| |
| SciMark 2.0 Java Numerical Benchmark |
| |
| Roldan Pozo, Bruce Miller |
| |
| NIST |
| |
| SciMark 2.0 is a composite Java benchmark measuring the performance of |
| numerical kernels occurring in scientific and engineering applications. |
| It consists of five kernels which typify computational routines |
| commonly found in numeric codes: Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs), |
| Jacobi Successive Over-relaxation (SOR), Sparse matrix-multiply, |
| Monte Carlo integration, and dense LU matrix factorization. |
| |
| (See http://www.math.nist.gov/scimark for further information |
| and latest updates.) |
| |
| |
| |
| Unpack the contents of archive into a subdirectory on your |
| CLASSPATH. Be sure to keep the directory structure of the |
| file contents. |
| |
| |
| From the directory above this one, issue the command: |
| |
| >javac -O commandline.java |
| |
| This should compile main benchmark driver and dependent files. |
| |
| |
| From the directory above this one, issue the command: |
| |
| >java jnt.scimark2.commandline |
| |
| or |
| >java jnt.scimark2.commandline -large |
| |
| to run the large problem size version. (Note that this one |
| takes considerably longer to run.) |
| |
| After a few minutes, the program should respond with |
| the benchmark results, e.g. |
| |
| >javac jnt.scimark2.commandline |
| |
| SciMark 2.0a |
| |
| Composite Score: 20.791595999749727 |
| FFT (4096): 30.260047144878346 |
| Jacobi SOR (100x100): 33.074935359763934 |
| Monte Carlo (25000): 11.510791361970528 |
| Sparse matmult (nz=25000), 10 iterations: 8.007507030681996 |
| LU (100x100): 21.104699101453836 |
| |
| java.vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. |
| java.version: 1.2 |
| os.arch: x86 |
| os.name: Windows NT |
| os.version: 4.0 |
| |
| One can send these results to "pozo@nist.gov". |
| |
| /* ---------------------- END OF README -----------------------------*/ |