blob: 0cca67bc1a4ea04250b2ba821252b4493b87bc76 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class PatchInfo {
/** Color used to indicate stretch regions and padding. */
public static final int BLACK_TICK = 0xFF000000;
/** Color used to indicate layout bounds. */
public static final int RED_TICK = 0xFFFF0000;
/** Areas of the image that are stretchable in both directions. */
public final List<Rectangle> patches;
/** Areas of the image that are not stretchable in either direction. */
public final List<Rectangle> fixed;
/** Areas of image stretchable horizontally. */
public final List<Rectangle> horizontalPatches;
/** Areas of image stretchable vertically. */
public final List<Rectangle> verticalPatches;
/** Bounds of horizontal patch markers. */
public final List<Pair<Integer>> horizontalPatchMarkers;
/** Bounds of horizontal padding markers. */
public final List<Pair<Integer>> horizontalPaddingMarkers;
/** Bounds of vertical patch markers. */
public final List<Pair<Integer>> verticalPatchMarkers;
/** Bounds of vertical padding markers. */
public final List<Pair<Integer>> verticalPaddingMarkers;
public final boolean verticalStartWithPatch;
public final boolean horizontalStartWithPatch;
/** Beginning and end padding in the horizontal direction */
public final Pair<Integer> horizontalPadding;
/** Beginning and end padding in the vertical direction */
public final Pair<Integer> verticalPadding;
private BufferedImage image;
public PatchInfo(BufferedImage image) {
this.image = image;
int width = image.getWidth();
int height = image.getHeight();
int[] row = GraphicsUtilities.getPixels(image, 0, 0, width, 1, null);
int[] column = GraphicsUtilities.getPixels(image, 0, 0, 1, height, null);
P left = getPatches(column);
verticalStartWithPatch = left.startsWithPatch;
verticalPatchMarkers = left.patches;
P top = getPatches(row);
horizontalStartWithPatch = top.startsWithPatch;
horizontalPatchMarkers = top.patches;
fixed = getRectangles(left.fixed, top.fixed);
patches = getRectangles(left.patches, top.patches);
if (fixed.size() > 0) {
horizontalPatches = getRectangles(left.fixed, top.patches);
verticalPatches = getRectangles(left.patches, top.fixed);
} else {
if (top.fixed.size() > 0) {
horizontalPatches = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(0);
verticalPatches = getVerticalRectangles(top.fixed);
} else if (left.fixed.size() > 0) {
horizontalPatches = getHorizontalRectangles(left.fixed);
verticalPatches = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(0);
} else {
horizontalPatches = verticalPatches = new ArrayList<Rectangle>(0);
row = GraphicsUtilities.getPixels(image, 0, height - 1, width, 1, row);
column = GraphicsUtilities.getPixels(image, width - 1, 0, 1, height, column);
top = PatchInfo.getPatches(row);
horizontalPaddingMarkers = top.patches;
horizontalPadding = getPadding(top.fixed);
left = PatchInfo.getPatches(column);
verticalPaddingMarkers = left.patches;
verticalPadding = getPadding(left.fixed);
private List<Rectangle> getVerticalRectangles(List<Pair<Integer>> topPairs) {
List<Rectangle> rectangles = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
for (Pair<Integer> top : topPairs) {
int x = top.first;
int width = top.second - top.first;
rectangles.add(new Rectangle(x, 1, width, image.getHeight() - 2));
return rectangles;
private List<Rectangle> getHorizontalRectangles(List<Pair<Integer>> leftPairs) {
List<Rectangle> rectangles = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
for (Pair<Integer> left : leftPairs) {
int y = left.first;
int height = left.second - left.first;
rectangles.add(new Rectangle(1, y, image.getWidth() - 2, height));
return rectangles;
private Pair<Integer> getPadding(List<Pair<Integer>> pairs) {
if (pairs.size() == 0) {
return new Pair<Integer>(0, 0);
} else if (pairs.size() == 1) {
if (pairs.get(0).first == 1) {
return new Pair<Integer>(pairs.get(0).second - pairs.get(0).first, 0);
} else {
return new Pair<Integer>(0, pairs.get(0).second - pairs.get(0).first);
} else {
int index = pairs.size() - 1;
return new Pair<Integer>(pairs.get(0).second - pairs.get(0).first,
pairs.get(index).second - pairs.get(index).first);
private List<Rectangle> getRectangles(List<Pair<Integer>> leftPairs,
List<Pair<Integer>> topPairs) {
List<Rectangle> rectangles = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
for (Pair<Integer> left : leftPairs) {
int y = left.first;
int height = left.second - left.first;
for (Pair<Integer> top : topPairs) {
int x = top.first;
int width = top.second - top.first;
rectangles.add(new Rectangle(x, y, width, height));
return rectangles;
private static class P {
public final List<Pair<Integer>> fixed;
public final List<Pair<Integer>> patches;
public final boolean startsWithPatch;
private P(List<Pair<Integer>> f, List<Pair<Integer>> p, boolean s) {
fixed = f;
patches = p;
startsWithPatch = s;
private static P getPatches(int[] pixels) {
int lastIndex = 1;
int lastPixel;
boolean first = true;
boolean startWithPatch = false;
List<Pair<Integer>> fixed = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer>>();
List<Pair<Integer>> patches = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer>>();
// ignore layout bound markers for the purpose of patch calculation
lastPixel = pixels[1] != PatchInfo.RED_TICK ? pixels[1] : 0;
for (int i = 1; i < pixels.length - 1; i++) {
// ignore layout bound markers for the purpose of patch calculation
int pixel = pixels[i] != PatchInfo.RED_TICK ? pixels[i] : 0;
if (pixel != lastPixel) {
if (lastPixel == BLACK_TICK) {
if (first) startWithPatch = true;
patches.add(new Pair<Integer>(lastIndex, i));
} else {
fixed.add(new Pair<Integer>(lastIndex, i));
first = false;
lastIndex = i;
lastPixel = pixel;
if (lastPixel == BLACK_TICK) {
if (first) startWithPatch = true;
patches.add(new Pair<Integer>(lastIndex, pixels.length - 1));
} else {
fixed.add(new Pair<Integer>(lastIndex, pixels.length - 1));
if (patches.size() == 0) {
patches.add(new Pair<Integer>(1, pixels.length - 1));
startWithPatch = true;
return new P(fixed, patches, startWithPatch);