blob: 766b3be1d9433173348fbd25af415281a1c9d7b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Rendering parameters for {@link Bridge#renderDrawable(DrawableParams)}
public class DrawableParams extends RenderParams {
private final ResourceValue mDrawable;
* Builds a param object with all the necessary parameters to render a drawable with
* {@link Bridge#renderDrawable(DrawableParams)}
* @param drawable the {@link ResourceValue} identifying the drawable.
* @param projectKey An Object identifying the project. This is used for the cache mechanism.
* @param screenWidth the screen width
* @param screenHeight the screen height
* @param density the density factor for the screen.
* @param xdpi the screen actual dpi in X
* @param ydpi the screen actual dpi in Y
* @param themeName The name of the theme to use.
* @param isProjectTheme true if the theme is a project theme, false if it is a framework theme.
* @param projectResources the resources of the project. The map contains (String, map) pairs
* where the string is the type of the resource reference used in the layout file, and the
* map contains (String, {@link ResourceValue}) pairs where the key is the resource name,
* and the value is the resource value.
* @param frameworkResources the framework resources. The map contains (String, map) pairs
* where the string is the type of the resource reference used in the layout file, and the map
* contains (String, {@link ResourceValue}) pairs where the key is the resource name, and the
* value is the resource value.
* @param projectCallback The {@link IProjectCallback} object to get information from
* the project.
* @param minSdkVersion the minSdkVersion of the project
* @param targetSdkVersion the targetSdkVersion of the project
* @param log the object responsible for displaying warning/errors to the user.
public DrawableParams(
ResourceValue drawable,
Object projectKey,
int screenWidth, int screenHeight,
Density density, float xdpi, float ydpi,
RenderResources renderResources,
IProjectCallback projectCallback,
int minSdkVersion, int targetSdkVersion,
LayoutLog log) {
super(projectKey, screenWidth, screenHeight, density, xdpi, ydpi,
renderResources, projectCallback, minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion, log);
mDrawable = drawable;
public DrawableParams(DrawableParams params) {
mDrawable = params.mDrawable;
public ResourceValue getDrawable() {
return mDrawable;