| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| /* |
| * Registration functions for native methods in system classes. |
| */ |
| |
| #include "jni.h" |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| extern "C" { |
| #endif |
| |
| /* |
| * Call this to register the methods below. Ideally, this is the only |
| * symbol that needs to be exported from the library. |
| */ |
| int jniRegisterSystemJavaMethods(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| |
| /* |
| * Registration functions for native methods in libcore. |
| */ |
| int register_org_apache_harmony_dalvik_NativeTestTarget(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| int register_dalvik_system_TouchDex(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| int register_org_apache_harmony_xml_ExpatParser(JNIEnv *env); |
| |
| int register_java_io_File(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_io_FileDescriptor(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_io_ObjectOutputStream(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_io_ObjectInputStream(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_io_ObjectStreamClass(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| int register_java_lang_Character(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_lang_Double(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_lang_Float(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_lang_Math(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_lang_ProcessManager(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_lang_StrictMath(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_lang_System(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_lang_reflect_Proxy(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| int register_org_apache_harmony_luni_platform_OSFileSystem(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_org_apache_harmony_luni_platform_OSMemory(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_org_apache_harmony_luni_platform_OSNetworkSystem(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_org_apache_harmony_nio_AddressUtil(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_org_apache_harmony_text_BidiWrapper(JNIEnv *env); |
| |
| int register_org_apache_harmony_xnet_provider_jsse_OpenSSLServerSocketImpl(JNIEnv *env); |
| int register_org_apache_harmony_xnet_provider_jsse_OpenSSLSessionImpl(JNIEnv *env); |
| int register_org_apache_harmony_xnet_provider_jsse_OpenSSLSocketImpl(JNIEnv *env); |
| int register_org_openssl_NativeBN(JNIEnv *env); |
| int register_org_apache_harmony_xnet_provider_jsse_NativeCrypto(JNIEnv *env); |
| |
| int register_java_util_jar_JarFile(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_util_zip_Adler32(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_util_zip_CRC32(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_util_zip_Deflater(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_util_zip_Inflater(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_util_zip_ZipFile(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_net_InetAddress(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_java_net_NetworkInterface(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| int register_org_apache_harmony_luni_util_fltparse(JNIEnv *env); |
| int register_org_apache_harmony_luni_util_NumberConvert(JNIEnv *env); |
| |
| int register_javax_crypto_HmacSpi(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| int register_com_ibm_icu4jni_converters_NativeConverter(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_com_ibm_icu4jni_lang_UCharacter(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_com_ibm_icu4jni_text_NativeCollator(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_com_ibm_icu4jni_text_NativeBreakIterator(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_com_ibm_icu4jni_text_NativeDecimalFormat(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_com_ibm_icu4jni_regex_NativeRegEx(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_com_ibm_icu4jni_util_Resources(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_com_ibm_icu4jni_text_NativeRBNF(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| int register_sun_misc_Unsafe(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| int register_SQLite_Database(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_SQLite_Vm(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_SQLite_FunctionContext(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_SQLite_Stmt(JNIEnv* env); |
| int register_SQLite_Blob(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| int register_org_openssl_NativeBN(JNIEnv* env); |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| } |
| #endif |
| |