blob: 25f0019c3e5f249bacdaef842a22793f310cd100 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ContentUris;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts;
import android.speech.srec.Recognizer;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
* This is a RecognizerEngine that processes commands to make phone calls and
* open applications.
* <ul>
* <li>setupGrammar
* <li>Scans contacts and determine if the Grammar g2g file is stale.
* <li>If so, create and rebuild the Grammar,
* <li>Else create and load the Grammar from the file.
* <li>onRecognitionSuccess is called when we get results from the recognizer,
* it will process the results, which will pass a list of intents to
* the {@RecognizerClient}. It will accept the following types of commands:
* "call" a particular contact
* "dial a particular number
* "open" a particular application
* "redial" the last number called
* "voicemail" to call voicemail
* <li>Pass a list of {@link Intent} corresponding to the recognition results
* to the {@link RecognizerClient}, which notifies the user.
* </ul>
* Notes:
* <ul>
* <li>Audio many be read from a file.
* <li>A directory tree of audio files may be stepped through.
* <li>A contact list may be read from a file.
* <li>A {@link RecognizerLogger} may generate a set of log files from
* a recognition session.
* <li>A static instance of this class is held and reused by the
* {@link VoiceDialerActivity}, which saves setup time.
* </ul>
public class CommandRecognizerEngine extends RecognizerEngine {
private static final String OPEN_ENTRIES = "openentries.txt";
public static final String PHONE_TYPE_EXTRA = "phone_type";
private static final int MINIMUM_CONFIDENCE = 100;
private File mContactsFile;
private boolean mMinimizeResults;
private boolean mAllowOpenEntries;
private HashMap<String,String> mOpenEntries;
* Constructor.
public CommandRecognizerEngine() {
mContactsFile = null;
mMinimizeResults = false;
mAllowOpenEntries = true;
public void setContactsFile(File contactsFile) {
if (contactsFile != mContactsFile) {
mContactsFile = contactsFile;
// if we change the contacts file, then we need to recreate the grammar.
if (mSrecGrammar != null) {
mSrecGrammar = null;
mOpenEntries = null;
public void setMinimizeResults(boolean minimizeResults) {
mMinimizeResults = minimizeResults;
public void setAllowOpenEntries(boolean allowOpenEntries) {
if (mAllowOpenEntries != allowOpenEntries) {
// if we change this setting, then we need to recreate the grammar.
if (mSrecGrammar != null) {
mSrecGrammar = null;
mOpenEntries = null;
mAllowOpenEntries = allowOpenEntries;
protected void setupGrammar() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// fetch the contact list
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "start getVoiceContacts");
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "contactsFile is " + (mContactsFile == null ?
"null" : "not null"));
List<VoiceContact> contacts = mContactsFile != null ?
VoiceContact.getVoiceContactsFromFile(mContactsFile) :
// log contacts if requested
if (mLogger != null) mLogger.logContacts(contacts);
// generate g2g grammar file name
File g2g = mActivity.getFileStreamPath("voicedialer." +
Integer.toHexString(contacts.hashCode()) + ".g2g");
// rebuild g2g file if current one is out of date
if (!g2g.exists()) {
// clean up existing Grammar and old file
if (mSrecGrammar != null) {
mSrecGrammar = null;
// load the empty Grammar
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "start new Grammar");
mSrecGrammar = Grammar(SREC_DIR + "/grammars/VoiceDialer.g2g");
// reset slots
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "start grammar.resetAllSlots");
// add names to the grammar
if (mAllowOpenEntries) {
// add open entries to the grammar
// compile the grammar
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "start grammar.compile");
// update g2g file
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "start " + g2g.getPath());
// g2g file exists, but is not loaded
else if (mSrecGrammar == null) {
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "start new Grammar loading " + g2g);
mSrecGrammar = Grammar(g2g.getPath());
if (mOpenEntries == null && mAllowOpenEntries) {
// make sure to load the openEntries mapping table.
* Add a list of names to the grammar
* @param contacts list of VoiceContacts to be added.
private void addNameEntriesToGrammar(List<VoiceContact> contacts)
throws InterruptedException {
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "addNameEntriesToGrammar " + contacts.size());
HashSet<String> entries = new HashSet<String>();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int count = 0;
for (VoiceContact contact : contacts) {
if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException();
String name = scrubName(contact.mName);
if (name.length() == 0 || !entries.add(name)) continue;
sb.append(contact.mContactId).append(' ');
sb.append(contact.mPrimaryId).append(' ');
sb.append(contact.mHomeId).append(' ');
sb.append(contact.mMobileId).append(' ');
sb.append(contact.mWorkId).append(' ');
try {
mSrecGrammar.addWordToSlot("@Names", name, null, 1, sb.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Cannot load all contacts to voice recognizer, loaded " +
count, e);
* add a list of application labels to the 'open x' grammar
private void loadOpenEntriesTable() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "addOpenEntriesToGrammar");
// fill this
File oe = mActivity.getFileStreamPath(OPEN_ENTRIES);
// build and write list of entries
if (!oe.exists()) {
mOpenEntries = new HashMap<String, String>();
// build a list of 'open' entries
PackageManager pm = mActivity.getPackageManager();
List<ResolveInfo> riList = pm.queryIntentActivities(
new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).
if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException();
new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).
String voiceDialerClassName = mActivity.getComponentName().getClassName();
// scan list, adding complete phrases, as well as individual words
for (ResolveInfo ri : riList) {
if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException();
// skip self
if (voiceDialerClassName.equals( continue;
// fetch a scrubbed window label
String label = scrubName(ri.loadLabel(pm).toString());
if (label.length() == 0) continue;
// insert it into the result list
addClassName(mOpenEntries, label,
// split it into individual words, and insert them
String[] words = label.split(" ");
if (words.length > 1) {
for (String word : words) {
word = word.trim();
// words must be three characters long, or two if capitalized
int len = word.length();
if (len <= 1) continue;
if (len == 2 && !(Character.isUpperCase(word.charAt(0)) &&
Character.isUpperCase(word.charAt(1)))) continue;
if ("and".equalsIgnoreCase(word) ||
"the".equalsIgnoreCase(word)) continue;
// add the word
addClassName(mOpenEntries, word,
// write list
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "addOpenEntriesToGrammar writing " + oe);
try {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(oe);
try {
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
} finally {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw ioe;
// read the list
else {
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "addOpenEntriesToGrammar reading " + oe);
try {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(oe);
try {
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
mOpenEntries = (HashMap<String, String>)ois.readObject();
} finally {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e.toString());
private void addOpenEntriesToGrammar() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
// load up our open entries table
// add list of 'open' entries to the grammar
for (String label : mOpenEntries.keySet()) {
if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException();
String entry = mOpenEntries.get(label);
// don't add if too many results
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; 0 != (i = entry.indexOf(' ', i) + 1); count++) ;
if (count > RESULT_LIMIT) continue;
// add the word to the grammar
// See Bug: 2457238.
// We used to store the entire list of components into the grammar.
// Unfortuantely, the recognizer has a fixed limit on the length of
// the "semantic" string, which is easy to overflow. So now,
// the we store our own mapping table between words and component
// names, and the entries in the grammar have the same value
// for literal and semantic.
mSrecGrammar.addWordToSlot("@Opens", label, null, 1, "V='" + label + "'");
* Add a className to a hash table of class name lists.
* @param openEntries HashMap of lists of class names.
* @param label a label or word corresponding to the list of classes.
* @param className class name to add
private static void addClassName(HashMap<String,String> openEntries,
String label, String packageName, String className) {
String component = packageName + "/" + className;
String labelLowerCase = label.toLowerCase();
String classList = openEntries.get(labelLowerCase);
// first item in the list
if (classList == null) {
openEntries.put(labelLowerCase, component);
// already in list
int index = classList.indexOf(component);
int after = index + component.length();
if (index != -1 && (index == 0 || classList.charAt(index - 1) == ' ') &&
(after == classList.length() || classList.charAt(after) == ' ')) return;
// add it to the end
openEntries.put(labelLowerCase, classList + ' ' + component);
// map letters in Latin1 Supplement to basic ascii
// from
// not all letters map well, including Eth and Thorn
// TODO: this should really be all handled in the pronunciation engine
private final static char[] mLatin1Letters =
"AAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOO OUUUUYDsaaaaaaaceeeeiiiidnooooo ouuuuydy".
private final static int mLatin1Base = 0x00c0;
* Reformat a raw name from the contact list into a form a
* {@link Recognizer.Grammar} can digest.
* @param name the raw name.
* @return the reformatted name.
private static String scrubName(String name) {
// replace '&' with ' and '
name = name.replace("&", " and ");
// replace '@' with ' at '
name = name.replace("@", " at ");
// remove '(...)'
while (true) {
int i = name.indexOf('(');
if (i == -1) break;
int j = name.indexOf(')', i);
if (j == -1) break;
name = name.substring(0, i) + " " + name.substring(j + 1);
// map letters of Latin1 Supplement to basic ascii
char[] nm = null;
for (int i = name.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
char ch = name.charAt(i);
if (ch < ' ' || '~' < ch) {
if (nm == null) nm = name.toCharArray();
nm[i] = mLatin1Base <= ch && ch < mLatin1Base + mLatin1Letters.length ?
mLatin1Letters[ch - mLatin1Base] : ' ';
if (nm != null) {
name = new String(nm);
// if '.' followed by alnum, replace with ' dot '
while (true) {
int i = name.indexOf('.');
if (i == -1 ||
i + 1 >= name.length() ||
!Character.isLetterOrDigit(name.charAt(i + 1))) break;
name = name.substring(0, i) + " dot " + name.substring(i + 1);
// trim
name = name.trim();
// ensure at least one alphanumeric character, or the pron engine will fail
for (int i = name.length() - 1; true; i--) {
if (i < 0) return "";
char ch = name.charAt(i);
if (('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') || ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') || ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9')) {
return name;
* Delete all g2g files in the directory indicated by {@link File},
* which is typically /data/data/
* There should only be one g2g file at any one time, with a hashcode
* embedded in it's name, but if stale ones are present, this will delete
* them all.
* @param context fetch directory for the stuffed and compiled g2g file.
private static void deleteAllG2GFiles(Context context) {
FileFilter ff = new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(File f) {
String name = f.getName();
return name.endsWith(".g2g");
File[] files = context.getFilesDir().listFiles(ff);
if (files != null) {
for (File file : files) {
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "deleteAllG2GFiles " + file);
* Delete G2G and OpenEntries files, to force regeneration of the g2g file
* from scratch.
* @param context fetch directory for file.
public static void deleteCachedGrammarFiles(Context context) {
File oe = context.getFileStreamPath(OPEN_ENTRIES);
if (false) Log.v(TAG, "deleteCachedGrammarFiles " + oe);
if (oe.exists()) oe.delete();
// NANP number formats
private final static String mNanpFormats =
"xxx xxx xxxx\n" +
"xxx xxxx\n" +
// a list of country codes
private final static String mPlusFormats =
// zone 1: nanp (north american numbering plan), us, canada, caribbean
"+1 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // nanp
// zone 2: africa, some atlantic and indian ocean islands
"+20 x xxx xxxx\n" + // Egypt
"+20 1x xxx xxxx\n" + // Egypt
"+20 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Egypt
"+20 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // Egypt
"+212 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Morocco
"+213 xx xx xx xx\n" + // Algeria
"+213 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Algeria
"+216 xx xxx xxx\n" + // Tunisia
"+218 xx xxx xxx\n" + // Libya
"+22x \n" +
"+23x \n" +
"+24x \n" +
"+25x \n" +
"+26x \n" +
"+27 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // South africa
"+290 x xxx\n" + // Saint Helena, Tristan da Cunha
"+291 x xxx xxx\n" + // Eritrea
"+297 xxx xxxx\n" + // Aruba
"+298 xxx xxx\n" + // Faroe Islands
"+299 xxx xxx\n" + // Greenland
// zone 3: europe, southern and small countries
"+30 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // Greece
"+31 6 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Netherlands
"+31 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Netherlands
"+31 xxx xx xxxx\n" + // Netherlands
"+32 2 xxx xx xx\n" + // Belgium
"+32 3 xxx xx xx\n" + // Belgium
"+32 4xx xx xx xx\n" + // Belgium
"+32 9 xxx xx xx\n" + // Belgium
"+32 xx xx xx xx\n" + // Belgium
"+33 xxx xxx xxx\n" + // France
"+34 xxx xxx xxx\n" + // Spain
"+351 3xx xxx xxx\n" + // Portugal
"+351 7xx xxx xxx\n" + // Portugal
"+351 8xx xxx xxx\n" + // Portugal
"+351 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Portugal
"+352 xx xxxx\n" + // Luxembourg
"+352 6x1 xxx xxx\n" + // Luxembourg
"+352 \n" + // Luxembourg
"+353 xxx xxxx\n" + // Ireland
"+353 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Ireland
"+353 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Ireland
"+354 3xx xxx xxx\n" + // Iceland
"+354 xxx xxxx\n" + // Iceland
"+355 6x xxx xxxx\n" + // Albania
"+355 xxx xxxx\n" + // Albania
"+356 xx xx xx xx\n" + // Malta
"+357 xx xx xx xx\n" + // Cyprus
"+358 \n" + // Finland
"+359 \n" + // Bulgaria
"+36 1 xxx xxxx\n" + // Hungary
"+36 20 xxx xxxx\n" + // Hungary
"+36 21 xxx xxxx\n" + // Hungary
"+36 30 xxx xxxx\n" + // Hungary
"+36 70 xxx xxxx\n" + // Hungary
"+36 71 xxx xxxx\n" + // Hungary
"+36 xx xxx xxx\n" + // Hungary
"+370 6x xxx xxx\n" + // Lithuania
"+370 xxx xx xxx\n" + // Lithuania
"+371 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Latvia
"+372 5 xxx xxxx\n" + // Estonia
"+372 xxx xxxx\n" + // Estonia
"+373 6xx xx xxx\n" + // Moldova
"+373 7xx xx xxx\n" + // Moldova
"+373 xxx xxxxx\n" + // Moldova
"+374 xx xxx xxx\n" + // Armenia
"+375 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Belarus
"+376 xx xx xx\n" + // Andorra
"+377 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Monaco
"+378 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // San Marino
"+380 xxx xx xx xx\n" + // Ukraine
"+381 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Serbia
"+382 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Montenegro
"+385 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Croatia
"+386 x xxx xxxx\n" + // Slovenia
"+387 xx xx xx xx\n" + // Bosnia and herzegovina
"+389 2 xxx xx xx\n" + // Macedonia
"+389 xx xx xx xx\n" + // Macedonia
"+39 xxx xxx xxx\n" + // Italy
"+39 3xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Italy
"+39 xx xxxx xxxx\n" + // Italy
// zone 4: europe, northern countries
"+40 xxx xxx xxx\n" + // Romania
"+41 xx xxx xx xx\n" + // Switzerland
"+420 xxx xxx xxx\n" + // Czech republic
"+421 xxx xxx xxx\n" + // Slovakia
"+421 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // Liechtenstein
"+43 \n" + // Austria
"+44 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // UK
"+45 xx xx xx xx\n" + // Denmark
"+46 \n" + // Sweden
"+47 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Norway
"+48 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Poland
"+49 1xx xxxx xxx\n" + // Germany
"+49 1xx xxxx xxxx\n" + // Germany
"+49 \n" + // Germany
// zone 5: latin america
"+50x \n" +
"+51 9xx xxx xxx\n" + // Peru
"+51 1 xxx xxxx\n" + // Peru
"+51 xx xx xxxx\n" + // Peru
"+52 1 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // Mexico
"+52 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // Mexico
"+53 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Cuba
"+54 9 11 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Argentina
"+54 9 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // Argentina
"+54 11 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Argentina
"+54 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // Argentina
"+55 xx xxxx xxxx\n" + // Brazil
"+56 2 xxxxxx\n" + // Chile
"+56 9 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Chile
"+56 xx xxxxxx\n" + // Chile
"+56 xx xxxxxxx\n" + // Chile
"+57 x xxx xxxx\n" + // Columbia
"+57 3xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Columbia
"+58 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // Venezuela
"+59x \n" +
// zone 6: southeast asia and oceania
// TODO is this right?
"+60 3 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Malaysia
"+60 8x xxxxxx\n" + // Malaysia
"+60 x xxx xxxx\n" + // Malaysia
"+60 14 x xxx xxxx\n" + // Malaysia
"+60 1x xxx xxxx\n" + // Malaysia
"+60 x xxxx xxxx\n" + // Malaysia
"+60 \n" + // Malaysia
"+61 4xx xxx xxx\n" + // Australia
"+61 x xxxx xxxx\n" + // Australia
// TODO: is this right?
"+62 8xx xxxx xxxx\n" + // Indonesia
"+62 21 xxxxx\n" + // Indonesia
"+62 xx xxxxxx\n" + // Indonesia
"+62 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Indonesia
"+62 xx xxxx xxxx\n" + // Indonesia
"+63 2 xxx xxxx\n" + // Phillipines
"+63 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Phillipines
"+63 9xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Phillipines
// TODO: is this right?
"+64 2 xxx xxxx\n" + // New Zealand
"+64 2 xxx xxxx x\n" + // New Zealand
"+64 2 xxx xxxx xx\n" + // New Zealand
"+64 x xxx xxxx\n" + // New Zealand
"+65 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Singapore
"+66 8 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Thailand
"+66 2 xxx xxxx\n" + // Thailand
"+66 xx xx xxxx\n" + // Thailand
"+67x \n" +
"+68x \n" +
"+690 x xxx\n" + // Tokelau
"+691 xxx xxxx\n" + // Micronesia
"+692 xxx xxxx\n" + // marshall Islands
// zone 7: russia and kazakstan
"+7 6xx xx xxxxx\n" + // Kazakstan
"+7 7xx 2 xxxxxx\n" + // Kazakstan
"+7 7xx xx xxxxx\n" + // Kazakstan
"+7 xxx xxx xx xx\n" + // Russia
// zone 8: east asia
"+81 3 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Japan
"+81 6 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Japan
"+81 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Japan
"+81 x0 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Japan
"+82 2 xxx xxxx\n" + // South korea
"+82 2 xxxx xxxx\n" + // South korea
"+82 xx xxxx xxxx\n" + // South korea
"+82 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // South korea
"+84 4 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Vietnam
"+84 xx xxxx xxx\n" + // Vietnam
"+84 xx xxxx xxxx\n" + // Vietnam
"+850 \n" + // North Korea
"+852 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Hong Kong
"+853 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Macau
"+855 1x xxx xxx\n" + // Cambodia
"+855 9x xxx xxx\n" + // Cambodia
"+855 xx xx xx xx\n" + // Cambodia
"+856 20 x xxx xxx\n" + // Laos
"+856 xx xxx xxx\n" + // Laos
"+852 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Hong kong
"+86 10 xxxx xxxx\n" + // China
"+86 2x xxxx xxxx\n" + // China
"+86 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // China
"+86 xxx xxxx xxxx\n" + // China
"+880 xx xxxx xxxx\n" + // Bangladesh
"+886 \n" + // Taiwan
// zone 9: south asia, west asia, central asia, middle east
"+90 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // Turkey
"+91 9x xx xxxxxx\n" + // India
"+91 xx xxxx xxxx\n" + // India
"+92 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Pakistan
"+92 3xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Pakistan
"+93 70 xxx xxx\n" + // Afghanistan
"+93 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Afghanistan
"+94 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Sri Lanka
"+95 1 xxx xxx\n" + // Burma
"+95 2 xxx xxx\n" + // Burma
"+95 xx xxxxx\n" + // Burma
"+95 9 xxx xxxx\n" + // Burma
"+960 xxx xxxx\n" + // Maldives
"+961 x xxx xxx\n" + // Lebanon
"+961 xx xxx xxx\n" + // Lebanon
"+962 7 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Jordan
"+962 x xxx xxxx\n" + // Jordan
"+963 11 xxx xxxx\n" + // Syria
"+963 xx xxx xxx\n" + // Syria
"+964 \n" + // Iraq
"+965 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Kuwait
"+966 5x xxx xxxx\n" + // Saudi Arabia
"+966 x xxx xxxx\n" + // Saudi Arabia
"+967 7xx xxx xxx\n" + // Yemen
"+967 x xxx xxx\n" + // Yemen
"+968 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Oman
"+970 5x xxx xxxx\n" + // Palestinian Authority
"+970 x xxx xxxx\n" + // Palestinian Authority
"+971 5x xxx xxxx\n" + // United Arab Emirates
"+971 x xxx xxxx\n" + // United Arab Emirates
"+972 5x xxx xxxx\n" + // Israel
"+972 x xxx xxxx\n" + // Israel
"+973 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Bahrain
"+974 xxx xxxx\n" + // Qatar
"+975 1x xxx xxx\n" + // Bhutan
"+975 x xxx xxx\n" + // Bhutan
"+976 \n" + // Mongolia
"+977 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Nepal
"+977 98 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Nepal
"+98 xxx xxx xxxx\n" + // Iran
"+992 xxx xxx xxx\n" + // Tajikistan
"+993 xxxx xxxx\n" + // Turkmenistan
"+994 xx xxx xxxx\n" + // Azerbaijan
"+994 xxx xxxxx\n" + // Azerbaijan
"+995 xx xxx xxx\n" + // Georgia
"+996 xxx xxx xxx\n" + // Kyrgyzstan
"+998 xx xxx xxxx\n"; // Uzbekistan
// TODO: need to handle variable number notation
private static String formatNumber(String formats, String number) {
number = number.trim();
final int nlen = number.length();
final int formatslen = formats.length();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
// loop over country codes
for (int f = 0; f < formatslen; ) {
int n = 0;
// loop over letters of pattern
while (true) {
final char fch = formats.charAt(f);
if (fch == '\n' && n >= nlen) return sb.toString();
if (fch == '\n' || n >= nlen) break;
final char nch = number.charAt(n);
// pattern matches number
if (fch == nch || (fch == 'x' && Character.isDigit(nch))) {
// don't match ' ' in pattern, but insert into result
else if (fch == ' ') {
sb.append(' ');
// ' ' at end -> match all the rest
if (formats.charAt(f) == '\n') {
return sb.append(number, n, nlen).toString();
// match failed
else break;
// step to the next pattern
f = formats.indexOf('\n', f) + 1;
if (f == 0) break;
return null;
* Format a phone number string.
* At some point, PhoneNumberUtils.formatNumber will handle this.
* @param num phone number string.
* @return formatted phone number string.
private static String formatNumber(String num) {
String fmt = null;
fmt = formatNumber(mPlusFormats, num);
if (fmt != null) return fmt;
fmt = formatNumber(mNanpFormats, num);
if (fmt != null) return fmt;
return null;
* Called when recognition succeeds. It receives a list
* of results, builds a corresponding list of Intents, and
* passes them to the {@link RecognizerClient}, which selects and
* performs a corresponding action.
* @param recognizerClient the client that will be sent the results
protected void onRecognitionSuccess(RecognizerClient recognizerClient)
throws InterruptedException {
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "onRecognitionSuccess");
if (mLogger != null) mLogger.logNbestHeader();
ArrayList<Intent> intents = new ArrayList<Intent>();
int highestConfidence = 0;
int examineLimit = RESULT_LIMIT;
if (mMinimizeResults) {
examineLimit = 1;
for (int result = 0; result < mSrec.getResultCount() &&
intents.size() < examineLimit; result++) {
// parse the semanticMeaning string and build an Intent
String conf = mSrec.getResult(result, Recognizer.KEY_CONFIDENCE);
String literal = mSrec.getResult(result, Recognizer.KEY_LITERAL);
String semantic = mSrec.getResult(result, Recognizer.KEY_MEANING);
String msg = "conf=" + conf + " lit=" + literal + " sem=" + semantic;
if (false) Log.d(TAG, msg);
int confInt = Integer.parseInt(conf);
if (highestConfidence < confInt) highestConfidence = confInt;
if (confInt < MINIMUM_CONFIDENCE || confInt * 2 < highestConfidence) {
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "confidence too low, dropping");
if (mLogger != null) mLogger.logLine(msg);
String[] commands = semantic.trim().split(" ");
// DIAL 650 867 5309
// DIAL 867 5309
// DIAL 911
if ("DIAL".equalsIgnoreCase(commands[0])) {
Uri uri = Uri.fromParts("tel", commands[1], null);
String num = formatNumber(commands[1]);
if (num != null) {
addCallIntent(intents, uri,
literal.split(" ")[0].trim() + " " + num, "", 0);
else if ("CALL".equalsIgnoreCase(commands[0]) && commands.length >= 7) {
// parse the ids
long contactId = Long.parseLong(commands[1]); // people table
long phoneId = Long.parseLong(commands[2]); // phones table
long homeId = Long.parseLong(commands[3]); // phones table
long mobileId = Long.parseLong(commands[4]); // phones table
long workId = Long.parseLong(commands[5]); // phones table
long otherId = Long.parseLong(commands[6]); // phones table
Resources res = mActivity.getResources();
int count = 0;
// generate the best entry corresponding to what was said
if (commands.length == 8) {
long spokenPhoneId =
"H".equalsIgnoreCase(commands[7]) ? homeId :
"M".equalsIgnoreCase(commands[7]) ? mobileId :
"W".equalsIgnoreCase(commands[7]) ? workId :
"O".equalsIgnoreCase(commands[7]) ? otherId :
if (spokenPhoneId != VoiceContact.ID_UNDEFINED) {
addCallIntent(intents, ContentUris.withAppendedId(
Phone.CONTENT_URI, spokenPhoneId),
literal, commands[7], 0);
// 'CALL JACK JONES', with valid default phoneId
else if (commands.length == 7) {
String phoneType = null;
CharSequence phoneIdMsg = null;
if (phoneId == VoiceContact.ID_UNDEFINED) {
phoneType = null;
phoneIdMsg = null;
} else if (phoneId == homeId) {
phoneType = "H";
phoneIdMsg = res.getText(R.string.at_home);
} else if (phoneId == mobileId) {
phoneType = "M";
phoneIdMsg = res.getText(R.string.on_mobile);
} else if (phoneId == workId) {
phoneType = "W";
phoneIdMsg = res.getText(R.string.at_work);
} else if (phoneId == otherId) {
phoneType = "O";
phoneIdMsg = res.getText(R.string.at_other);
if (phoneIdMsg != null) {
addCallIntent(intents, ContentUris.withAppendedId(
Phone.CONTENT_URI, phoneId),
literal + phoneIdMsg, phoneType, 0);
if (count == 0 || !mMinimizeResults) {
// generate all other entries for this person
// trim last two words, ie 'at home', etc
String lit = literal;
if (commands.length == 8) {
String[] words = literal.trim().split(" ");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < words.length - 2; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
sb.append(' ');
lit = sb.toString();
// add 'CALL JACK JONES at home' using phoneId
if (homeId != VoiceContact.ID_UNDEFINED) {
addCallIntent(intents, ContentUris.withAppendedId(
Phone.CONTENT_URI, homeId),
lit + res.getText(R.string.at_home), "H", 0);
// add 'CALL JACK JONES on mobile' using mobileId
if (mobileId != VoiceContact.ID_UNDEFINED) {
addCallIntent(intents, ContentUris.withAppendedId(
Phone.CONTENT_URI, mobileId),
lit + res.getText(R.string.on_mobile), "M", 0);
// add 'CALL JACK JONES at work' using workId
if (workId != VoiceContact.ID_UNDEFINED) {
addCallIntent(intents, ContentUris.withAppendedId(
Phone.CONTENT_URI, workId),
lit + res.getText(R.string.at_work), "W", 0);
// add 'CALL JACK JONES at other' using otherId
if (otherId != VoiceContact.ID_UNDEFINED) {
addCallIntent(intents, ContentUris.withAppendedId(
Phone.CONTENT_URI, otherId),
lit + res.getText(R.string.at_other), "O", 0);
// if no other entries were generated, use the personId
// add 'CALL JACK JONES', with valid personId
if (count == 0 && contactId != VoiceContact.ID_UNDEFINED) {
// TODO: what should really happen here is, we find
// all phones for this contact, and create a label that
// says "call person X at phone type Y", and add intents
// for each of them to the return list.
// It's too late in <del>Gingerbread</del> ICS to add the strings that
// would be required for this, so we'll just ignore this person.
// See also issue 3090362 and 5551677
// ACTION_CALL_PRIVILEGED does not work with Contacts.CONTENT_URI.
// addCallIntent(intents, ContentUris.withAppendedId(
// Contacts.CONTENT_URI, contactId), literal, "", 0);
else if ("X".equalsIgnoreCase(commands[0])) {
Intent intent = new Intent(RecognizerEngine.ACTION_RECOGNIZER_RESULT, null);
intent.putExtra(RecognizerEngine.SENTENCE_EXTRA, literal);
intent.putExtra(RecognizerEngine.SEMANTIC_EXTRA, semantic);
addIntent(intents, intent);
// "CALL VoiceMail"
else if ("voicemail".equalsIgnoreCase(commands[0]) && commands.length == 1) {
addCallIntent(intents, Uri.fromParts("voicemail", "x", null),
else if ("redial".equalsIgnoreCase(commands[0]) && commands.length == 1) {
String number = VoiceContact.redialNumber(mActivity);
if (number != null) {
addCallIntent(intents, Uri.fromParts("tel", number, null),
// "Intent ..."
else if ("Intent".equalsIgnoreCase(commands[0])) {
for (int i = 1; i < commands.length; i++) {
try {
Intent intent = Intent.getIntent(commands[i]);
if (intent.getStringExtra(SENTENCE_EXTRA) == null) {
intent.putExtra(SENTENCE_EXTRA, literal);
addIntent(intents, intent);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
if (false) {
Log.d(TAG, "onRecognitionSuccess: poorly " +
"formed URI in grammar" + e);
// "OPEN ..."
else if ("OPEN".equalsIgnoreCase(commands[0]) && mAllowOpenEntries) {
PackageManager pm = mActivity.getPackageManager();
if (commands.length > 1 & mOpenEntries != null) {
// the semantic value is equal to the literal in this case.
// We have to do the mapping from this text to the
// componentname ourselves. See Bug: 2457238.
// The problem is that the list of all componentnames
// can be pretty large and overflow the limit that
// the recognizer has.
String meaning = mOpenEntries.get(commands[1]);
String[] components = meaning.trim().split(" ");
for (int i=0; i < components.length; i++) {
String component = components[i];
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
String packageName = component.substring(
0, component.lastIndexOf('/'));
String className = component.substring(
component.lastIndexOf('/')+1, component.length());
intent.setClassName(packageName, className);
List<ResolveInfo> riList = pm.queryIntentActivities(intent, 0);
for (ResolveInfo ri : riList) {
String label = ri.loadLabel(pm).toString();
intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
intent.setClassName(packageName, className);
intent.putExtra(SENTENCE_EXTRA, literal.split(" ")[0] + " " + label);
addIntent(intents, intent);
// can't parse result
else {
if (false) Log.d(TAG, "onRecognitionSuccess: parse error");
// log if requested
if (mLogger != null) mLogger.logIntents(intents);
// bail out if cancelled
if (Thread.interrupted()) throw new InterruptedException();
if (intents.size() == 0) {
// TODO: strip HOME|MOBILE|WORK and try default here?
recognizerClient.onRecognitionFailure("No Intents generated");
else {
intents.toArray(new Intent[intents.size()]));
// only add if different
private static void addCallIntent(ArrayList<Intent> intents, Uri uri, String literal,
String phoneType, int flags) {
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CALL_PRIVILEGED, uri).
putExtra(SENTENCE_EXTRA, literal).
putExtra(PHONE_TYPE_EXTRA, phoneType);
addIntent(intents, intent);