| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <!-- Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project |
| |
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| --> |
| |
| <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> |
| <string name="app_name">Gallery</string> |
| <!-- Title for picture frame gadget to show in list of all available gadgets --> |
| <string name="gadget_title">Picture frame</string> |
| |
| <!-- Used to format short video duration in Details dialog. minutes:seconds e.g. 00:30 --> |
| <string name="details_ms">%1$02d:%2$02d</string> |
| <!-- Used to format video duration in Details dialog. hours:minutes:seconds e.g. 0:21:30 --> |
| <string name="details_hms">%1$d:%2$02d:%3$02d</string> |
| <!-- Activity label. This might show up in the activity-picker --> |
| <string name="movie_view_label">Video player</string> |
| <!-- shown in the video player view while the video is being loaded, before it starts playing --> |
| <string name="loading_video">Loading video\u2026</string> |
| <string name="loading_image">Loading image\u2026</string> |
| |
| <!-- Message shown on the progress dialog to indicate we're loading the |
| account info [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="loading_account">Loading account\u2026</string> |
| |
| <!-- Movie View Resume Playing dialog title --> |
| <string name="resume_playing_title">Resume video</string> |
| |
| <!-- Movie View Start Playing dialog title --> |
| <string name="resume_playing_message">Resume playing from %s ?</string> |
| <!-- Movie View Start Playing button "Resume from bookmark" --> |
| <string name="resume_playing_resume">Resume playing</string> |
| |
| <!-- Displayed in the title of those albums that are being loaded --> |
| <string name="loading">Loading\u2026</string> |
| |
| <!-- Displayed in the title of those pictures that fails to be loaded |
| [CHAR LIMIT=50]--> |
| <string name="fail_to_load">Couldn\'t load</string> |
| |
| <!-- Used in a toast message when an image fails to be loaded |
| [CHAR LIMIT=50]--> |
| <string name="fail_to_load_image">Couldn\'t load the image</string> |
| |
| <!-- Displayed in place of the picture when we fail to get the thumbnail of it. |
| [CHAR LIMIT=50]--> |
| <string name="no_thumbnail">No thumbnail</string> |
| |
| <!-- Movie View Start Playing button "Beginning" --> |
| <string name="resume_playing_restart">Start over</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of a menu item to indicate performing the image crop operation |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="crop_save_text">OK</string> |
| <!-- Button indicating that the cropped image should be reverted back to the original --> |
| <!-- Hint that appears when cropping an image with more than one face --> |
| <string name="multiface_crop_help">Touch a face to begin.</string> |
| <!-- Toast/alert that the image is being saved to the SD card --> |
| <string name="saving_image">Saving picture\u2026</string> |
| <!-- Eorror toast message that the image cannot be saved [CHAR LIMIT=40]--> |
| <string name="save_error">Couldn\'t save cropped image.</string> |
| |
| <!-- menu pick: crop the currently selected image --> |
| <string name="crop_label">Crop picture</string> |
| <!-- Toast/alert that the face detection is being run --> |
| |
| <!-- Title prompted for user to choose a photo item [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="select_image">Select photo</string> |
| <!-- Title prompted for user to choose a video item [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="select_video">Select video</string> |
| <!-- Title prompted for user to choose a media object [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="select_item">Select item</string> |
| <!-- Title prompted for user to choose an album [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="select_album">Select album</string> |
| <!-- Title prompted for user to choose a group [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="select_group">Select group</string> |
| |
| <!-- Displayed in the title of the dialog for things to do with a picture |
| that is to be "set as" (e.g. set as contact photo or set as wallpaper) --> |
| <string name="set_image">Set picture as</string> |
| <!-- Toast/alert after saving wallpaper --> |
| <string name="wallpaper">Setting wallpaper\u2026</string> |
| <string name="camera_setas_wallpaper">Wallpaper</string> |
| |
| <!-- Details dialog "OK" button. Dismisses dialog. --> |
| <string name="delete">Delete</string> |
| <string name="confirm_action">Confirm deletion?</string> |
| <string name="confirm">Confirm</string> |
| <string name="cancel">Cancel</string> |
| <string name="share">Share</string> |
| |
| <!-- String indicating more actions are available --> |
| <string name="select_all">Select all</string> |
| <string name="deselect_all">Deselect all</string> |
| <string name="slideshow">Slideshow</string> |
| |
| <string name="details">Details</string> |
| <string name="details_title">%1$d of %2$d items:</string> |
| <string name="close">Close</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of a menu item to switch from Gallery to Camera app [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="switch_to_camera">Switch to Camera</string> |
| |
| <!-- String indicating how many media item(s) is(are) selected |
| eg. 1 selected [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <plurals name="number_of_items_selected"> |
| <item quantity="zero">%1$d selected</item> |
| <item quantity="one">%1$d selected</item> |
| <item quantity="other">%1$d selected</item> |
| </plurals> |
| |
| <!-- String indicating how many media album(s) is(are) selected |
| eg. 1 selected [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <plurals name="number_of_albums_selected"> |
| <item quantity="zero">%1$d selected</item> |
| <item quantity="one">%1$d selected</item> |
| <item quantity="other">%1$d selected</item> |
| </plurals> |
| |
| <!-- String indicating how many media group(s) is(are) selected |
| eg. 1 selected [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <plurals name="number_of_groups_selected"> |
| <item quantity="zero">%1$d selected</item> |
| <item quantity="one">%1$d selected</item> |
| <item quantity="other">%1$d selected</item> |
| </plurals> |
| |
| <!-- String indicating timestamp of photo or video --> |
| <string name="show_on_map">Show on map</string> |
| <string name="rotate_left">Rotate left</string> |
| <string name="rotate_right">Rotate right</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast message prompted when the specified item is not found [CHAR LIMIT=40]--> |
| <string name="no_such_item">Couldn\'t find item.</string> |
| |
| <!-- String used as a menu label. The suer can choose to edit the image |
| [CHAR_LIMIT=20]--> |
| <string name="edit">Edit</string> |
| |
| <!-- String used in a toast message indicating there is no application |
| available to handle a request [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="activity_not_found">No app is available to complete the action.</string> |
| |
| <!-- String used as a title of a progress dialog. The user can |
| choose to cache some Picasa picture albums on device, so it can |
| be viewed offline. This string is shown when the request is being |
| processed. [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="process_caching_requests">Processing caching requests</string> |
| |
| <!-- String used as a small notification label above a Picasa album. |
| It means the pictures of the Picasa album is currently being |
| transferred to local storage, so the pictures can later be viewed |
| offline. [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> |
| <string name="caching_label">Caching\u2026</string> |
| |
| <string name="crop_action">Crop</string> |
| <string name="set_as">Set as</string> |
| |
| <!-- String indicating an approximate location eg. Around Palo Alto, CA --> |
| <string name="video_err">Can\'t play video.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Strings for grouping operations in the menu. The photos can be grouped |
| by their location, taken time, or tags. --> |
| <!-- The title of the menu item to let user choose the grouping rule, when |
| pressed, a submenu will shown and user can choose one grouping rule |
| from the submenu. --> |
| |
| <!-- Title of a menu item to group photo by location [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="group_by_location">By location</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of a menu tiem to group photo by taken date [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="group_by_time">By time</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of a menu item to group photo by tags [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="group_by_tags">By tags</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of a menu item to group photo by faces [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="group_by_faces">By people</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of a menu item to group photo by albums [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="group_by_album">By album</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of a menu item to group photo by size [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="group_by_size">By size</string> |
| |
| <!-- When grouping photos by tags, the label used for photos without tags |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20]--> |
| <string name="untagged">Untagged</string> |
| |
| <!-- When grouping photos by locations, the label used for photos that don't |
| have location information in them [CHAR LIMIT=20]--> |
| <string name="no_location">No location</string> |
| |
| <!-- This toast message is shown when network connection is lost while doing clustering --> |
| <string name="no_connectivity">Some locations couldn\'t be identified due to network problems.</string> |
| |
| <!-- This toast message is shown when failed to load the album data. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="sync_album_error">Couldn\'t download the photos in this album. Retry later.</string> |
| <!-- This toast message is shown when failed to load the album list data. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> |
| <string name="sync_album_set_error">Couldn\'t download the list of albums. Retry later.</string> |
| |
| <!-- The title of the menu item to let user choose the which portion of |
| the media items the user wants to see. When pressed, a submenu will |
| appear and user can choose one of "show images only", |
| "show videos only", or "show all" from the submenu. --> |
| |
| <!-- Title of a menu item to show images only [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="show_images_only">Images only</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of a menu item to show videos only [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="show_videos_only">Videos only</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of a menu item to show all (both images and videos) [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="show_all">Images & videos</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of the StackView AppWidget --> |
| <string name="appwidget_title">Photo Gallery</string> |
| |
| <!-- Text for the empty state of the StackView AppWidget [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="appwidget_empty_text">No photos.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast message shown when the cropped image has been saved in the |
| %s folder (string: folder_download) [CHAR LIMIT=50]--> |
| <string name="crop_saved"> |
| Cropped image saved to <xliff:g id="folder_name">%s</xliff:g>.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast message shown when the cropped image is not saved |
| [CHAR LIMIT=50]--> |
| <string name="crop_not_saved">Cropped image wasn\'t saved.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast message shown when there is no albums available [CHAR LIMIT=50]--> |
| <string name="no_albums_alert">No albums available.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Toast message shown when we close the AlbumPage because it is empty |
| [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <string name="empty_album">O images/videos available.</string> |
| |
| <!-- Album label used to indicate the collection of PWA Buzz/Post photos --> |
| <string name="picasa_posts">Posts</string> |
| |
| <!-- A label describing that the current screen is for the user to pick |
| some albums to be viewable offline [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="make_available_offline">Make available offline</string> |
| |
| <!-- A label of a menu item for user to sync the content [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="sync_picasa_albums">Refresh</string> |
| |
| <!-- A label on a button. The user clicks this button after he has |
| finished selection. [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> |
| <string name="done">Done</string> |
| |
| <!-- String indicating the sequence of currently selected item in the |
| media set eg. 3 of 5 items [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="sequence_in_set">%1$d of %2$d items:</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the title of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="title">Title</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the description of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="description">Description</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the creation time of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="time">Time</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the location of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="location">Location</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the path of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="path">Path</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the width of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="width">Width</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the height of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="height">Height</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the orientation of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="orientation">Orientation</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the duration of a video item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="duration">Duration</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the mime type of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="mimetype">MIME type</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the file size of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="file_size">File size</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the maker of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="maker">Maker</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the model of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="model">Model</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating flash info of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="flash">Flash</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating aperture of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="aperture">Aperture</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the focal length of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="focal_length">Focal Length</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the white balance of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="white_balance">White balance</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the exposure time of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="exposure_time">Exposure time</string> |
| <!-- Text indicating the ISO speed rating of a media item in details window [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="iso">ISO</string> |
| <!-- String indicating the time units in seconds. [CHAR LIMIT=8] --> |
| <!-- String indicating the length units in milli-meters. [CHAR LIMIT=8] --> |
| <string name="unit_mm">mm</string> |
| <!-- String indicating how camera shooting feature is used. [CHAR LIMIT=8] --> |
| <string name="manual">Manual</string> |
| <!-- String indicating how camera shooting feature is used. [CHAR LIMIT=8] --> |
| <string name="auto">Auto</string> |
| <!-- String indicating camera flash is fired. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="flash_on">Flash fired</string> |
| <!-- String indicating camera flash is not used. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> |
| <string name="flash_off">No flash</string> |
| |
| |
| <!-- Toast message shown after we make some album(s) available offline [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> |
| <plurals name="make_albums_available_offline"> |
| <item quantity="one">Making album available offline.</item> |
| <item quantity="other">Making albums available offline.</item> |
| </plurals> |
| |
| <!-- Toast message shown after we try to make a local album available offline |
| [CHAR LIMIT=150] --> |
| <string name="try_to_set_local_album_available_offline"> |
| This item is stored locally and available offline.</string> |
| |
| <!-- A label shown on the action bar. It indicates that the user is |
| viewing all available albums [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="set_label_all_albums">All albums</string> |
| |
| <!-- A label shown on the action bar. It indicates that the user is |
| viewing albums stored locally on the device [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="set_label_local_albums">Local albums</string> |
| |
| <!-- A label shown on the action bar. It indicates that the user is |
| viewing MTP devices connected (like other digital cameras). |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="set_label_mtp_devices">MTP devices</string> |
| |
| <!-- A label shown on the action bar. It indicates that the user is |
| viewing Picasa albums [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="set_label_picasa_albums">Picasa albums</string> |
| |
| <!-- Label indicating the amount on free space on the device. The parameter |
| is a string representation of the amount of free space, eg. "20MB". |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20] |
| --> |
| <string name="free_space_format"><xliff:g id="bytes">%s</xliff:g> free</string> |
| |
| <!-- Label of a group of pictures. The size of each picture in this group is |
| less than a certain amount. The parameter is a string representation |
| of that amount, eg. "10MB". |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20] |
| --> |
| <string name="size_below"><xliff:g id="size">%1$s</xliff:g> or below</string> |
| |
| <!-- Label of a group of pictures. The size of each picture in this group is |
| more than a certain amount. The parameter is a string representation |
| of that amount, eg. "10MB". |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20] |
| --> |
| <string name="size_above"><xliff:g id="size">%1$s</xliff:g> or above</string> |
| |
| <!-- Label of a group of pictures. The size of each picture in this group is |
| between two amounts. The parameters are string representations of the two |
| amounts, eg. "10MB", "100MB". |
| [CHAR LIMIT=20] |
| --> |
| <string name="size_between"><xliff:g id="min_size">%1$s</xliff:g> to <xliff:g id="max_size">%2$s</xliff:g></string> |
| |
| <!-- A label shown on the action bar. It indicates that the operation |
| to import media item(s) [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="Import">Import</string> |
| |
| <!-- A label shown on the action bar. It indicates whether the import |
| operation succeeds or fails. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="import_complete">Import complete</string> |
| <string name="import_fail">Import unsuccessful</string> |
| |
| <!-- A toast indicating a camera is connected to the device [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="camera_connected">Camera connected.</string> |
| <!-- A toast indicating a camera is disconnected [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> |
| <string name="camera_disconnected">Camera disconnected.</string> |
| <!-- A label shown on MTP albums thumbnail to instruct users to import |
| [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> |
| <string name="click_import">Touch here to import</string> |
| |
| <!-- The label on the radio button for the widget type that shows the images randomly. [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="widget_type_album">Choose an album</string> |
| <!-- The label on the radio button for the widget type that shows the images in an album. [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="widget_type_shuffle">Shuffle all images</string> |
| <!-- The label on the radio button for the widget type that shows only one image. [CHAR LIMIT=30]--> |
| <string name="widget_type_photo">Choose an image</string> |
| |
| <!-- The title of the dialog for choosing the type of widget. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="widget_type">Choose images</string> |
| |
| <!-- Title of the Android Dreams slideshow screensaver. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="slideshow_dream_name">Slideshow</string> |
| |
| <!-- Group by Albums tab on Action Bar. [CHAR LIMIT=12] --> |
| <string name="albums">Albums</string> |
| |
| <!-- Group by Times tab on Action Bar. [CHAR LIMIT=12] --> |
| <string name="times">Times</string> |
| |
| <!-- Group by Locations tab on Action Bar. [CHAR LIMIT=12] --> |
| <string name="locations">Locations</string> |
| |
| <!-- Group by People tab on Action Bar. [CHAR LIMIT=12] --> |
| <string name="people">People</string> |
| |
| <!-- Group by Tags tab on Action Bar. [CHAR LIMIT=12] --> |
| <string name="tags">Tags</string> |
| |
| <!-- Group by menu item. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="group_by">Group by</string> |
| |
| <!-- The title of the menu item which enable the settings [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> |
| <string name="settings">Settings</string> |
| |
| <!-- The title of menu item where user can add a new account --> |
| <string name="add_account">Add account</string> |
| |
| <!-- The label for the folder contains pictures taken by the camera. [CHAR LIMIT=20]--> |
| <string name="folder_camera">Camera</string> |
| |
| <!-- The label for the folder contains downloaded pictures. [CHAR LIMIT=20]--> |
| <string name="folder_download">Download</string> |
| |
| <!-- The label for the folder contains pictures that was imported from an |
| external camera. [CHAR LIMIT=20]--> |
| <string name="folder_imported">Imported</string> |
| |
| <!-- The label for the folder contains screenshot images. [CHAR LIMIT=20]--> |
| <string name="folder_screenshot">Screenshot</string> |
| |
| <!-- The title of the menu item which display online help in browser. [CHAR LIMIT=20]--> |
| <string name="help">Help</string> |
| |
| <!-- Web address for gallery help. DO NOT TRANSLATE --> |
| <string name="general_help_link" translatable="false">http://support.google.com/mobile/?p=gallery_top</string> |
| </resources> |