| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <!-- Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project |
| |
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| --> |
| |
| <resources xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" |
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| <!-- no translation found for permission_read_attachment_label (9208086010625033590) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for permission_read_attachment_desc (6592948507403743153) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for permission_access_provider_label (378256653525377586) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for permission_access_provider_desc (2221907862438022705) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="app_name" msgid="5815426892327290362">"E-mail"</string> |
| <string name="compose_title" msgid="427986915662706899">"Nov messadi"</string> |
| <string name="debug_title" msgid="5175710493691536719">"Debug"</string> |
| <string name="next_action" msgid="3931301986364184415">"Vinavant"</string> |
| <string name="okay_action" msgid="8365197396795675617">"OK"</string> |
| <string name="cancel_action" msgid="6967435583794021865">"Interrumper"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for previous_action (5181616311579820981) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="send_action" msgid="1729766205562446418">"Trametter"</string> |
| <string name="reply_action" msgid="4262472229221507619">"Respunder"</string> |
| <string name="reply_all_action" msgid="6192179825726332152">"Respunder a tuts"</string> |
| <string name="delete_action" msgid="8421026208288857155">"Stizzar"</string> |
| <string name="forward_action" msgid="669174181042344116">"Transferir"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for favorite_action (4664259801498253756) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="done_action" msgid="7497990549515580249">"Terminà"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for create_action (3062715563215392251) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for delete_quick_response_action (3076922270182841978) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for quick_responses_empty_view (1693308598242828422) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="discard_action" msgid="6532206074859505968">"Sbittar"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for save_draft_action (6413714270991417223) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for show_quick_text_list_dialog_action (4136018559611145202) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="read_action" msgid="4701484794504781686">"Marcar sco legì"</string> |
| <string name="unread_action" msgid="6280399049357552826">"Marcà sco nunlegì"</string> |
| <string name="set_star_action" msgid="4660317166196258160">"Agiuntar ina staila"</string> |
| <string name="remove_star_action" msgid="6689770999647007163">"Allontanar la staila"</string> |
| <string name="refresh_action" msgid="5951383001436708175">"Actualisar"</string> |
| <string name="add_account_action" msgid="8835736309476033727">"Agiuntar in conto"</string> |
| <string name="compose_action" msgid="4045702519637388045">"Nov messadi"</string> |
| <string name="search_action" msgid="6325101454876682308">"Tschertgar"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_action" msgid="4494079183315085171">"Parameters dal conto"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for settings_action (6334807007967459412) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_settings_action (8008375875310554776) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="mark_as_unread_action" msgid="3766298115778767554">"Marcar sco nunlegì"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for move_action (3059189775933985898) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for plus_cc_label (3365150001259912183) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for add_cc_bcc_menu (4757145078498200242) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for add_file_attachment (2203398371671979481) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for close_action (533058985745238100) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_list_send_pending_messages_action (8502942186631824114) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="choose_attachment_dialog_title" msgid="81937507117528954">"Tscherner ina agiunta"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for move_to_folder_dialog_title (2614318192482193898) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="status_loading_messages" msgid="6552307237621292344">"Ils messadis vegnan chargiads…"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for status_network_error (2611654064403817391) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for error_loading_message_body (6775234299515596760) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for move_messages:one (320885379869442589) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for move_messages:other (371256717624461324) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for cannot_move_protocol_not_supported_toast (6558083148128616292) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for cannot_move_multiple_accounts_toast (7922594026384944163) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for cannot_move_special_mailboxes_toast (7093107954841896970) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <plurals name="notification_new_one_account_fmt"> |
| <item quantity="one" msgid="3422945912787702191">"<xliff:g id="UNREAD_MESSAGE_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> nunlegì (<xliff:g id="ACCOUNT">%2$s</xliff:g>)"</item> |
| <item quantity="few" msgid="6543078667692990869">"<xliff:g id="UNREAD_MESSAGE_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> nunlegids (<xliff:g id="ACCOUNT">%2$s</xliff:g>)"</item> |
| <item quantity="other" msgid="6937673814351448076">"<xliff:g id="UNREAD_MESSAGE_COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> nunlegids (<xliff:g id="ACCOUNT">%2$s</xliff:g>)"</item> |
| </plurals> |
| <plurals name="notification_new_multi_account_fmt"> |
| <item quantity="few" msgid="1991747245324120305">"en <xliff:g id="NUMBER_ACCOUNTS">%d</xliff:g> contos"</item> |
| <item quantity="other" msgid="2723797835410343458">"en <xliff:g id="NUMBER_ACCOUNTS">%d</xliff:g> contos"</item> |
| </plurals> |
| <!-- no translation found for notification_to_account (2078557719010667913) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for notification_multiple_new_messages_fmt (2606649762841566104) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_name_display_all (837218861494831989) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for number_of_accounts:one (6343953132237244947) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for number_of_accounts:other (8548760449976444566) --> |
| <string name="mailbox_name_display_inbox" msgid="3542327124749861736">"Posta entrada"</string> |
| <string name="mailbox_name_display_outbox" msgid="2826214174661417662">"Posta sortida"</string> |
| <string name="mailbox_name_display_drafts" msgid="4868718300700514319">"Sbozs"</string> |
| <string name="mailbox_name_display_trash" msgid="9139069064580630647">"Chanaster da palpiri"</string> |
| <string name="mailbox_name_display_sent" msgid="3426058998191869523">"Tramess"</string> |
| <string name="mailbox_name_display_junk" msgid="9046762505977999288">"Nungiavischà"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_name_display_unread (1015674989793998695) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for picker_mailbox_name_all_unread (6392491216581687644) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for picker_mailbox_name_all_inbox (2277030979530376085) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for picker_combined_view_fmt (6276294768978512737) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for picker_combined_view_account_count:one (380235084337895804) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for picker_combined_view_account_count:other (4145163147488719025) --> |
| <string name="debug_version_fmt" msgid="6160213145745376955">"Versiun: <xliff:g id="VERSION">%s</xliff:g>"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_folder_list_summary_inbox (7518263761297423255) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_folder_list_summary_starred" msgid="3134312269246375723">"Cun staila"</string> |
| <string name="account_folder_list_summary_drafts" msgid="5514845993247300437">"Sbozs"</string> |
| <string name="account_folder_list_summary_outbox" msgid="3059836696049399377">"Posta sortida"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_list_account_selector_combined_view (1556327299894225044) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_list_account_selector_show_all_folders (4185052839366909439) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_list_account_selector_account_header (4261295503836387876) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_list_account_selector_mailbox_header_fmt (3320144348694625092) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_list_user_mailboxes (484260487104726379) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_list_recent_mailboxes (8922653040520361032) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_subject_description (3597047441062021199) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_is_empty_description (4004644319382041459) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_list_load_more_messages_action" msgid="7428302707908825692">"Chargiar ulteriurs messadis"</string> |
| <plurals name="message_view_selected_message_count"> |
| <item quantity="one" msgid="5064657358375178519">"<xliff:g id="MESSAGE_COUNT">%d</xliff:g> selected"</item> |
| <item quantity="other" msgid="7901361399231876038">"Tschernì <xliff:g id="MESSAGE_COUNT">%d</xliff:g>"</item> |
| </plurals> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_list_no_messages (7846910091922523867) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_compose_to_hint" msgid="2891895306418177013">"A"</string> |
| <string name="message_compose_cc_hint" msgid="8481884461031434144">"Cc"</string> |
| <string name="message_compose_bcc_hint" msgid="9177337492358841680">"Bcc"</string> |
| <string name="message_compose_subject_hint" msgid="6993487234024160782">"Object"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_compose_from_label (4084843296548498041) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for to (4392614766835725698) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for cc (7017720927911078193) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for bcc (3098643138241111579) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for subject_hint (7253964583324677128) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for body_hint (4279864165439577668) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_compose_fwd_header_fmt" msgid="5181300290654579434">\n\n"-------- Messadi original --------"\n"Object: <xliff:g id="SUBJECT">%1$s</xliff:g>"\n"Da: <xliff:g id="SENDER">%2$s</xliff:g>"\n"A: <xliff:g id="TO">%3$s</xliff:g>"\n"Cc: <xliff:g id="CC_0">%4$s</xliff:g>"\n\n</string> |
| <string name="message_compose_reply_header_fmt" msgid="8815624773273454573">\n\n"<xliff:g id="SENDER">%s</xliff:g> ha scrit:"\n\n</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_compose_quoted_text_label (6950097435198536165) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_compose_include_quoted_text_checkbox_label (8165567368956050390) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_compose_error_no_recipients" msgid="4903715888250785486">"Vus stuais agiuntar almain in destinatur."</string> |
| <string name="message_compose_error_invalid_email" msgid="1817633338629885643">"Tschertas adressas dad e-mail èn nuncorrectas."</string> |
| <string name="message_compose_attachment_size" msgid="4401081828287333647">"L\'agiunta è memia gronda."</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_compose_insert_quick_response_list_title (5314107302508728189) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_compose_display_name" msgid="6415258924917140704">"<xliff:g id="NAME">%1$s</xliff:g> e <xliff:g id="NUMBER">%2$d</xliff:g> auters"</string> |
| <string name="message_view_to_label" msgid="6485191743265527381">"A:"</string> |
| <string name="message_view_cc_label" msgid="6322992216371163122">"Cc:"</string> |
| <string name="message_view_bcc_label" msgid="7577479221285310198">"Bcc:"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_date_label (7033814961837313339) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_from_label (6055076379282772675) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_subject_label (3731022187530000852) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_view_attachment_view_action" msgid="4408093860407096078">"Far ir"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_attachment_install_action (381211378884166381) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_attachment_play_action (5214215414665114061) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_view_attachment_load_action" msgid="8645178445048233745">"Chargiar"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_attachment_info_action (3908148393469626740) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_view_attachment_save_action" msgid="4704436274670997903">"Memorisar"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_attachment_saved (3432810414785232025) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_view_attachment_cancel_action" msgid="316700885943712101">"Fermar"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_status_attachment_saved (8878790392556284868) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_status_attachment_not_saved (2433097334272991035) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_view_attachment_background_load" msgid="756797444835526487">"Remartga: Ina u pliras agiuntas en Voss messadi renvià vegn(an) telechargiada(s) avant la spediziun."</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_show_message_action (5134222901019191436) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_show_invite_action (8862797393776226777) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_show_attachments_action:one (7594476368958824007) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_show_attachments_action:other (974463163535515223) --> |
| <string name="message_view_show_pictures_action" msgid="5059936981743072545">"Mussar ils maletgs"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_always_show_pictures_button (6523810929103546865) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_always_show_pictures_prompt (7685500276479967959) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_always_show_pictures_confirmation (6838463134312859448) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_view_invite_view" msgid="5521032519960111675">"Mussar en il chalender"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_invite_title (3418949733434713805) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_view_invite_text" msgid="1212799906603873708">"Participar?"</string> |
| <string name="message_view_invite_accept" msgid="744546668021679819">" Gea"</string> |
| <string name="message_view_invite_maybe" msgid="7555189462441562318">" Forsa"</string> |
| <string name="message_view_invite_decline" msgid="6119797303297149463">" Na"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_invite_toast_yes (6802274503171644414) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_invite_toast_maybe (8547454326090527202) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_invite_toast_no (1842341256942784143) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_show_details (6287415596441037095) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_message_details_dialog_title (9042008615386883449) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for attachment_info_dialog_default_title (4995755709689009622) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for attachment_info_dialog_wifi_title (3174350153882915382) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for attachment_info_wifi_settings (96432970927503597) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for attachment_info_application_settings (4124655487276125596) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for attachment_info_unknown (8342655396805943320) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for attachment_info_malware (6576029010855055528) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for attachment_info_policy (3560422300127587508) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for attachment_info_wifi_only (1481120960014563617) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for attachment_info_no_intent (8139209405745777924) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for attachment_info_sideload_disabled (3270731101769840006) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for attachment_info_apk_install_disabled (2817790592227462682) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for attachment_not_found (7155322700141145123) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_decode_error (5016042255170947834) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for eml_view_title (8827210108543430336) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_delete_dialog_title" msgid="6603370107217227252"></string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_delete_confirm:one (3799616435056423256) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_delete_confirm:other (4437637377522896262) --> |
| <plurals name="message_deleted_toast"> |
| <item quantity="one" msgid="710742672464447084">"Messadi stizzà"</item> |
| <item quantity="other" msgid="6574961322865652255">"Stizzà ils messadis"</item> |
| </plurals> |
| <string name="message_discarded_toast" msgid="3891461729325584026">"Stizzà il messadi"</string> |
| <string name="message_saved_toast" msgid="8443125659172627665">"Memorisà il messadi sco sboz."</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_display_attachment_toast (7714482237896346836) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_load_attachment_failed_toast (8605967295095023587) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="message_view_parse_message_toast" msgid="8830378966553031281">"Avrir il messadi..."</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_moved_toast:one (3098493230185412871) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_moved_toast:other (2286739630865943494) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for forward_download_failed_ticker (6176608320359303255) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for forward_download_failed_title (6139701848515572511) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for login_failed_ticker (5749227022559285302) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for login_failed_title (7624349996212476176) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <plurals name="message_view_attachment_bytes"> |
| <item quantity="one" msgid="8914124732074848509">"<xliff:g id="SIZE_IN_BYTES">%d</xliff:g>B"</item> |
| <item quantity="other" msgid="4613385949384337840">"<xliff:g id="SIZE_IN_BYTES">%d</xliff:g>B"</item> |
| </plurals> |
| <plurals name="message_view_attachment_kilobytes"> |
| <item quantity="one" msgid="869981846437074463">"<xliff:g id="SIZE_IN_KILOBYTES">%d</xliff:g>KB"</item> |
| <item quantity="other" msgid="8869993299924901593">"<xliff:g id="SIZE_IN_KILOBYTES">%d</xliff:g>KB"</item> |
| </plurals> |
| <plurals name="message_view_attachment_megabytes"> |
| <item quantity="one" msgid="7527095670565758434">"<xliff:g id="SIZE_IN_MEGABYTES">%d</xliff:g>MB"</item> |
| <item quantity="other" msgid="4365876866570165282">"<xliff:g id="SIZE_IN_MEGABYTES">%d</xliff:g>MB"</item> |
| </plurals> |
| <plurals name="message_view_attachment_gigabytes"> |
| <item quantity="one" msgid="6261986598249539093">"<xliff:g id="SIZE_IN_GIGABYTES">%d</xliff:g>GB"</item> |
| <item quantity="other" msgid="1041353825053598633">"<xliff:g id="SIZE_IN_GIGABYTES">%d</xliff:g>GB"</item> |
| </plurals> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_move_to_newer (2190862552581773765) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_view_move_to_older (4993043091356700890) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for message_list_subject_snippet_divider (1783589062530679520) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_basics_title (3578333196594678422) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_basics_exchange_title" msgid="1147638872869594157">"Agiuntar in conto Exchange"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_basics_exchange_title_alternate" msgid="4980422714586153809">"Agiuntar in conto Exchange ActiveSync"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_basics_headline (6726590205905464015) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for accounts_welcome (1491126253077950685) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for accounts_welcome_exchange (4432917203403596617) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for accounts_welcome_exchange_alternate (1319376442032224845) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_basics_email_label (3454164053624112047) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_basics_password_label (9133549799291519298) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_basics_default_label" msgid="5924790142029806711">"Trametter ils e-mails tenor standard cun quest conto"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_basics_manual_setup_action" msgid="8053852205391155912">"Configuraziun manuala"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_username_password_toast (3968270274727947460) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_duplicate_dlg_title (8089732986912704425) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_duplicate_dlg_message_fmt (6447629283679935840) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_password_spaces_error (8928309156658903257) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_check_settings_retr_info_msg" msgid="4121970450267725664">"Recuperar las infurmaziuns davart il conto…"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_check_settings_check_incoming_msg" msgid="5356212700221438863">"Verificaziun dals parameters dal server d\'entrada…"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_check_settings_check_outgoing_msg" msgid="4033015234096725343">"Ils parameters dil server da sortida vegnan controllads…"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_names_title (8483517350241119291) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_names_headline (2413440250372658881) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_names_account_name_label" msgid="8033895024273259196">"Dar in num al conto (facultativ)"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_names_user_name_label" msgid="8967410178488604770">"Voss num (vegn mussà en messadis che sortan)"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_names_user_name_empty_error (6791427018325367364) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_account_type_title (7156551693961182124) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_account_type_headline (3574102329184831086) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_account_type_instructions" msgid="114515540798408760">"Da tge tip da conto sa tracti?"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_incoming_title (6796626791039136005) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_incoming_headline (6183711037633407184) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_incoming_username_label" msgid="5700581386104070302">"Num d\'utilisader"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_incoming_password_label" msgid="6365327603172559859">"Pled-clav"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_incoming_pop_server_label" msgid="4917504440057879152">"Server POP3"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_incoming_imap_server_label" msgid="8685076830847734322">"Server IMAP"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_incoming_port_label" msgid="8214738923690447796">"Port"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_label" msgid="2110260791086007424">"Tip da segirezza"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_incoming_security_none_label" msgid="8300169413118264895">"Nagin"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_incoming_security_ssl_trust_certificates_label (6151855090123117538) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_incoming_security_ssl_label (2798501138420163861) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_incoming_security_tls_trust_certificates_label (6149084428423662620) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_incoming_security_tls_label (6573498431821879660) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_label" msgid="9213590134693857912">"Stizzar ils e-mails dal server"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_never_label" msgid="3222897501875871041">"Mai"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_incoming_delete_policy_delete_label" msgid="222216840911785631">"Sche jau stiz els da la posta entrada"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_incoming_imap_path_prefix_label" msgid="401167247072926810">"Prefix da la via d\'access IMAP"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_incoming_imap_path_prefix_hint" msgid="9190845919067906033">"Facultativ"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_outgoing_title (7208495965665711539) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_outgoing_headline (2025001060935366394) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_outgoing_smtp_server_label" msgid="6035137446691195177">"Server SMTP"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_outgoing_port_label" msgid="7573207437835827876">"Port"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_outgoing_security_label" msgid="911398071120720589">"Tip da segirezza"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_outgoing_require_login_label" msgid="6371514297854287948">"Annunzia obligatorica"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_outgoing_username_label" msgid="3309680794731596981">"Num d\'utilisader"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_outgoing_password_label" msgid="227844585493317550">"Pled-clav"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_exchange_title (396004732514751781) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_exchange_headline (6099049671599242131) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_exchange_server_label" msgid="795137797983360826">"Server"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_exchange_username_label" msgid="6517176180828983060">"Domena/num d\'utilisader"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_exchange_ssl_label" msgid="6704105469083211236">"Utilisar ina connexiun segira (SSL)"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_exchange_trust_certificates_label" msgid="6232880757633882678">"Acceptar tut ils certificats SSL"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_exchange_certificate_title (8473793588405277962) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_exchange_select_certificate (1536103662037268683) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_exchange_use_certificate (8690682770083161349) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_exchange_remove_certificate (5633249155510301766) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_exchange_no_certificate (1119542961954780872) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_exchange_device_id_label" msgid="1646827333223157658">"ID dad apparats mobils"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_title (9016600767888846051) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_headline (4181274232835368085) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_label (4824859792882810053) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_never" msgid="287951859480505416">"Mai"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_push" msgid="5934525907736008673">"Automaticamain (push)"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_5min" msgid="6388939895878539307">"Mintga 5 minutas"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_10min" msgid="5344463157247877480">"Mintga 10 minutas"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_15min" msgid="5052776740089741793">"Mintga 15 minutas"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_30min" msgid="1097088928685931864">"Mintga 30 minutas"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_mail_check_frequency_1hour" msgid="3767715356039692899">"Mintga ura"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_default_label" msgid="8869166381331276697">"\"Trametter ils e-mails da quest conto, tenor standard.\""</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_notify_label" msgid="1247525794828820038">"Mussar in avis cura ch\'in e-mail arriva"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_sync_contacts_label" msgid="7467467090023434271">"Sincronisar ils contacts da quest conto"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_sync_calendar_label" msgid="3195979658426293931">"Sincronisar il chalender da quest conto"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_sync_email_label" msgid="3930927721878987383">"Sincronisar ils e-mails da quest conto."</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_background_attachments_label (5247749298276451846) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_dlg_title (9083263347962940552) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_mail_window_label (7582247646138987328) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_mail_window_auto (4188895354366183790) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_1day" msgid="3965715241135811407">"In di"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_3days" msgid="736181102295878114">"Trais dis"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_1week" msgid="5639718031108023741">"Ina emna"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_2weeks" msgid="4567049268124213035">"Duas emnas"</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_options_mail_window_1month" msgid="5846359669750047081">"In mais"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_mail_window_all (5372861827683632364) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_options_mail_window_default (8321351926520165832) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_auth_message" msgid="42827150104879570">"Num d\'utilisader u pled-clav nuncorrect."</string> |
| <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_auth_message_fmt" msgid="8598560266430207606">"Num d\'utilisader u pled-clav nuncorrect."\n"(<xliff:g id="ERROR">%s</xliff:g>)"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_dlg_certificate_message (3836152264696108805) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_dlg_certificate_message_fmt (2121921642915593041) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_certificate_required (1280569002588325367) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_certificate_inaccessible (7245835883180762722) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_check_credentials_message (222908719765968691) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_dlg_server_message (4942810054116129684) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_dlg_server_message_fmt (2525425638303883232) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_failed_tls_required" msgid="307030406688611327">"TLS è obligatoric ma na vegn betg sustegnì dal server."</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_auth_required (6799839150250217566) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_security (925820957665764964) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_ioerror (7802604687451830378) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_protocol_unsupported (4607759927226943569) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_access_denied (6835358740050287051) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_security_required_title" msgid="1850321535870447468">"Administraziun da la segirezza a distanza"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_security_policies_required_fmt (5410714107656671761) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_failed_security_policies_unsupported (3210264746877120355) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_setup_username_uneditable_error (1618869759801584109) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for disable_admin_warning (6196985268695592382) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_security_dialog_title (430041952584831904) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_security_dialog_content_fmt (8843806143923278214) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="security_notification_ticker_fmt" msgid="1108023476125276507">"Il conto «<xliff:g id="ACCOUNT">%s</xliff:g>» basegna ina actualisaziun dals parameters da segirezza."</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for security_notification_content_title (3352841884304076235) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_security_title (3511543138560418587) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_security_policy_explanation_fmt (6932627044314460766) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_setup_failed_dlg_edit_details_action" msgid="5355993309841479360">"Modifitgar ils detagls"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for password_expire_warning_ticker_fmt (2459977229180023773) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for password_expire_warning_content_title (7174669014074849304) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for password_expired_ticker (4230570412974108968) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for password_expired_content_title (4349518706602252979) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for password_expire_warning_dialog_title (1687074175399798189) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for password_expire_warning_dialog_content_fmt (4595246020880351045) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for password_expired_dialog_title (2186547998125938084) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for password_expired_dialog_content_fmt (5982207349002500211) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_exit_server_settings (8006323251094711431) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_login_dialog_title (4024422579146302775) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_login_dialog_content_fmt (3492735234999710234) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_settings_default_label" msgid="3575963379680943640">"Conto predefinì"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_default_summary" msgid="1531901438624688482">"Trametter ils e-mails tenor standard cun quest conto"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_background_attachments_label (2980317599840958688) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_background_attachments_summary (5954218549226189376) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_settings_notify_label" msgid="1630001017303007974">"Avis ad e-mails"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_summary" msgid="8403582255413830007">"\"Frequenza da sincronisaziun, avis, etc.\""</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_notify_summary (6301122709602752038) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_mail_check_frequency_label (8271462919214560616) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_settings_incoming_label" msgid="7858928031806297542">"Messadis che entran"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_incoming_summary (2923044634831881068) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_settings_outgoing_label" msgid="4464829249980026745">"Parameters da sortida"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_outgoing_summary (3572093624332724311) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_settings_description_label" msgid="8894815221204511715">"Num dal conto"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_name_label" msgid="8186406122590008449">"Voss num"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_signature_label" msgid="4091969938785803201">"Signatura"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_edit_quick_responses_label (3106019627675996480) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_edit_quick_responses_summary (5284435342418252369) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_settings_signature_hint" msgid="7262183168962779403">"Agiuntar in text als messadis che sortan"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_notifications" msgid="1042620094281375043">"Parameters dad avis"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_data_usage (6669107430575866736) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for edit_quick_response_dialog (4322494050816995390) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for save_action (1988862706623227093) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_settings_sync_contacts_enable" msgid="1369272986009573218">"Sincronisar ils contacts"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_sync_contacts_summary" msgid="816919452270997919">"Sincronisar ils contacts per quest conto"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_sync_calendar_enable" msgid="3039820725699412208">"Sincronisar il chalender"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_sync_calendar_summary" msgid="5241995538395965804">"Sincronisar il chalender per quest conto"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_sync_email_enable (3754115565685222477) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_settings_sync_email_summary" msgid="262964076412310990">"Sincronisar ils e-mails per quest conto"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_vibrate_when_label" msgid="708477308761702671">"Vibrar"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_vibrate_when_summary" msgid="3991584445166247189">"Era vibrar sch\'in e-mail arriva"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_vibrate_when_always" msgid="6739506816960483174">"Adina"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_vibrate_when_silent" msgid="6417076436551648924">"Mo sche silenzius"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_vibrate_when_never" msgid="3759680093309511614">"Mai"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_vibrate_when_dlg_title" msgid="308167729046312952">"Vibrar"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_settings_ringtone (8229878374785575207) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="account_settings_servers" msgid="4925493817981624242">"Parameters dal server"</string> |
| <string name="account_delete_dlg_title" msgid="6806087520856396608">"Stizzar il conto"</string> |
| <string name="account_delete_dlg_instructions_fmt" msgid="8236846322040271280">"Il conto «<xliff:g id="ACCOUNT">%s</xliff:g>» vegn stizzà da Voss e-mail."</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_category_delete_account" msgid="5128545184407925226">"Stizzar il conto"</string> |
| <string name="account_settings_delete_account_label" msgid="4889158717472601718">"Stizzar il conto"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_settings_activity_title (4705845931573373274) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_settings_activity_title_with_mailbox (6485481250424219240) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_preferences_header (9077316556563252246) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_settings_mailbox_check_frequency_label (1246075442689328906) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_settings_mailbox_sync_window_label (2957945231022052672) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_shortcut_picker_name (1994861845225243190) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for account_shortcut_picker_title (1039929224016048015) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for mailbox_shortcut_picker_title (4152973927804882131) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for toast_account_not_found (8144242451730692816) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for toast_mailbox_not_found (4960014581292378895) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for provider_note_live (2995297671709325333) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for provider_note_t_online (1630642061431427894) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="exchange_name" msgid="1190783774800310346">"Da fatschenta"</string> |
| <string name="exchange_name_alternate" msgid="5772529644749041052">"Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync"</string> |
| <!-- no translation found for system_account_create_failed (3673792980526246177) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <string name="device_admin_label" msgid="8680224994637869414">"E-mail"</string> |
| <string name="device_admin_description" msgid="426727923791430306">"Activescha las directivas da segirezza specificas per il server"</string> |
| <string name="gal_searching_fmt" msgid="6140450617663543464">"Tschertgar <xliff:g id="DOMAIN">%s</xliff:g>…"</string> |
| <plurals name="gal_completed_fmt"> |
| <item quantity="one" msgid="7496785524617037642">"<xliff:g id="RESULTS">%1$d</xliff:g> resultat da <xliff:g id="DOMAIN">%2$s</xliff:g>"</item> |
| <item quantity="other" msgid="7816121892960632123">"<xliff:g id="RESULTS">%1$d</xliff:g> resultats da <xliff:g id="DOMAIN">%2$s</xliff:g>"</item> |
| </plurals> |
| <!-- no translation found for settings_activity_title (5185915603716333904) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for header_label_general_preferences (9204600297009680176) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for category_general_preferences (2742423840964045801) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_auto_advance_label (213945004511666631) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_auto_advance_summary (6483439980032715119) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_auto_advance_dialog_title (5405052109452503909) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_auto_advance_newer (1336720027570509885) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_auto_advance_older (8273143493185128646) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_auto_advance_message_list (7834069275897767359) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_label (4021955890499565713) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_summary_array:0 (4693576184223089069) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_summary_array:1 (4415205108584620118) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_summary_array:2 (4550219696381691112) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_summary_array:3 (6227813549949219991) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_summary_array:4 (1197917420815786571) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_dialog_title (7446841758331151643) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_tiny (2948174583663330937) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_small (6618520238223144876) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_normal (1765540147950855479) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_large (6874323663381586918) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_text_zoom_huge (4270503132355963031) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_reply_all_label (7806833609810003510) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_reply_all_label (6469564953937885304) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_reply_all_summary (9191932552604733245) --> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preference_reply_all_summary (3356918650886350497) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preferences_clear_trusted_senders_title (507988226277210305) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for general_preferences_clear_trusted_senders_summary (2648501128162793879) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for trusted_senders_cleared (4762002183756251723) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for position_of_count (7989353140376877792) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for waitinf_for_sync_message_1 (1393719303955128036) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for waitinf_for_sync_message_2 (5656175205790694016) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for widget_other_views (4988574907386539499) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for widget_all_mail (4352573990283094963) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for widget_unread (4404711399009077833) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for widget_starred (8290352707134011791) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for widget_loading (2340962056927255554) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for widget_touch_to_configure (7062039013915225323) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for widget_no_accounts (2412482205591224408) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for widget_no_mailboxes (5222354534538852579) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for more_than_999 (8704425397397918798) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for search_hint (2200412192574686497) --> |
| <skip /> |
| <!-- no translation found for search_mailbox_hint (7854987729678942790) --> |
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