blob: a253391749c573039bf1aee9a538a054a6c4c1fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include "binary_format.h"
#include "dic_node.h"
#include "dic_node_utils.h"
#include "dic_node_vector.h"
#include "proximity_info.h"
#include "proximity_info_state.h"
namespace latinime {
// Node initialization utils //
/* static */ void DicNodeUtils::initAsRoot(const int rootPos, const uint8_t *const dicRoot,
const int prevWordNodePos, DicNode *newRootNode) {
int curPos = rootPos;
const int pos = curPos;
const int childrenCount = BinaryFormat::getGroupCountAndForwardPointer(dicRoot, &curPos);
const int childrenPos = curPos;
newRootNode->initAsRoot(pos, childrenPos, childrenCount, prevWordNodePos);
/*static */ void DicNodeUtils::initAsRootWithPreviousWord(const int rootPos,
const uint8_t *const dicRoot, DicNode *prevWordLastNode, DicNode *newRootNode) {
int curPos = rootPos;
const int pos = curPos;
const int childrenCount = BinaryFormat::getGroupCountAndForwardPointer(dicRoot, &curPos);
const int childrenPos = curPos;
newRootNode->initAsRootWithPreviousWord(prevWordLastNode, pos, childrenPos, childrenCount);
/* static */ void DicNodeUtils::initByCopy(DicNode *srcNode, DicNode *destNode) {
// Traverse node expansion utils //
/* static */ void DicNodeUtils::createAndGetPassingChildNode(DicNode *dicNode,
const ProximityInfoState *pInfoState, const int pointIndex, const bool exactOnly,
DicNodeVector *childDicNodes) {
// Passing multiple chars node. No need to traverse child
const int codePoint = dicNode->getNodeTypedCodePoint();
const int baseLowerCaseCodePoint = toBaseLowerCase(codePoint);
const bool isMatch = isMatchedNodeCodePoint(pInfoState, pointIndex, exactOnly, codePoint);
if (isMatch || isIntentionalOmissionCodePoint(baseLowerCaseCodePoint)) {
/* static */ int DicNodeUtils::createAndGetLeavingChildNode(DicNode *dicNode, int pos,
const uint8_t *const dicRoot, const int terminalDepth, const ProximityInfoState *pInfoState,
const int pointIndex, const bool exactOnly, const std::vector<int> *const codePointsFilter,
const ProximityInfo *const pInfo, DicNodeVector *childDicNodes) {
int nextPos = pos;
const uint8_t flags = BinaryFormat::getFlagsAndForwardPointer(dicRoot, &pos);
const bool hasMultipleChars = (0 != (BinaryFormat::FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_CHARS & flags));
const bool isTerminal = (0 != (BinaryFormat::FLAG_IS_TERMINAL & flags));
const bool hasChildren = BinaryFormat::hasChildrenInFlags(flags);
int codePoint = BinaryFormat::getCodePointAndForwardPointer(dicRoot, &pos);
const int nodeCodePoint = codePoint;
// TODO: optimize this
int additionalWordBuf[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
uint16_t additionalSubwordLength = 0;
additionalWordBuf[additionalSubwordLength++] = codePoint;
do {
const int nextCodePoint = hasMultipleChars
? BinaryFormat::getCodePointAndForwardPointer(dicRoot, &pos) : NOT_A_CODE_POINT;
const bool isLastChar = (NOT_A_CODE_POINT == nextCodePoint);
if (!isLastChar) {
additionalWordBuf[additionalSubwordLength++] = nextCodePoint;
codePoint = nextCodePoint;
} while (NOT_A_CODE_POINT != codePoint);
const int probability =
isTerminal ? BinaryFormat::readProbabilityWithoutMovingPointer(dicRoot, pos) : -1;
pos = BinaryFormat::skipProbability(flags, pos);
int childrenPos = hasChildren ? BinaryFormat::readChildrenPosition(dicRoot, flags, pos) : 0;
const int attributesPos = BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosition(flags, pos);
const int siblingPos = BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosAndAttributes(dicRoot, flags, pos);
if (isDicNodeFilteredOut(nodeCodePoint, pInfo, codePointsFilter)) {
return siblingPos;
if (!isMatchedNodeCodePoint(pInfoState, pointIndex, exactOnly, nodeCodePoint)) {
return siblingPos;
const int childrenCount = hasChildren
? BinaryFormat::getGroupCountAndForwardPointer(dicRoot, &childrenPos) : 0;
childDicNodes->pushLeavingChild(dicNode, nextPos, flags, childrenPos, attributesPos, siblingPos,
nodeCodePoint, childrenCount, probability, -1 /* bigramProbability */, isTerminal,
hasMultipleChars, hasChildren, additionalSubwordLength, additionalWordBuf);
return siblingPos;
/* static */ bool DicNodeUtils::isDicNodeFilteredOut(const int nodeCodePoint,
const ProximityInfo *const pInfo, const std::vector<int> *const codePointsFilter) {
const int filterSize = codePointsFilter ? codePointsFilter->size() : 0;
if (filterSize <= 0) {
return false;
if (pInfo && (pInfo->getKeyIndexOf(nodeCodePoint) == NOT_AN_INDEX
|| isIntentionalOmissionCodePoint(nodeCodePoint))) {
// If normalized nodeCodePoint is not on the keyboard or skippable, this child is never
// filtered.
return false;
const int lowerCodePoint = toLowerCase(nodeCodePoint);
const int baseLowerCodePoint = toBaseCodePoint(lowerCodePoint);
// TODO: Avoid linear search
for (int i = 0; i < filterSize; ++i) {
// Checking if a normalized code point is in filter characters when pInfo is not
// null. When pInfo is null, nodeCodePoint is used to check filtering without
// normalizing.
if ((pInfo && ((*codePointsFilter)[i] == lowerCodePoint
|| (*codePointsFilter)[i] == baseLowerCodePoint))
|| (!pInfo && (*codePointsFilter)[i] == nodeCodePoint)) {
return false;
return true;
/* static */ void DicNodeUtils::createAndGetAllLeavingChildNodes(DicNode *dicNode,
const uint8_t *const dicRoot, const ProximityInfoState *pInfoState, const int pointIndex,
const bool exactOnly, const std::vector<int> *const codePointsFilter,
const ProximityInfo *const pInfo, DicNodeVector *childDicNodes) {
const int terminalDepth = dicNode->getLeavingDepth();
const int childCount = dicNode->getChildrenCount();
int nextPos = dicNode->getChildrenPos();
for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
const int filterSize = codePointsFilter ? codePointsFilter->size() : 0;
nextPos = createAndGetLeavingChildNode(dicNode, nextPos, dicRoot, terminalDepth, pInfoState,
pointIndex, exactOnly, codePointsFilter, pInfo, childDicNodes);
if (!pInfo && filterSize > 0 && childDicNodes->exceeds(filterSize)) {
// All code points have been found.
/* static */ void DicNodeUtils::getAllChildDicNodes(DicNode *dicNode, const uint8_t *const dicRoot,
DicNodeVector *childDicNodes) {
getProximityChildDicNodes(dicNode, dicRoot, 0, 0, false, childDicNodes);
/* static */ void DicNodeUtils::getProximityChildDicNodes(DicNode *dicNode,
const uint8_t *const dicRoot, const ProximityInfoState *pInfoState, const int pointIndex,
bool exactOnly, DicNodeVector *childDicNodes) {
if (dicNode->isTotalInputSizeExceedingLimit()) {
if (!dicNode->isLeavingNode()) {
DicNodeUtils::createAndGetPassingChildNode(dicNode, pInfoState, pointIndex, exactOnly,
} else {
DicNodeUtils::createAndGetAllLeavingChildNodes(dicNode, dicRoot, pInfoState, pointIndex,
exactOnly, 0 /* codePointsFilter */, 0 /* pInfo */,
// Scoring utils //
* Computes the combined bigram / unigram cost for the given dicNode.
/* static */ float DicNodeUtils::getBigramNodeImprobability(const uint8_t *const dicRoot,
const DicNode *const node, hash_map_compat<int, int16_t> *bigramCacheMap) {
if (node->isImpossibleBigramWord()) {
return static_cast<float>(MAX_VALUE_FOR_WEIGHTING);
const int probability = getBigramNodeProbability(dicRoot, node, bigramCacheMap);
// TODO: This equation to calculate the improbability looks unreasonable. Investigate this.
const float cost = static_cast<float>(MAX_PROBABILITY - probability)
/ static_cast<float>(MAX_PROBABILITY);
return cost;
/* static */ int DicNodeUtils::getBigramNodeProbability(const uint8_t *const dicRoot,
const DicNode *const node, hash_map_compat<int, int16_t> *bigramCacheMap) {
const int unigramProbability = node->getProbability();
const int encodedDiffOfBigramProbability =
getBigramNodeEncodedDiffProbability(dicRoot, node, bigramCacheMap);
if (NOT_A_PROBABILITY == encodedDiffOfBigramProbability) {
return backoff(unigramProbability);
return BinaryFormat::computeProbabilityForBigram(
unigramProbability, encodedDiffOfBigramProbability);
// Bigram / Unigram dictionary utils //
/* static */ int16_t DicNodeUtils::getBigramNodeEncodedDiffProbability(const uint8_t *const dicRoot,
const DicNode *const node, hash_map_compat<int, int16_t> *bigramCacheMap) {
const int wordPos = node->getPos();
const int prevWordPos = node->getPrevWordPos();
return getBigramProbability(dicRoot, prevWordPos, wordPos, bigramCacheMap);
// TODO: Move this to BigramDictionary
/* static */ int16_t DicNodeUtils::getBigramProbability(const uint8_t *const dicRoot, int pos,
const int nextPos, hash_map_compat<int, int16_t> *bigramCacheMap) {
// TODO: this is painfully slow compared to the method used in the previous version of the
// algorithm. Switch to that method.
if (NOT_VALID_WORD == nextPos) return NOT_A_PROBABILITY;
// Create a hash code for the given node pair (based on Josh Bloch's effective Java).
// TODO: Use a real hash map data structure that deals with collisions.
int hash = 17;
hash = hash * 31 + pos;
hash = hash * 31 + nextPos;
hash_map_compat<int, int16_t>::const_iterator mapPos = bigramCacheMap->find(hash);
if (mapPos != bigramCacheMap->end()) {
return mapPos->second;
if (NOT_VALID_WORD == pos) {
const uint8_t flags = BinaryFormat::getFlagsAndForwardPointer(dicRoot, &pos);
if (0 == (flags & BinaryFormat::FLAG_HAS_BIGRAMS)) {
if (0 == (flags & BinaryFormat::FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_CHARS)) {
BinaryFormat::getCodePointAndForwardPointer(dicRoot, &pos);
} else {
pos = BinaryFormat::skipOtherCharacters(dicRoot, pos);
pos = BinaryFormat::skipChildrenPosition(flags, pos);
pos = BinaryFormat::skipProbability(flags, pos);
uint8_t bigramFlags;
int count = 0;
do {
bigramFlags = BinaryFormat::getFlagsAndForwardPointer(dicRoot, &pos);
const int bigramPos = BinaryFormat::getAttributeAddressAndForwardPointer(dicRoot,
bigramFlags, &pos);
if (bigramPos == nextPos) {
const int16_t probability = BinaryFormat::MASK_ATTRIBUTE_PROBABILITY & bigramFlags;
if (static_cast<int>(bigramCacheMap->size()) < MAX_BIGRAM_MAP_SIZE) {
(*bigramCacheMap)[hash] = probability;
return probability;
} while ((0 != (BinaryFormat::FLAG_ATTRIBUTE_HAS_NEXT & bigramFlags))
if (static_cast<int>(bigramCacheMap->size()) < MAX_BIGRAM_MAP_SIZE) {
// TODO: does this -1 mean NOT_VALID_WORD?
(*bigramCacheMap)[hash] = -1;
/* static */ bool DicNodeUtils::isMatchedNodeCodePoint(const ProximityInfoState *pInfoState,
const int pointIndex, const bool exactOnly, const int nodeCodePoint) {
if (!pInfoState) {
return true;
if (exactOnly) {
return pInfoState->getPrimaryCodePointAt(pointIndex) == nodeCodePoint;
const ProximityType matchedId = pInfoState->getProximityType(pointIndex, nodeCodePoint,
true /* checkProximityChars */);
return isProximityChar(matchedId);
// Char utils //
// TODO: Move to char_utils?
/* static */ int DicNodeUtils::appendTwoWords(const int *const src0, const int16_t length0,
const int *const src1, const int16_t length1, int *dest) {
int actualLength0 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length0; ++i) {
if (src0[i] == 0) {
actualLength0 = i + 1;
actualLength0 = min(actualLength0, MAX_WORD_LENGTH);
memcpy(dest, src0, actualLength0 * sizeof(dest[0]));
if (!src1 || length1 == 0) {
return actualLength0;
int actualLength1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length1; ++i) {
if (src1[i] == 0) {
actualLength1 = i + 1;
actualLength1 = min(actualLength1, MAX_WORD_LENGTH - actualLength0 - 1);
memcpy(&dest[actualLength0], src1, actualLength1 * sizeof(dest[0]));
return actualLength0 + actualLength1;
} // namespace latinime