
| WiFiAdhoc = 0 |
| WiFiWmmPS = 0 # Use 1 on WiFi test in order to configure PS to work in WMM mode |
| |
| EarlyWakeUp = 1 # 0 - Disable , 1 - Enable |
| |
| TxEnergyDetection = 0 # Use 1 for enabling |
| |
| TriggeredScanTimeOut = 50000 # Maximum time in Us between 2 channels on triggered scan |
| # PsPoll delivery failure solution |
| PsPollDeliveryFailureRecoveryPeriod = 20 # Time in Ms to stay ACTIVE ('0' to disable feature) |
| ConsecutivePsPollDeliveryFailureThreshold = 4 # Number of failed PsPoll's to start ACTIVE time out |
| |
| |
| # Weights in percent for RSSI/SNR Average calculations |
| RssiBeaconAverageWeight = 20 |
| RssiPacketAverageWeight = 10 |
| SnrBeaconAverageWeight = 20 |
| SnrPacketAverageWeight = 10 |
| |
| HT_Enable=1 #0=diable 802.11n support / 1=Enable |
| IbssProtectionType = 1 # 0 = CTS protaction disable ; 1 = Standard CTS protaction |
| BurstModeEnable = 0 # 0 - Disabled 1 - Enabled |
| RoamScanEnable = 0 # 1- roaming and immidate scan enable by deafult 0- allowing roaming & scannig due to CLI confguration |
| RoamingOperationalMode = 1 # 0=Manual , 1=Auto |
| RSNExternalMode = 0 # 0=Internal , 1=External |
| SendTspecInReassPkt = 0 # 0=do not send, 1=send |
| |
| |
| FmCoexuSwallowPeriod = 5 |
| FmCoexuNDividerFrefSet2 = 12 |
| FmCoexuMDividerFrefSet2 = 148 |
| |
| BaPolicyTid_0 = 3 |
| |
| |
| ############################################################################################################################## |
| ################################################## Radio parameters data - Start ############################################# |
| ############################################################################################################################## |
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| ################################ General parameters ################################ |
| STRFRefClock = 1 # Unit: Options 5'bXX000 : Bit 0,1,2 - (0: 19.2MHz; 1: 26MHz; 2: 38.4MHz (Default); 3: 52MHz; 4: 38.4MHz XTAL) ; |
| # 5'bX0XXX : Bit 3 - CLK_REQ type; 0 = wired-OR (Default) , 1= push-pull |
| # 5'b0XXXX : Bit 4 - CLK_REQ polarity; 0 = Normal (Default) , 1=Inverted, Format: Unsigned, Source: Customer |
| STRFRefClockSettingTime = 5 |
| TXBiPFEMAutoDetect = 0 # Unit: Options (0: Manual Mode; 1: Automatic mode), Format: Unsigned, Source: Customer |
| TXBiPFEMManufacturer = 1 # Unit: Options (0: RFMD; 1: Triquint), Format: Unsigned, Source: Customer |
| ClockValidOnWakeup = 0 |
| DC2DCMode = 0 # Unit: Options (0: btSPI is not used; 1: mux DC2DC mode to BT_FUNC2), Format: Unsigned, Source: Customer |
| Single_Dual_Band_Solution = 0 # Unit: Options (0: Single band. 2.4GHz only; 1: Dual band = 2.4GHz and 5GHz solution), Format: Unsigned, Source: Customer |
| Settings = 65 # 0x41 Unit: Options (Bit0: NBI (0: Off; 1: On), Bit1: Telec channel 14 (0: Off; 1: On), Format: Unsigned, Source: Customer |
| # Bit2: FEM0-LB, Bit3: FEM0-HB, Bit4: FEM1-LB, Bit5: FEM1-HB - TX BiP load (0: Internal; 1: External), |
| # Bit6: LPD Low band, Bit7: LPD High band |
| |
| # Smart Reflex params |
| SRState = 1 # Unit: Options ( 1 - Enabled 0- Disabled) Format: Decimal, Source: TI |
| SRF1 = 07,03,18,10,05,fb,f0,e8, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0f,3f # Unit: SRF1 values, Format: Signed, Source: TI |
| SRF2 = 07,03,18,10,05,f6,f0,e8 # Unit: SRF2 values, Format: Signed, Source: TI |
| SRF3 = 07,03,18,10,05,fb,f0,e8 # Unit: SRF3 values, Format: Signed, Source: TI |
| |
| ################################ FEM dependents parameters ####################################### |
| ###################### FEM1 parameters ###################### |
| |
| # (for Single bend 2.4G parameters FEM1 (TQS 2.5) HDK20) |
| |
| RxTraceInsertionLoss_2_4G = 0 |
| TXTraceLoss_2_4G = 0 |
| RxRssiAndProcessCompensation_2_4G = ec,f6,00,0c,18,f8,fc,00,08,10,f0,f8,00,0a,14 |
| TXBiPReferencePDvoltage_2_4G = 375 # 0x177 |
| TxBiPReferencePower_2_4G = 128 # 0x80 |
| TxBiPOffsetdB_2_4G = 0 |
| TxPerRatePowerLimits_2_4G_Normal = 1d, 1f, 22, 26, 28, 29 |
| TxPerRatePowerLimits_2_4G_Degraded = 1a, 1f, 22, 24, 26, 28 |
| TxPerRatePowerLimits_2_4G_Extreme = 16, 1d, 1e, 20, 24, 25 # Unit: 1/2dB, Format: Signed, Source: Customer |
| DegradedLowToNormalThr_2_4G = 30 # 0x1e Unit: 1/10 volts, Format: Unsigned, Source: TI |
| NormalToDegradedHighThr_2_4G = 45 # 0x2d Unit: 1/10 volts, Format: Unsigned, Source: TI |
| TxPerChannelPowerLimits_2_4G_11b = 50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50 |
| TxPerChannelPowerLimits_2_4G_OFDM = 50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50 |
| TxPDVsRateOffsets_2_4G = 01,02,02,02,02,00 |
| TxIbiasTable_2_4G = 11,11,15,11,15,0f |
| RxFemInsertionLoss_2_4G = 14 # 0x0e |
| |
| |
| ###################### FEM0 parameters ######################### |
| |
| # (for Single bend 2.4G parameters FEM0 (RFMD 3.0) HDK20) |
| |
| #RxTraceInsertionLoss_2_4G = 0 |
| #TXTraceLoss_2_4G = 0 |
| #RxRssiAndProcessCompensation_2_4G = ec,f6,00,0c,18,f8,fc,00,08,10,f0,f8,00,0a,14 |
| #TXBiPReferencePDvoltage_2_4G = 356 # 0x0164 |
| #TxBiPReferencePower_2_4G = 128 # 0x80 |
| #TxBiPOffsetdB_2_4G = 0 |
| #TxPerRatePowerLimits_2_4G_Normal = 1c,1f,22,24,28,29 |
| #TxPerRatePowerLimits_2_4G_Degraded = 19,1f,22,23,27,28 |
| #TxPerRatePowerLimits_2_4G_Extreme = 50,50,50,50,50,50 # Unit: 1/2dB, Format: Signed, Source: Customer |
| #DegradedLowToNormalThr_2_4G = 30 # 1e Unit: 1/10 volts, Format: Unsigned, Source: TI |
| #NormalToDegradedHighThr_2_4G = 45 # 2d Unit: 1/10 volts, Format: Unsigned, Source: TI |
| #TxPerChannelPowerLimits_2_4G_11b = 50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50 |
| #TxPerChannelPowerLimits_2_4G_OFDM = 50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,50 |
| #TxPDVsRateOffsets_2_4G = 01,02,02,02,02,00 |
| #TxIbiasTable_2_4G = 1a,1a,1a,1a,1a,21 |
| #RxFemInsertionLoss_2_4G = 16 # 0x10 |
| |
| ############################################################################################################################## |
| ################################################## Radio parameters data - End ############################################### |
| ############################################################################################################################## |
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