blob: fc966eef4a696e74d20a6718d84d023b7bfc9437 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
~ limitations under the License
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Toast shown when text is copied to the clipboard [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
<string name="toast_text_copied">Text copied</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a custom phone number -->
<string name="call_custom">Call
<xliff:g id="custom">%s</xliff:g>
<!-- Action string for calling a home phone number -->
<string name="call_home">Call home</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a mobile phone number -->
<string name="call_mobile">Call mobile</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a work phone number -->
<string name="call_work">Call work</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a work fax phone number -->
<string name="call_fax_work">Call work fax</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a home fax phone number -->
<string name="call_fax_home">Call home fax</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a pager phone number -->
<string name="call_pager">Call pager</string>
<!-- Action string for calling an other phone number -->
<string name="call_other">Call</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a callback number -->
<string name="call_callback">Call callback</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a car phone number -->
<string name="call_car">Call car</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a company main phone number -->
<string name="call_company_main">Call company main</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a ISDN phone number -->
<string name="call_isdn">Call ISDN</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a main phone number -->
<string name="call_main">Call main</string>
<!-- Action string for calling an other fax phone number -->
<string name="call_other_fax">Call fax</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a radio phone number -->
<string name="call_radio">Call radio</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a Telex phone number -->
<string name="call_telex">Call telex</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a TTY/TDD phone number -->
<string name="call_tty_tdd">Call TTY/TDD</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a work mobile phone number -->
<string name="call_work_mobile">Call work mobile</string>
<!-- Action string for calling a work pager phone number -->
<string name="call_work_pager">Call work pager</string>
<!-- Action string for calling an assistant phone number -->
<string name="call_assistant">Call
<xliff:g id="assistant">%s</xliff:g>
<!-- Action string for calling a MMS phone number -->
<string name="call_mms">Call MMS</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a custom phone number -->
<string name="sms_custom">Text
<xliff:g id="custom">%s</xliff:g>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a home phone number -->
<string name="sms_home">Text home</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a mobile phone number -->
<string name="sms_mobile">Text mobile</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a work phone number -->
<string name="sms_work">Text work</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a work fax phone number -->
<string name="sms_fax_work">Text work fax</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a home fax phone number -->
<string name="sms_fax_home">Text home fax</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a pager phone number -->
<string name="sms_pager">Text pager</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to an other phone number -->
<string name="sms_other">Text</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a callback number -->
<string name="sms_callback">Text callback</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a car phone number -->
<string name="sms_car">Text car</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a company main phone number -->
<string name="sms_company_main">Text company main</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a ISDN phone number -->
<string name="sms_isdn">Text ISDN</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a main phone number -->
<string name="sms_main">Text main</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to an other fax phone number -->
<string name="sms_other_fax">Text fax</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a radio phone number -->
<string name="sms_radio">Text radio</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a Telex phone number -->
<string name="sms_telex">Text telex</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a TTY/TDD phone number -->
<string name="sms_tty_tdd">Text TTY/TDD</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a work mobile phone number -->
<string name="sms_work_mobile">Text work mobile</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a work pager phone number -->
<string name="sms_work_pager">Text work pager</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to an assistant phone number -->
<string name="sms_assistant">Text
<xliff:g id="assistant">%s</xliff:g>
<!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a MMS phone number -->
<string name="sms_mms">Text MMS</string>
<!-- Title of the confirmation dialog for clearing frequents. [CHAR LIMIT=37] -->
<string name="clearFrequentsConfirmation_title">Clear frequently contacted?</string>
<!-- Confirmation dialog for clearing frequents. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="clearFrequentsConfirmation">You\'ll clear the frequently contacted list in the
People and Phone apps, and force email apps to learn your addressing preferences from
<!-- Title of the "Clearing frequently contacted" progress-dialog [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
<string name="clearFrequentsProgress_title">Clearing frequently contacted\u2026</string>
<!-- Used to display as default status when the contact is available for chat [CHAR LIMIT=19] -->
<string name="status_available">Available</string>
<!-- Used to display as default status when the contact is away or idle for chat [CHAR LIMIT=19] -->
<string name="status_away">Away</string>
<!-- Used to display as default status when the contact is busy or Do not disturb for chat [CHAR LIMIT=19] -->
<string name="status_busy">Busy</string>
<!-- Directory partition name (also exists in contacts) -->
<string name="contactsList">Contacts</string>
<!-- The name of the invisible local contact directory -->
<string name="local_invisible_directory">Other</string>
<!-- The label in section header in the contact list for a contact directory [CHAR LIMIT=128] -->
<string name="directory_search_label">Directory</string>
<!-- The label in section header in the contact list for a local contacts [CHAR LIMIT=128] -->
<string name="local_search_label">All contacts</string>
<!-- String describing the text on the header of the profile contact in the contacts list
This may be programatically capitalized. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="user_profile_contacts_list_header" msgid="9154761216179882405">Me</string>
<!-- Title shown in the search result activity of contacts app while searching. [CHAR LIMIT=20]
(also in contacts) -->
<string name="search_results_searching">Searching\u2026</string>
<!-- Displayed at the top of search results indicating that more contacts were found than shown [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
<string name="foundTooManyContacts">More than <xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> found.</string>
<!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the zero total number of contacts found when "Only contacts with phones" not selected. [CHAR LIMIT=30]
(also in contacts) -->
<string name="listFoundAllContactsZero">No contacts</string>
<!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the total number of contacts found when typing search query -->
<plurals name="searchFoundContacts">
<item quantity="one">1 found</item>
<item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> found</item>
<!-- String describing the text for photo of a contact in a contacts list.
Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents.
This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView.
<string name="description_quick_contact_for">Quick contact for <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Shown as the display name for a person when the name is missing or unknown. [CHAR LIMIT=18]-->
<string name="missing_name">(No name)</string>
<!-- The text displayed on the divider for the Favorites tab in Phone app indicating that items below it are frequently called as opposed to starred contacts [CHAR LIMIT = 39] -->
<string name="favoritesFrequentCalled">Frequently called</string>
<!-- The text displayed on the divider for the Favorites tab in People app indicating that items below it are frequently contacted [CHAR LIMIT = 39] -->
<string name="favoritesFrequentContacted">Frequently contacted</string>
<!-- String describing a contact picture that introduces users to the contact detail screen.
Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button.
<string name="description_view_contact_detail" msgid="2795575601596468581">View contact</string>
<!-- Contact list filter selection indicating that the list shows all contacts with phone numbers [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
<string name="list_filter_phones">All contacts with phone numbers</string>
<!-- Button to view the updates from the current group on the group detail page [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<string name="view_updates_from_group">View updates</string>
<!-- Title for data source when creating or editing a contact that doesn't
belong to a specific account. This contact will only exist on the phone
and will not be synced. -->
<string name="account_phone" product="tablet">Tablet-only, unsynced</string>
<!-- Title for data source when creating or editing a contact that doesn't
belong to a specific account. This contact will only exist on the phone
and will not be synced. -->
<string name="account_phone" product="default">Phone-only, unsynced</string>
<!-- Header that expands to list all name types when editing a structured name of a contact
[CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="nameLabelsGroup">Name</string>
<!-- Header that expands to list all nickname types when editing a nickname of a contact
[CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="nicknameLabelsGroup">Nickname</string>
<!-- Field title for the full name of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=64]-->
<string name="full_name">Name</string>
<!-- Field title for the given name of a contact -->
<string name="name_given">Given name</string>
<!-- Field title for the family name of a contact -->
<string name="name_family">Family name</string>
<!-- Field title for the prefix name of a contact -->
<string name="name_prefix">Name prefix</string>
<!-- Field title for the middle name of a contact -->
<string name="name_middle">Middle name</string>
<!-- Field title for the suffix name of a contact -->
<string name="name_suffix">Name suffix</string>
<!-- Field title for the phonetic name of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=64]-->
<string name="name_phonetic">Phonetic name</string>
<!-- Field title for the phonetic given name of a contact -->
<string name="name_phonetic_given">Phonetic given name</string>
<!-- Field title for the phonetic middle name of a contact -->
<string name="name_phonetic_middle">Phonetic middle name</string>
<!-- Field title for the phonetic family name of a contact -->
<string name="name_phonetic_family">Phonetic family name</string>
<!-- Header that expands to list all of the types of phone numbers when editing or creating a
phone number for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="phoneLabelsGroup">Phone</string>
<!-- Header that expands to list all of the types of email addresses when editing or creating
an email address for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="emailLabelsGroup">Email</string>
<!-- Header that expands to list all of the types of postal addresses when editing or creating
an postal address for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="postalLabelsGroup">Address</string>
<!-- Header that expands to list all of the types of IM account when editing or creating an IM
account for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="imLabelsGroup">IM</string>
<!-- Header that expands to list all organization types when editing an organization of a
contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="organizationLabelsGroup">Organization</string>
<!-- Header for the list of all relationships for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="relationLabelsGroup">Relationship</string>
<!-- Header that expands to list all event types when editing an event of a contact
[CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="eventLabelsGroup">Events</string>
<!-- Generic action string for text messaging a contact. Used by AccessibilityService to
announce the purpose of the view. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
<string name="sms">Text message</string>
<!-- Field title for the full postal address of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=64]-->
<string name="postal_address">Address</string>
<!-- Hint text for the organization name when editing -->
<string name="ghostData_company">Company</string>
<!-- Hint text for the organization title when editing -->
<string name="ghostData_title">Title</string>
<!-- The label describing the Notes field of a contact. This field allows free form text entry
about a contact -->
<string name="label_notes">Notes</string>
<!-- The label describing the SIP address field of a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="label_sip_address">Internet call</string>
<!-- Header that expands to list all website types when editing a website of a contact
[CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="websiteLabelsGroup">Website</string>
<!-- Header for the list of all groups for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="groupsLabel">Groups</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an email to a home email address -->
<string name="email_home">Email home</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an email to a mobile email address -->
<string name="email_mobile">Email mobile</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an email to a work email address -->
<string name="email_work">Email work</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an email to an other email address -->
<string name="email_other">Email</string>
<!-- Action string for sending an email to a custom email address -->
<string name="email_custom">Email <xliff:g id="custom">%s</xliff:g></string>
<!-- Generic action string for sending an email -->
<string name="email">Email</string>
<!-- Field title for the street of a structured postal address of a contact -->
<string name="postal_street">Street</string>
<!-- Field title for the PO box of a structured postal address of a contact -->
<string name="postal_pobox">PO box</string>
<!-- Field title for the neighborhood of a structured postal address of a contact -->
<string name="postal_neighborhood">Neighborhood</string>
<!-- Field title for the city of a structured postal address of a contact -->
<string name="postal_city">City</string>
<!-- Field title for the region, or state, of a structured postal address of a contact -->
<string name="postal_region">State</string>
<!-- Field title for the postal code of a structured postal address of a contact -->
<string name="postal_postcode">ZIP code</string>
<!-- Field title for the country of a structured postal address of a contact -->
<string name="postal_country">Country</string>
<!-- Action string for viewing a home postal address -->
<string name="map_home">View home address</string>
<!-- Action string for viewing a work postal address -->
<string name="map_work">View work address</string>
<!-- Action string for viewing an other postal address -->
<string name="map_other">View address</string>
<!-- Action string for viewing a custom postal address -->
<string name="map_custom">View <xliff:g id="custom">%s</xliff:g> address</string>
<!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the AIM protocol -->
<string name="chat_aim">Chat using AIM</string>
<!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the MSN or Windows Live protocol -->
<string name="chat_msn">Chat using Windows Live</string>
<!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the Yahoo protocol -->
<string name="chat_yahoo">Chat using Yahoo</string>
<!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the Skype protocol -->
<string name="chat_skype">Chat using Skype</string>
<!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the QQ protocol -->
<string name="chat_qq">Chat using QQ</string>
<!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the Google Talk protocol -->
<string name="chat_gtalk">Chat using Google Talk</string>
<!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the ICQ protocol -->
<string name="chat_icq">Chat using ICQ</string>
<!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the Jabber protocol -->
<string name="chat_jabber">Chat using Jabber</string>
<!-- Generic action string for starting an IM chat -->
<string name="chat">Chat</string>
<!-- String describing the Contact Editor Minus button
Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button.
<string name="description_minus_button">delete</string>
<!-- Content description for the expand or collapse name fields button.
Clicking this button causes the name editor to toggle between showing
a single field where the entire name is edited at once, or multiple
fields corresponding to each part of the name (Name Prefix, First Name,
Middle Name, Last Name, Name Suffix).
<string name="expand_collapse_name_fields_description">Expand or collapse name fields</string>