blob: 805f936c182df10efe6773417111124ed1cd0734 [file] [log] [blame]
V1.0 (capps):
Beginning of the code base.
Added reread
Added rewrite
Added read backwards
Added lseek+read
Added lseek+reread
Added more accurate time collection method.
Added alignment in the on chip Cache code.
Added change step when passing 16 Meg size file.
Added auto+ to purge on chip cache.
replaced the lseek+read &reread test with random reads and writes
Replaced reverse re-read with record rewrite. This gives
both source and destination on chip cache hits.
added auto+multi
Support for multiple buffers in the iozone.
Removed the recursion through main().
Cleaned up the printout when not in auto mode.
Added support for stride-read. ( Manual mode only )
Cleanup so it will build for bsd4_2 ( C series machines )
Cleanup on frontend. Now uses getopt() and has a real parser.
Cleanup on error handling.
Added throughput tests.
Eliminated page faults in the throughput tests.
Made all perf tests table driven.
Add back Bill's Copyright.
ansify, prototypes, scope limitations.
V2.1 (kcollins):
Simplified auto mode logic. auto test now runs from
to RECLEN_END with values multiplied by MULTIPLIER
each iteration. Range set to (4K...16M) for RECLEN
and (1M...512M) for MEGABYTES. (the physical I/O
tests for RECLEN <4K take several hours on a 1200).
Enlarged MAXBUFFERSIZE to 16MB for large record tests.
Added error checking for mallocs (!-).
Changed multibuffer code to use all of MAXBUFFERSIZE
as a circular buffer, with the number of buffers
varying as MAXBUFFERSIZE/reclen. This corrects
problems where MAXBUFFERSIZE*MAXBUFFERS was very large.
Also modified auto mode so that tests where
reclen>filesize are skipped.
Modified preadv code to vary the number of buffers as
necessary such that they will fit in min(MAXBUFFERSIZE,filesize).
This fixes problems where the number of buffers in
the i/o vector exceeded the size of mainbuffer.
Added bzero for buffer when it is first malloc'd. This
ensures that it is initialized before use.
Created a script (profile.fs) that runs a series of tests
to generate a "box" around common application variables
such as filesize, buffer size, buffer encachement, and
number of concurrent processes. This is intended to serve
as the "standard" filesystem profile.
buffer reset to mainbuffer before each test loop
V2.3 (kcollins):
added -F option to write to specify pathnames for throughput
tests (allowing throughput tests to multiple filesystems).
V2.4 (capps):
Changed preadv/pwritev to use a non-sequential access pattern.
Changed the version number.
Moved all user interface values to KB. This simplifies
the user interface. (consistant scaling) and it also
allows one to start with 512kb file. This is very important
since the first indirect block causes a significant
slowdown in the initial write cases.
V2.5 (capps):
Re-structure and cleanup.
V2.6 (kcollins)
Bug fix for the throughput tests.
V2.7 (capps):
Added -o flag. This makes all file opens for writes
have the O_SYNC flag set. This makes all writes go
to disk before competion. This is useful for seeing
what the media can do without the buffer cache helping.
V2.8 (capps):
Added -V flag. This turns on pattern verification. If
the user were to type:
-V 165
Then bit pattern 0xa5 would be placed in every byte in the
buffer and when read back from buffer cache, or disk,
it will be verified to be correct. If it fails then
the error handler will specify the byte location of the
V2.9 (capps):
Added fread/re-fread, fwrite/re-fwrite to list of tests.
Added -E to allow the user to run pread and friends as an option.
V2.10 (capps):
Added -R. This will generate Excel compatible files that
can then be imported into Excel and graphed.
Added support for 5 targets to the makefile.
Added -M This prints out the uname -a stuff about a machine.
Added -O This gives all results in operations/sec instead of KB/sec.
More code cleanup. Update comments.
V2.11 (kcollins)
added -A. Auto mode with no crossover and read/write tests only
changed default record size to 64KB (from 512 bytes)
V2.12 (capps)
Added shared memory barrier sync for throughput mode. This
provides much finer control over the actual timeing
of the children.
Added mmap() for BSD (Convex) machines that do not
have System V shared memory.
Added two ways of showing throughput results. The second
method takes into consideration children that lag behind
due to slow devices, and gives results that are more accurate.
Cleanup of some tab problems in throughput results.
Cleanup of floating point output taking to much space.
Added -d to allow a variable delay comming out of the barrier
in the throughput tests.
V2.12 (kcollins)
added declaration for create_list to make ansi c compiles work
several fixes to some of the SPPUX 5.x make targets
added date run to banner (hope this doesn't break your scripts $-)
V2.13 (capps)
Added "stone walling". During throughput tests, if one process
finishes then all others are sent a signal to tell them
to stop. (The parallel region has finished). This provides
better numbers for throughput.
Only bzero or fill min(reclen,CACHE_SIZE) this saves a bunch
of paging on workstations with small memory systems.
Fixed broken target in the makefile.
Note: use of -d is not advised. It makes the children not run
in parallel.
V2.14 (capps)
Bug fix to avoid anomaly in SPP-UX. In SPP-UX the filesystem
code preallocates meta-data to improve initial file writes.
The first indirect block allocation was causing a block
of zeros to be written syncronously. In SPP-UX the filesytem
code preallocates zero filled blocks when the first writer
touches a filesystem after a sync. A pool of on disk zero'd
blocks are created asynchronously and handed out to writers
when they cross the boundry into the first level indirect
and would have had to stop and wait for the zero filled
block to be written. Iozone's testing methodology was not
allowing the OS to have any time to complete the async
pre-allocation and was not showing the speed up that real
applications would see.
V2.15 (capps)
Improve throughput testing mode.
V2.16 (capps)
Added -U option. This allows the filesystem to be unmounted
and remounted between tests. This guarentees that the buffer
cache is cold.
V2.17 (capps)
Added -T option. This makes the throughput tests use
threads instead of processes. Currently using pthread_create(),
pthread_self(), and pthread_exit().
Cleaned up file cleanup mechanism. Control C will now cause
all temp files to be deleted. Removed all signals used to
control sub-processes.
V2.18 (capps)
Cleanup. Added read stride, read backwards to the throughput
tests. Various bug fixes
V2.19 (capps)
Removed all calls to malloc() and all use of system V shared
memory. mmap() is much easier to deal with. As for malloc()
HP programs are very limited on the ammount of malloc() space
and not nearly so constrained on mmap() memory. It was necessary
to move to mmap() since multiple threads all need buffers in
the processes address space.
Removed dependency on first thread being number 2. Iozone now
probes to find out what the thread library will return for
the first thread. This makes the switching thread libraries
much easier.
V2.20 (capps)
Children now set stop_flag and shutdown all other children.There
is no further need to tell the parent to distribute the stop_flag.
verify, purge, and osync are now supported in the throughput
tests. Fixed bug where pthreads stack size was causing
segmentation violation when purgeit() was called for buffer
that were greater than 256kb.
V2.21 (capps)
Enhanced throughput reporting. Now provides:
Child throughput, Parent throughput, Minimum throughput for
any child in the group, Maximum throughput for any child in the
group, and Minimum transfer count. Due to stone walling
not all children write the full requested size. This
minimum transfer count provides the user with knowledge of
how much work was performed by the slowest child.
Added -C flag. This allows the user to see all of the transfer
counts for each child. Had to add system 5 shared memory back.
Linux does not support mmap(MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_SHARED). So it
must use SYSV shared memory get get sharing working.
V2.22 (capps)
Made changes to make iozone work correctly on Linux on a
PC. Changes are just scaling down the test to fit on a
pc, and scaling down shared segments to < 16 Meg so it
can run on an Intel 386 class machine.
Added: -L # Set the processor cache line size in bytes.
Added: -S # Set the processor cache size in kbytes.
Removed spin wait in parent waiting for threads to
finish each throughput test. Code not uses thread_join().
Fixed -O (operations/sec) mode to work in throughput tests.
V2.23 (capps)
Close small timing hole where thread/process has set stop flag
and others are in a system call. The hole allowed threads/processes
to continue to increment work done after one had finished and
told the others to stop. The result was that the children would
report slightly high numbers as they were not truely parallel
at the finish line. Added random read throughput test.
Fixes for VxFS small extents being created by prime_zb() functions.
Provides more details about the throughput run.
V2.24 (capps)
Added support for -R (Excell chart generation) to the throughput
tests. Also added support for the -O (ops/sec) to the throughput
Excell chart.
V2.25 (capps)
Added support for selecting which test to run. -i #
-i 0 -i 3
will run write and read-backwards tests only. For a list
of the test numbers type iozone -h.
V2.26 (capps)
Added support for LARGE_FILES for the hpux-11.0 target.
V2.27 (capps)
All tests now verify one long word of data from each page
written/read to/from the file. This is to level the
playing field with systems that do not move data
when "read" or "write" is called, but instead just
map the file and perform the I/O when the address space
is touched. Benchmarks that do not validate the data
,at least touch each page, do not measure the read/write
times just the map times.
Note: The -V option still verifies each byte of the buffer,
the default is now to verify one long from each page.
V2.28 (capps)
Added support for benchmarking mmap() files.
Added more command line options. -B -G -D
B = Use mmap() files for the benchmark.
G = Use msync(MS_SYNC) for mmap files.
D = Use msync(MS_ASYNC) for mmap files.
V2.29 (capps)
Bug fixes for:
Combination of running individual tests and mmap() files support.
Stride read bug that caused only portions of the total file to be
V2.30 (capps)
Fixups for build under SPP-UX
V2.31 (capps)
Fixups for build under Linux.
Added -j ### to support user setting the stride size for the
stride read benchmark.
V2.32 (capps)
Add support for IRIX and IRIX64.
V2.33 (capps)
Add support for POSIX async I/O benchmarking. Uses a library
to interface to POSIX async I/O model. The library provides
and extended async_read() interface. It takes the standard
calling options of read() but also allows the application to
perform read-ahead with a stride. (positive or negative)
and allows the user to specify how much read ahead to
Tested on HP-UX 11.0, Linux, SGI Origin.
V2.34 (capps)
Added -k. This allows POSIX async I/O to utilize the buffer
specified and not to perform any bcopys. Fixes to make
multi-threadedness work on SGI Origin.
V2.34 (capps)
Added [-k #]. This allows POSIX async I/O to utilize the buffer
specified and not to perform any bcopys. Fixes to make
multi-threadedness work on SGI Origin.
V2.36 (capps)
Iozone is now a 64 bit application. It may be compiled for either
64 bit or 32 bit machines. The makefile supports 64 and 32 bit
targets for machines that support 32 & 64 bit targets.
All version numbers are now automatically generated by
RCS. This is the last time we have to bump the version
number by hand.
Changed over to RCS source control here:
Version Numbers are reset at this point back to Version 1.1.
RCS file: iozone.c,v; Working file: iozone.c
head: 1.94
locks: ; strict
access list:
symbolic names:
comment leader: " * "
total revisions: 94; selected revisions: 94
Initial rcs version of Iozone
Revision 1.94
date: 99/01/18 13:02:57; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 7/2
Call msync if writer wants sync in timing and terminates early in multi thread test case.
Revision 1.93
date: 99/01/18 11:46:11; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 309/126
Cleanup for include_flush and include_close for single and multi threaded operations.
Revision 1.92
date: 99/01/15 10:53:58; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 40/11
Add include_close support for throughput testing
Revision 1.91
date: 98/12/07 09:26:22; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 43/24
For Windows: Use the high resolution timers instead of timeofday();
Fix a few casting problems.
Revision 1.90
date: 98/11/30 14:49:46; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 24/17
Update the copyright and names and places
Revision 1.89
date: 98/10/30 09:04:51; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/2
An extra close(fd) causes HP-UX to fail future unmounts...
Revision 1.88
date: 98/10/29 09:47:25; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 17/17
Cleanup the help screen
Revision 1.87
date: 98/10/28 23:31:11; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 7/6
Spelling error fix.
Revision 1.86
date: 98/10/14 11:21:50; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 23/68
Unified the time method to only have 2 ways to get time.
Revision 1.85
date: 98/10/14 09:22:09; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 91/91
Added code to remove the latency of gettimeofday() from the file performance measurements.
Revision 1.84
date: 98/10/12 11:44:50; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 107/8
Add time resolution output, and fix the divide by zero when the time in
a system call turns out to be Zero. This will introduce distortion for machines
that have very fast system calls and very poor time resolution. Windows
has a 50 Milli second resolution on gettimeofday(). So... to fix it
all calls that take less than 50 Milli seconds will be rounded up to
cost 50 milliseconds.
Revision 1.83
date: 98/10/06 09:58:16; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 46/2
Add support for Windows build
Revision 1.82
date: 98/09/23 09:48:02; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/2
Fix bug where -i # was leaving tmp files after throughput test.
Revision 1.81
date: 98/09/23 09:41:12; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/3
Remove debug printf
Revision 1.80
date: 98/09/23 09:29:01; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 23/1
Add my_nap(). This allows the threads to switch processors to their
new bound processor before performing any work.
Revision 1.79
date: 98/09/22 11:57:20; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 8/8
Change xx back into an int so the modulo will work better.
Revision 1.78
date: 98/09/18 16:27:05; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 18/15
Remove create in rewrite path.
Revision 1.77
date: 98/08/17 16:44:06; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 23/1
Fixes for Solaris and the new processor bind feature.
Revision 1.76
date: 98/08/17 16:17:45; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/2
Remove debug code.
Revision 1.75
date: 98/08/17 16:16:15; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 92/5
Add support for binding procs/threads to cpus.
Revision 1.74
date: 98/08/07 16:51:41; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 4/3
Add fsync to the fwrite test case when the user specifies -e
Revision 1.73
date: 98/08/07 16:47:38; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 178/208
Add -c and -e to allow closes and fsyncs to be inside the timing calculations.
Revision 1.72
date: 98/08/06 22:40:15; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 9/1
Add setvbuf to fwrite and fread tests so that the internal fwrite and fread
buffer size is the same as the record size. This is what a well tuned application
would do.
Revision 1.71
date: 98/08/06 09:03:06; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/3
Fix fsync filename problem in fwrite_perf_test
Revision 1.70
date: 98/08/05 18:06:41; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 6/2
Add fsync after fwrite test case so the fread will start with a
clean buffer cache and no writes in progress.
Revision 1.69
date: 98/08/03 10:45:49; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/3
Bug fix for -V option not filling the entire buffer.
Revision 1.68
date: 98/07/30 22:11:11; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/3
Fix for solaris
Revision 1.67
date: 98/07/30 22:08:19; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/2
Fix for solaris
Revision 1.66
date: 98/07/30 22:05:02; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 43/15
Add support for Solaris
Revision 1.65
date: 98/07/01 14:19:19; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 80/82
Move end_async inside the timing loops as in async I/O it counts.
Revision 1.64
date: 98/06/16 17:04:36; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 13/2
Correct problem where user specifies pread tests on hpux... which does not
support these operations. The test now prints an error message and exits.
Revision 1.63
date: 98/06/16 16:54:22; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/2
Remove exit from auto_test. This allows the message "iozone test complete" to
be printed when in auto test mode.
Revision 1.62
date: 98/06/10 10:54:28; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 175/173
All exit()s now have a unique exit value.
Revision 1.61
date: 98/05/18 13:34:03; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 17/18
Move .dat file descriptors to global data. Needed to prevent re-opens.
Revision 1.60
date: 98/05/18 13:24:22; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 6/3
Bug fix. Prevents re-opending .dat files when in auto mode.
Revision 1.59
date: 98/05/08 13:03:02; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 21/3
Enhance throughput tests to follow the -i test number to run options.
Revision 1.58
date: 98/05/07 14:15:49; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 109/39
Make VXFS a define in the make command. This makes moving to other targets
easier. It removes the binding of HPUX and VXFS.
Also, Added -Q to support offset/latency file generation for later use
as inputs to plot program.
Revision 1.57
date: 98/05/06 15:09:43; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 100/27
Add -N to provide results in microseconds per operation.
Revision 1.56
date: 98/05/05 13:23:29; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/10
If the user specifies -i 0 then run both write and rewrite tests.
Revision 1.55
date: 98/04/30 15:19:02; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/1
No change
Revision 1.54
date: 98/04/30 15:09:58; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/2
Unlink the vxfstest when the test fails.
Revision 1.53
date: 98/04/30 13:07:21; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 7/5
Cleanup help output.
Revision 1.52
date: 98/04/30 12:58:29; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 21/4
Add async I/O with no bcopy to throughput tests.
Revision 1.51
date: 98/04/29 15:29:29; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 5/1
Fixes so it will compile on the SGI Origin.
Revision 1.50
date: 98/04/29 11:57:58; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 5/1
Do not need to limit async ops. Fix is in libasync.c
Revision 1.49
date: 98/04/29 10:45:19; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 61/3
Add async I/O to throughput testing for writes
Revision 1.48
date: 98/04/28 11:57:13; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 5/1
Limit max async operations to 60. Beyond this there be dragons.
Revision 1.47
date: 98/04/28 10:16:09; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 108/21
Completed support for no_bcopy POSIX async I/O in the async_write_no_copy path.
This allows write tests to perform async I/O with buffers released when
the write is completed.
Revision 1.46
date: 98/04/27 16:58:38; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 43/10
Add aio_write() to the write and re-write tests. This provides
POSIX async I/O for the those tests.
Revision 1.45
date: 98/04/25 09:53:39; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/2
direct_flag is an int. Was a char in one place and
an int in another.
Revision 1.44
date: 98/04/25 09:17:42; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 27/15
More support for vx_direct support in the write path
Revision 1.43
date: 98/04/24 16:33:44; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 115/77
Move VX_DIRECT to libasync. But keep the VX_DIRECT support also
in iozone. So one can use VX_DIRECT with and without async I/O
Revision 1.42
date: 98/04/24 16:20:34; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 127/60
Move VX_DIRECT to the libasync module.
Revision 1.41
date: 98/04/24 15:50:54; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 190/7
Add support for VxFS VX_DIRECT
Idea is to use VX_DIRECT and POSIX async I/O together
Revision 1.40
date: 98/04/22 16:38:25; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 5/5
Sppux wants ail_gettimeofday variables to be unsigned int.
Revision 1.39
date: 98/04/22 16:19:50; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 7/3
Fix -M option not printing cleanly
Fix -R in 32 bit mode printing garbage.
Revision 1.38
date: 98/04/22 15:56:02; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/1
Change to only disply revision not full header.
Revision 1.37
date: 98/04/22 15:52:19; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/1
Add RCS Header to support versioning.
Revision 1.36
date: 98/04/22 15:38:26; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/1
fix to bcopy() third arg needs to be size_t for 32 bit mode.
Revision 1.35
date: 98/04/22 09:09:24; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 17/17
Bug fixes for 64 bit mode on IRIX, and addition
on the internal inuse queue to insure that the
internal struct_cache_ent structures are not released
too early when doing direct I/O (async_read_no_copy).
Revision 1.34
date: 98/04/21 09:31:02; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 4/0
Fix to eliminate hidden (dot) files that iozone was creating
in throughput mode. All files are now visible with ls.
Revision 1.33
date: 98/04/21 08:30:35; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 7/1
Have Iozone print the compile model used.
Revision 1.32
date: 98/04/20 18:46:02; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 49/20
Fixes for 32 bit mode.
Revision 1.31
date: 98/04/20 16:57:29; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 8/8
make sure malloc is called with (size_t) parameter.
Revision 1.30
date: 98/04/20 16:05:08; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 933/757
Iozone now 64 bit application
Revision 1.29
date: 98/04/20 12:32:25; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 4/4
Move msync to before munmap so file gets written.
Revision 1.28
date: 98/04/20 10:21:30; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/2
Minor fix for -O flag and -B not working smoothly together.
Revision 1.27
date: 98/04/20 10:17:19; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 0/0
No change
Revision 1.26
date: 98/04/19 15:11:07; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 5/5
Remove prime_zbfill. It causes problems with mmap files.
Revision 1.25
date: 98/04/16 15:24:50; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 228/70
-H is Nastran async I/O with bcopy
-k is async I/O without any bcopys
Revision 1.24
date: 98/04/15 16:48:30; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 22/4
fix to make build on 9.05 and 10.1
Revision 1.23
date: 98/04/15 15:36:55; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 9/9
Cleanup some compiler warnings about un-initialized variables. They
are not really un-initialized and used but it does generate
compiler warnings on some machines.
Revision 1.22
date: 98/04/15 15:32:56; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 7/7
Need to free the dummyname space a bit later.
Revision 1.21
date: 98/04/15 14:37:05; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 27/13
Fix to use smaller stack size in thread_ routines. It was causing
the SGI to drop core in throughput tests.
Revision 1.20
date: 98/04/14 17:01:19; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 27/16
Fix a memory leak. In multi_throughput testing shmalloc was getting called
for each iteration. This is not needed and causes much to much
shm to be allocated. Not broken but definately a pig.
Revision 1.19
date: 98/04/14 15:19:15; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/0
When -k is specified alone this will turn on the POSIX async I/O and
set depth to 0.
Revision 1.18
date: 98/04/14 15:00:18; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 21/20
Fixes to make multi-threaded version run on the SGI Origin.
Revision 1.17
date: 98/04/14 11:55:44; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 17/11
Add support for -k. When using POSIX async I/O use the
buffer specified and do not perform any bcopys.
Revision 1.16
date: 98/04/13 10:22:18; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 27/380
Add libasync library support
Revision 1.15
date: 98/04/11 12:09:25; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/0
Fix memory leak. Now calls del_cache when ever any calls to async_end happen.
This will ensure that there are no outstanding I/Os on the cache that
ha ve not been canceled .
Revision 1.14
date: 98/04/11 11:57:10; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 632/47
Add support for POSIX async I/O testing
Revision 1.13
date: 98/03/31 14:30:15; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 44/6
Fix support for bsd4_2 and ConvexOS
Revision 1.12
date: 98/03/31 11:26:34; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/2
Bump version number to 2.32
Revision 1.11
date: 98/03/31 11:20:51; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 70/6
Add support for SGI IRIX and SGI IRIX64
Revision 1.10
date: 98/03/27 14:00:47; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 15/20
Put the bcopy back. It is more represenative
of what the real application will do.
Revision 1.9
date: 98/03/27 13:25:02; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 40/14
Improved mmap file support. Now only have 1 long word from
each page touched. This eliminates the overhead of bcopy
dominating the results. It also is performing the same
work that the non-mmap version does with verify().
Revision 1.8
date: 98/03/27 10:41:13; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 10/4
Bug fix. Frewrite was truncating the file. This fix
ensures that the Frewrite test opens without trunc.
Revision 1.7
date: 98/03/27 10:16:41; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/3
Fix report to specify stride size as a function of reclen.
It did not make sense to output kbytes as the value changes
when in auto mode to match the current record length.
Revision 1.6
date: 98/03/26 15:28:15; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 16/8
Add support for -j option. This
allows the user to specify the stride size for
the strided file access benchmark.
Revision 1.5
date: 98/03/25 15:27:01; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/1
Fixup help screen to reflect new options
Revision 1.4
date: 98/03/25 15:21:23; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/1
Change the revision number
Revision 1.3
date: 98/03/25 15:20:28; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 16/1
Fixup support for Linux
Revision 1.2
date: 98/03/25 13:58:05; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 16/3
Bug fixes for SPP-UX
Revision 1.1
date: 98/03/25 10:43:45; author: capps; state: Exp;
Initial revision
RCS file: libasync.c,v; Working file: libasync.c
head: 1.39
locks: ; strict
access list:
symbolic names:
comment leader: " * "
total revisions: 39; selected revisions: 39
Initial version of POSIX async I/O library interface.
Revision 1.39
date: 98/07/30 22:05:21; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/1
Add support for Solaris
Revision 1.38
date: 98/07/07 13:00:39; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/11
Remove extra bcopy in the async_write_no_bcopy path.
Revision 1.37
date: 98/06/11 09:47:58; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/3
Fix syntax error for IRIX
Revision 1.36
date: 98/06/10 10:56:55; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 10/10
All exit()s now have a unique exit value.
Revision 1.35
date: 98/05/07 14:17:20; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/2
Make VXFS a define in the make command. This makes moving to other targets
easier. It removes the binding of HPUX and VXFS.
Also, Added -Q to support offset/latency file generation for later use
as inputs to plot program.
Revision 1.34
date: 98/04/30 15:19:54; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/3
Remove debug code that breaks 64 bit mode compiled code.
Revision 1.33
date: 98/04/30 13:09:13; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/2
Make retval an int so it can be checked for less than zero.
Revision 1.32
date: 98/04/29 16:49:34; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 5/11
If overshooting on number of asyncs then terminate the loop and
let the next time through pick up the I/O.
Revision 1.31
date: 98/04/29 16:37:49; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/3
Remove debug code
Revision 1.30
date: 98/04/29 15:29:48; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/1
Fixes so it will compile on the SGI Origin.
Revision 1.29
date: 98/04/29 11:56:27; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 36/10
Work around for bug in POSIX async I/O library
Revision 1.28
date: 98/04/29 11:04:26; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/2
Remove debug code
Revision 1.27
date: 98/04/29 11:02:54; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 54/27
Added resource shortage paths.
Revision 1.26
date: 98/04/28 18:12:51; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/3
Add async I/O to the throughput tests
Revision 1.25
date: 98/04/28 17:12:40; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/1
fix wait_for_ routine to reset w_tail if item being removed is also the tail.
Revision 1.24
date: 98/04/28 16:14:06; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/3
bug fix. 2 calls to malloc for aligned memory.
Revision 1.23
date: 98/04/28 11:57:39; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 37/13
Limit max async operations to 60. Beyond this there be dragons.
Revision 1.22
date: 98/04/28 10:17:22; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 127/42
Completed support for no_bcopy POSIX async I/O in the async_write_no_copy path.
This allows write tests to perform async I/O with buffers released when
the write is completed.
Revision 1.21
date: 98/04/27 16:59:14; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 246/9
Add aio_write() to the write and re-write tests. This provides
POSIX async I/O for the those tests.
Revision 1.20
date: 98/04/24 16:20:55; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 15/3
Move VX_DIRECT to the libasync module.
Revision 1.19
date: 98/04/24 15:50:13; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 42/11
Add support for VxFS VX_DIRECT
Idea is to use VX_DIRECT and POSIX async I/O together
Revision 1.18
date: 98/04/24 12:36:42; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 13/5
Fix some error printfs to match the size of the off_t.
Revision 1.17
date: 98/04/24 12:18:11; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 7/7
Fixes for LP64 mode. off_t changed to off64_t
Revision 1.16
date: 98/04/24 09:33:32; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 275/35
Add comments and fix for LP64 model on hpux.
Revision 1.15
date: 98/04/23 16:58:06; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 167/13
Make libasync large file aware.
Revision 1.14
date: 98/04/22 15:58:45; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/1
Change version to only display rcs version id.
Revision 1.13
date: 98/04/22 15:52:54; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 1/2
Add RCS version support
Revision 1.12
date: 98/04/22 11:39:35; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 52/8
Add firewall to prevent in flight changes to the aiocb structure.
Revision 1.11
date: 98/04/22 09:10:36; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 57/19
Bug fixes for 64 bit mode on IRIX, and addition
on the internal inuse queue to insure that the
internal struct_cache_ent structures are not released
too early when doing direct I/O (async_read_no_copy).
Revision 1.10
date: 98/04/21 09:34:14; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 18/10
Improve error messages.
Revision 1.9
date: 98/04/20 16:06:21; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 53/50
Iozone now 64 bit application
Revision 1.8
date: 98/04/20 10:17:59; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 0/0
no change
Revision 1.7
date: 98/04/17 08:49:16; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 15/2
Optimization on async operations. Just add one to the end
of the list if the list already has more than one item.
Revision 1.6
date: 98/04/17 00:00:30; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 10/2
Make cancel keep trying until it succeeds. Otherwise transfers after the buffer
is freed can occur.
Revision 1.5
date: 98/04/16 16:49:28; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 49/4
Improve error handling when running machine out of memory.
Revision 1.4
date: 98/04/16 15:26:41; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 118/28
added async_read_no_copy(). This allows the application to let the
library specify the destination buffer and perform the async I/O
without unwanted bcopys.
Revision 1.3
date: 98/04/14 11:56:23; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 36/10
Add supporf for -k. When using POSIX async I/O use
the buffer specified and do not perform any bcopys.
Revision 1.2
date: 98/04/13 10:35:20; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 5/7
Fixup for error path to propagate any small transfers.
Revision 1.1
date: 98/04/13 10:21:23; author: capps; state: Exp;
Initial revision
RCS file: makefile,v; Working file: makefile
head: 1.20
locks: ; strict
access list:
symbolic names:
comment leader: "# "
total revisions: 20; selected revisions: 20
Initial version of makefile
Revision 1.20
date: 98/10/06 10:36:22; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 87/28
Add comments to describe each targets capabilities.
Revision 1.19
date: 98/10/06 09:59:18; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/3
Fix spelling error
Revision 1.18
date: 98/10/06 09:58:29; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 18/3
Add support for Windows build
Revision 1.17
date: 98/08/17 16:44:56; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/2
Fixes for Solaris
Revision 1.16
date: 98/07/30 22:05:33; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 20/1
Add support for Solaris
Revision 1.15
date: 98/05/07 14:17:26; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 13/13
Make VXFS a define in the make command. This makes moving to other targets
easier. It removes the binding of HPUX and VXFS.
Also, Added -Q to support offset/latency file generation for later use
as inputs to plot program.
Revision 1.14
date: 98/04/22 16:02:42; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/0
Add RCS version ids.
Revision 1.13
date: 98/04/22 13:58:54; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 6/6
For now only build the SGI targets in 32 bit mode.
There is some problem with POSIX async I/O and 64 bit apps.
Revision 1.12
date: 98/04/22 12:08:25; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/3
Let the IRIX64 target default to its default compile mode.
Revision 1.11
date: 98/04/22 09:10:54; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/3
Bug fixes for 64 bit mode on IRIX, and addition
on the internal inuse queue to insure that the
internal struct_cache_ent structures are not released
too early when doing direct I/O (async_read_no_copy).
Revision 1.10
date: 98/04/21 09:29:57; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 17/17
Improve dependencies
Revision 1.9
date: 98/04/20 16:05:48; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 58/29
Iozone now 64 bit application
Revision 1.8
date: 98/04/20 10:17:44; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 0/0
*** empty log message ***
Revision 1.7
date: 98/04/16 16:50:11; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 6/6
Have the SGI build 32 bit app too.
Revision 1.6
date: 98/04/15 16:48:09; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 5/5
Fix to make build on 9.05 and 10.1
Revision 1.5
date: 98/04/13 10:22:34; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 14/6
Add support for libasync library.
Revision 1.4
date: 98/04/11 11:57:34; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 10/10
AAdd support for POSIX async I/O testing
Revision 1.3
date: 98/03/31 11:21:34; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 24/0
Add support for SGI IRIX and SGI IRIX64
Revision 1.2
date: 98/03/25 13:59:18; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 21/9
Fixes for SPP-UX
Revision 1.1
date: 98/03/25 10:48:21; author: capps; state: Exp;
Initial revision
Added support for BIFF file output. Iozone can now write Excel spreadsheet
format. This allows one to directly access the Excel spreadsheet without
needing to import with tab and space delimited method.
Added support for large files and threads for Solaris.
Add support for FreeBSD
Change default stride value to avoid nodalization with various spindle counts.
Version 3.3:
Changed name of processor_bind to ioz_processor_bind to avoid collision
with SVR5.4.MP shared library.
Removed leading tab on an #ifdef that caused some compilers to get sick.
Version 3.4:
Add support for OpenBSD
Version 3.6:
Lots of code cleanup.
Added support for OSF1 on the DEC Alpha.
Version 3.7:
Add support for OSF Version 4.
Add timer resolution problem detection.
Add support for OSF Version 5.
Version 3.13:
Add support for Linux to use pthreads.
Version 3.16:
Add support for Netbsd
Add support for Largefiles and Async I/O to Linux target
Version 3.17:
Removed small model for Linux. In the past Iozone was forced to
use a small model for testing Linux as the normal load caused
Redhat to panic. Redhat users have told me that the system now
works fine with the normal load. They have tested Redhat 6.1 and
it no longer panics.
Version 3.18:
Add support for BSDI. Base, largefiles, pthread. No async I/O
Revision 3.19
date: 2000/03/08 14:47:21; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 4/1
Add support for getpagesize. This is used when available.
Revision 3.20
date: 00/04/01 11:04:59; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 2/2
Fix for multiple filenames and range of threads being used.
Revision 3.21
date: 00/04/01 11:10:54; author: capps; state: Exp; lines added/del: 3/1
SPPUX does not have getpagesize...
Revision 3.22
Add support for Linux-ia64
Add support for mmap & normal file I/O mixing.
Revision 3.23
Fixups for IBM AIX.
Revision 3.24
Fixups for BSD 2.7 (New release of BSD that supports O_SYNC)
Revision 3.27
Fixups for Cygnus compiler changes. (Windows targets). With this
change Iozone will compile with at least 2 versions of the Cygnus
Revision 3.28
Add support for reading and writing while holding lockf() on the file.
This turns out to be important aspect of NFS benchmarking.
Revision 3.29
Change calls to lockf() to calls to fcntl(). This is more portable.
Revision 3.30
Add support for variable compute cycle time before each I/O
operation. This allows one to more accuratly represent
a specific application that is doing compute/read/compute/read
style operations.
Revision 3.30 through 3.37
Add support for read and write telemetry files.
Revision 3.40
Code cleanup for popen() usage in -M path.
Revision 3.41
Bug fix for ops/sec in rewrite throughput testing.
Added average throughput to output in throughput mode.
Revision 3.42
Bug fix for read and re-read. Usage of un-initialized variable that
caused results to be wrong.
Revision 3.43
Add support for latency plot data for throughput testing.
Each child thread/process gets its own data file.
Revision 3.44
Enhance compatibility of multi-thread/proc latency offsets with
telemetry file support.
Revision 3.45 through 3.48
Added latency/offset plot data files for all throughput tests.
Revision 3.49
Fixed compile warning for Linux off64_t redefinition.
Add Solaris2.6 target with simple build.
Revision 3.50
Added support for openbsd-threads
Cleanup for page size foo.
Revision 3.51, 3.52, 3.53
Cleanup for new random write testing in throughput mode.
Improve perror handling.
Revision 3.54
Add -g maxfilesize so people will not have to edit the source to
test files bigger than 512 Mbytes.
Revision 3.55
Supports -n and -g to set the min and max file sizes to be used for
an auto mode run.
Revision 3.56
Added support for SCO Unixware SVR5 with gcc compiler
Revision 3.57
Fixed bug where file locking was not being used when
_LARGE_FILE64_SOURCE was defined in read_perf_test.
Revision 3.58
Added -z option. This is to be used with the -a option. It
provides more complete testing for small record sizes
when the file sizes are very large.
Fixed -a so that the cross-over mechanism works correctly.
Revision 3.59
Fix a bug where the user specified -R -s but did not specify
-a or -r. This caused the Excel report to print a bunch
of zeros.
Revision 3.60
Fix headers in the Excel output when cross over kicks in.
Revision 3.61
Added -y and -q to set record size range
Added command line to output
Revision 3.62
Put auto cross over back to 16 Meg
Revision 3.63
Minor code cleanups for error messages
Revision 3.64
Re-organize the help listing.
Revision 3.65
Add labels to the latency/offset output files.
Revision 3.66
Added Randy Dunlap to the list of contributors. Thanks Randy !!
Revision 3.67
Fix labels when using -R and -i options together.
Revision 3.68
Code cleanup. No functionality changes.
Revision 3.69
Prevent mixed modes. Auto and throughput.
Added support for the Plus extended options.
Revision 3.70
Added support for -+u option. Cpu utilization.
Revision 3.71
Added comment for the support for -+u option. Cpu utilization.
Revision 3.72
Added network testing mode. -+m (Experimental) Tested: Linux, HP-UX
Revision 3.73
Added -xflag support for distributed mode.
Handle interrupts when in distributed mode.
Revision 3.74
Add default for REMOTE_SHELL
Revision 3.75
Code cleanup.
Revision 3.76
Portability change for shmat().
Added and example of client_list file to the distribution.
Revision 3.77
Disable CPU utilization in distributed mode.
Bug fix for CPU utilization in normal mode.
Revision 3.78
Fix compatibility with AIX for shmat()
Revision 3.79
Fix throughput labels when user is selecting specific tests with -i option.
Revision 3.80
Remove dependency on min() and max(). They are not portable.
Revision 3.81
Changes for 64bit architectures. Brad Smith. OpenBSD.
Revision 3.83
Add -+m cluster option to the help list and the list of options.
Revision 3.84 -> 3.88
Fix file descriptor leak in cluster mode.
Revision 3.89 -> 3.91
Support for heterogeneous clusters, bug fix for -C
Revision 3.92
Add a small sleep in the client so the master's terminate message
can arrive before the client exits and closes the channel.
Revision 3.93
Add support for UWIN (Unix for Windows)
Revision 3.94
Bug fix for client's working dir in cluster mode.
Revision 3.95
Enable more options in Cluster mode.
Revision 3.96
Add support for Solaris 8 in 64-bit mode.
Revision 3.97
Linux demands a function proto for functions that take floats as args.
Revision 3.98
Changes for Solaris to make their silly compiler eat reasonable
function prototypes. (yech !!)
Revision 3.99
Add protocol version checking for distributed messages.
Add support for AIX 5.2
Revision 3.100
Fixes for socket ports. Needed to be in network format.
Revision 3.101
Add support for RSH environment override.
Revision 3.102
Improve O_DIRECT and VX_DIRECT so that testing is done
on the correct file on the correct client.
Revision 3.103
Code cleanup.
Revision 3.104
Code cleanup. Bug fix for O_DIRECT in read_perf_test.
Revision 3.105
Bug fix for TRU64 and OSF where reclen was not getting displayed.
Revision 3.106
Add -+d file I/O diagnostic mode.
Revision 3.107
Fixes for the awesome Diagnostics mode.
Revision 3.108
turn off cdebug
Switch child comm to SOCK_STREAM. Avoid UDP fragment problems.
Revision 3.109
Fix for "disrupt" and Direct I/O. Needs to be page size and aligned.
Revision 3.110
Cleanup for -Wall to all source files.
Revision 3.111
Fixes for UWIN compile warnings.
Revision 3.112
Fixes for Windows compile warnings. do_compute() proto.
Revision 3.113
Add definition char *dumb for Solaris to alloc_mem()
Revision 3.114
Code cleanup for AIX. No async support caused warnings.
Revision 3.115
Fix for Solaris returning short reads() from socket to child_listen.
Revision 3.116
Add support for Mac OS X
Revision 3.117
Add code to set the socket buffer window size. Solaris needs this.
Revision 3.118
Add O_Direct for AIX
Revision 3.119-> 3.120
Fix some compiler warnings and implement the -+x option for
setting the multiplier used for file and record size incrementing.
Revision 3.121
Add changes from Debian. Add powerpc and sparc.
Add changes to fix warning on Irix and Irix64
Revision 3.122
Bug fix for cluster mode. Need to bzero buffers before sprintf or sscanf
Revision 3.123
Bug fix for handling all chars that are transported over messaging.
Revision 3.124
Simplify the child's debug output mechanism.
Revision 3.125
Fix for stonewall in cluster mode.
Revision 3.126
Shrink the client_neutral_command structure so it fits in a single
UDP packet.
Revision 3.127
Improve debug code for cluster mode.
Revision 3.128
Reduce the message traffic due to master's distribution of STOP. Only
one STOP distribution is needed. More can lead to socket buffer overflows.
Revision 3.129
Bzero structures on the stack before using. No problem seen but it
is a possible hole.
Revision 3.130
Add error checking for the client file contents.
Revision 3.131
Use prealloc() for HP-UX to create file for use with mmap.
Revision 3.132
Add random mix mode.
Revision 3.133
Make a better 32 bit random offset from calling rand()<<16||rand()
Revision 3.134
Add -+p percentage read option.
Revision 3.135
Improve the mixed mode distribution algorithm.
Revision 3.136
Fix auto bug introduced by mixed mode testing.
Introduce -+r for O_RSYNC.
Revision 3.137
Code cleanup for some warnings on IA-64 systems.
Revision 3.138
Fixes for FreeBSD
Revision 3.139
Add support for multiple -r and -s options.
Revision 3.140
Code cleanup for non-ansi builds
Add target build to output.
Revision 3.141
Add speed check code.
Revision 3.142
Increase maximum threads/procs to 256
Revision 3.143
Add contribs and -+t to help splash screen.
Revision 3.144
Bug fix for Redhat.
Revision 3.145
Bug fix for when user used -l but failed to use -u too.
Revision 3.146
Add void to speed_main() for non-ansi compiles.
Revision 3.147
Add "Test running" So users will know the test is running
and not to hit control 'c' too soon.
Bug fix in libbif.c do_float()
Revision 3.148
Turn off some child debug code.
Revision 3.149
Disable fread and fwrite testing if mmap or async is in use.
Revision 3.150
Add pread/pwrite to Linux
Revision 3.151
Handle -EB
Revision 3.152
Add pread/pwrite throughput testing
Revision 3.153
Changed second parameter to mmap() to be size_t. AIX needs this.
Revision 3.154
Add support for madvise().
Revision 3.155
Code cleanup.
Revision 3.156
Fixes for -w -t -R from Veritas
Revision 3.157
Make madvise() go away for windows.
Revision 3.158
Permit smaller values for -n and -g
Revision 3.159
Make initial write in initfile() a page size request.
Revision 3.160
Stop test if file can not be written.
Revision 3.161
Special handling for mmap of a file that is opened (O_DIRECT)
Revision 3.162
Fixup for systems that do not have O_DIRECT.
Revision 3.163
Simplify the prototype for do_compute()
Revision 3.164
Zero compute_val inside of loops.
Revision 3.165
Add support for O_DIRECT for IRIX and IRIX64
Revision 3.166
Improve macros and add prototypes.
Revision 3.167
Improve resolution of get_resolution().
Revision 3.168
Changes to support RedHat 9.0.
Revision 3.169
Special handling of NAME for broken frontend in Cygwin/Windows env.
Revision 3.170
Add support for the CrayX1
Revision 3.171
Remove reference to PAGE_SIZE for linux. This causes problems
with SuSe 8.
Revision 3.172
Fixup for SCO build.
Revision 3.173
Add -DHAVE_PREAD for Solaris8-64 target.
Revision 3.174
Code cleanup for Linux
Revision 3.177
Improve -+d so that each byte is more unique.
Improve byte level validation.
Revision 3.178
Provide byte level error detection with Found char and Expecting Char in
-+d mode.
Revision 3.179
Improve speed of -+d without losing uniqueness of bytes.
Revision 3.180
Fix so that Windows can use multiple processes. Needed mmap like SCO.
Revision 3.181
Use malloc() instead of mmap() for threads memory, instead of mmap.
Revision 3.182
Make CPU utilization use doubles everywhere.
Revision 3.183
Add support for CPU utilization while in distributed mode.
Revision 3.184
Make all times relative so multi node can do CPU usage.
Revision 3.185
Remove unused variables.
Revision 3.186
Add -+n option to disable re-testing.
Revision 3.187
Fixup -+n for throughput mode.
Revision 3.188
Fix Excel output when -+n is used.
Revision 3.189
Add support for the IBM S390 running Linux.
Revision 3.190
Cleanup naming conventions for the S390 and fixup a #define.
Revision 3.191
Add 64 bit compiles for s390x
Move BIG_ENDIAN to ZBIG_ENDIAN to avoid header conflicts.
Revision 3.192
Make random offsets always based on 48 bit random values.
Revision 3.193
Addition for make random offsets always based on 48 bit random values.
Revision 3.194
Make rands long longs.
Revision 3.195
Bug fix for 48 bit rands in bsd4_2 and Windows.
Revision 3.196
Make big_rand a long long.
Revision 3.197
Inject Erik's changes for Multi-client Windows.
Revision 3.198
Change proto version due to changes in Windows -+m support.
Add Eric to the contributors list.
Revision 3.199
Add more Windows support.
Revision 3.200
Spelling error.
Revision 3.201
Bug fixes from Erik H.
Revision 3.202
Reduce usage of shared memory.
Revision 3.203
Eliminate STUPID warning from the silly compiler.
Revision 3.204
Changes to remove warnings on BSD. Thanks to Christian Weisgerber
Revision 3.205
Support for the AMD64
Revision 3.206
Add -+k for constant aggregate data set size in throughput mode.
Revision 3.207
Add pread support for the TRU64 target. Department of Defense in Canada.
Add -+q for delay in seconds between tests.
Revision 3.208
Move variable up, GCC on Solaris was getting a bogus parse error
Revision 3.209
Add support for -+D (O_DSYNC) mode testing.
Revision 3.210
Make O_DSYNC conditional.
Revision 3.211
Add telemetry support for pread/pwrite
Revision 3.212
Add record locking
Add single file, file sharing.
Revision 3.213
Enhance fill/verify (diag mode) for shared file.
Revision 3.214
Remove warnings.
Revision 3.215
Add prototype for mylockr()
Revision 3.216
Fix prototype for mylockr
Revision 3.217
Enable options for Windows systems.
Revision 3.218
Add label to Excel spreadsheet that describes the rows and columns.
Add support for Solaris64 with VxFS.
Add support for Linux-arm
Revision 3.219
Add sleep to permit child to get connection up before master does connect.
Revision 3.220
Improve master connect to child, without delays.
Revision 3.221
Add -+B Mixed sequential testing. BlueArc request.
Revision 3.222
Workaround for bug in Cygwin's sscanf
Revision 3.223
Add transfer size to the output from -Q
Revision 3.224
Work around for TCP_WAIT in Windows.
Revision 3.225
Fix for broken rsh on Windows.
Revision 3.226
Workaround for gcc 3.4. From the folks at
Revision 3.227
Enable -+m and telemetry files.
Revision 3.228
Make more unique file names for mmap files.
Revision 3.229
Add -+T time stamps.
Revision 3.230
Bug fix for -m and validation code.
Revision 3.231
Add a space to the throughput output dump.
Revision 3.232
Add another space to the throughput output dump.
Revision 3.233
Enable shared file with no locking
Revision 3.234
Add sanity check to validate that open(name, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0)
does work correctly. This is an NFS client test that
detects if the NFS server's local filesystem is broken and
fails to support the sequence above correctly.
Revision 3.235
add a close(fd) to the sanity test.
Revision 3.237
Transport the -o flag to remote clients.
Revision 3.238
Fix hang when using HP-UX master, Linux client, ssh buildup.
Revision 3.239
Add -+h hostname. Permits one to manually set the hostname. For systems
with multiple names/NICs.
Revision 3.241
Add -+h, set hostname, and fix Solaris hang.
Revision 3.242
Remove the side effect of no-rereads when using -w. Now use -+n for
Revision 3.243
Bug fix for -+k option.
Revision 3.246
Add the -+U for WIN32 API calls .. Unbuffered I/O. Sony studios.
Revision 3.247
Add support for -+U with -K (WIN32API calls + Jitter)
Revision 3.248
Bug fix. -J with -+m not passing compute delay correctly.
Revision 3.249
Add support for -i 8 when used with -+B (sequential mix)
Revision 3.250
Change the default pattern. Samba is trying to cheat by
special casing IOZONE.tmp, and the pattern of 0xA5.
Revision 3.251
Make the default pattern random, and based on Iozone version.
This is to prevent the hack from Richard Sharpe (in Samba)
from special casing Iozone, and lying to the user.
Revision 3.252
bug fix in pattern gen.
Revision 3.253
Add -+Z old data set mode.
Add -+X constant data for short circuit testing only.
Revision 3.254
Multi-node changes for new options. (-+Z and -+X)
Revision 3.255
Add -+K flag for Sony.
Revision 3.256
Move -+K outside of Windows only.
Revision 3.257
Simplify percentage calculation
Revision 3.258
Add error checking for -f and -F in the wrong modes.
Revision 3.259
Bug fix for pbuffer allocation on remote clients.
Revision 3.260
Check for max_rec_size when using ranges. -r -r -r
Revision 3.261
Fix for Debian user bug. -r 1m -n 1m -g 2m gave bogus error.
Revision 3.262
Bug fix for -k used in conjunction with -t and content validation.
Revision 3.263
Bug fix for -k used in conjunction with -t and content validation.
Revision 3.264
Add DragonFly target.
Revision 3.265
Revision 3.266
Fix compiler warning messages
Revision 3.267
Enforce minimum file size of page_size
Revision 3.268
Minor fixes.
Revision 3.269
Check fsync and close for errors.
Revision 3.270
Adding support for testing block devices. Will be done is phases. This is
phase 1. (Single threaded mode only)
Revision 3.271
Adding 4 token support to client_list. Each entry may now contain 4 tokens
and the new one is the absolute path to the temp file for testing.
Revision 3.272
Editorial change.
Revision 3.273
Add support for external monitor start & stop for throughput tests.
IMON_START and IMON_STOP environmental variables used.
Revision 3.274
minor change.
Revision 3.275
Bug fix for systems without O_DIRECT. Fall through in switch statement.
Revision 3.276
Fix for -c -t over NFS and initial writer close() when told by another to stop
Revision 3.277
Add Benny Halevy to contributors list.
Revision 3.278
Fix for Cygwin environment.
Revision 3.279
Code cleanup, and add arg to external trigger.
Revision 3.280
Code fixes for macosx
Revision 3.281
Add support for building with Sun's Studio 11 compiler
Revision 3.283
Bug fix for fread/fwrite with > 2Gig files.
Revision 3.287
Add O_DIRECT for Windows
Revision 3.288
Add -+w dedup testing mode.
Revision 3.289
Make remaining non-dedup data unique.
Revision 3.290
Make non-dedupable more unique.
Revision 3.291
Bug fix for non-dedup.
Revision 3.292
Make random offsets unique, using Knuth shuffle.
Revision 3.292
free memory used for random offset uniqueness.
Revision 3.294
Make unique/random offsets 64bits.
Revision 3.295
Add fallback for random/unique.
Revision 3.296
Make non-dedup region more unique
Revision 3.297
Add -+y ## to set percentage of interior dedup.
Revision 3.298
Add -+y ## to set percentage of interior dedup.
Revision 3.299
Bug fixes for -+w and -+y
Revision 3.300
Minor fix for dedup
Revision 3.302
Adding -+C to set percent of dedupable within a file.
Revision 3.303
bug fix
Revision 3.304
Add solaris to read sync O_RSYNC
Revision 3.305
Add space to avoid field output touching each other.
Revision 3.306
Add check for config file exceeding MAXSTREAMS.
Revision 3.307
Add new contributor's name.
Revision 3.308
Fix type-oh
Revision 3.309
Bug fix. rewrite_rec needed to fill entire buffer, or later stride read will
Revision 3.310
Add ability for remote clients to return errors to the master and
have the master display on output.
Revision 3.311
fix double reporting of client errors
Revision 3.312
Eliminate extra file descriptor in fwrite test.
Revision 3.312
bug fix for barray allocation in -T mode
Revision 3.313
Revision 3.314
Revision 3.315
Changes from Debian: Retry umount, add fileop for linux-sparc, and
fix column width in fileop for faster boxes.
Revision 3.316
Add O_DIRECT support to FreeBSD
Revision 3.317
Fix for defines in FreeBSD
Revision 3.318
Add IMON_SYNC to enable monitor scripts to be run sync.
Revision 3.319
Add directio() for Solaris
Revision 3.320
Add fixes for unresolved references in directio() for Solaris
Revision 3.321
Fix type oh.
Revision 3.322
Fix c++ style comment back to 'C' style comment.
Revision 3.323
Bug fix for check_filenames and large files
Revision 3.324
Replace tripple rand() calls with 64 bit Mersene twister.
Revision 3.325
Add read-only, external file, with no-verify. -+E
Revision 3.325
Permit -+E on dedup files.
Revision 3.327
Permit -+E on random read only testing, on existing file.
Revision 3.328
Add passing master listener's port to remote children if it is not
Revision 3.329
Adding Dave Boone's notruncate option -+N
Revision 3.330
Bug fix for Dave's code.
Revision 3.331
Add multi -t ops. Fabrice
Revision 3.332
Added Li Qin's multi dedup set support. -+S #
Revision 3.333
Bug fix for -+S dedup_mseed needs to be an integer
Revision 3.334
Make -+S generate more uniqueness
Revision 3.335
Make -+S generate more uniqueness
Revision 3.336
Make -+S generate more uniqueness
Revision 3.337
Bug fix for -+S
Revision 3.338
Make umount/remount more robust, in the face of server errors.
Revision 3.339
Improve the help string for the -+S option.
Revision 3.340
Add new contributor name.
Revision 3.342
Add support for the programmable interdimensional timer.
Revision 3.343
Bug fix for PIT on remote clients.
Revision 3.344
Bug fix for PIT on remote clients.
Revision 3.345
Have children re-acquire get_resolution.
Revision 3.346
Bug fix for t_range addition.
Revision 3.347
Get rid of a warning. ( An invalid warning, but none the less )