blob: 24532dd512925bd22bf08c01dec1ba18987a3fc8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000,2003 Harri Porten (
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
#include "config.h"
#include "NumberPrototype.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "JSFunction.h"
#include "JSString.h"
#include "Operations.h"
#include "dtoa.h"
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
#include <wtf/DecimalNumber.h>
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
namespace JSC {
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL numberProtoFuncToString(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL numberProtoFuncToLocaleString(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL numberProtoFuncValueOf(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL numberProtoFuncToFixed(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL numberProtoFuncToExponential(ExecState*);
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL numberProtoFuncToPrecision(ExecState*);
// ECMA 15.7.4
NumberPrototype::NumberPrototype(ExecState* exec, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, Structure* structure, Structure* functionStructure)
: NumberObject(exec->globalData(), structure)
setInternalValue(exec->globalData(), jsNumber(0));
// The constructor will be added later, after NumberConstructor has been constructed
putDirectFunctionWithoutTransition(exec, new (exec) JSFunction(exec, globalObject, functionStructure, 1, exec->propertyNames().toString, numberProtoFuncToString), DontEnum);
putDirectFunctionWithoutTransition(exec, new (exec) JSFunction(exec, globalObject, functionStructure, 0, exec->propertyNames().toLocaleString, numberProtoFuncToLocaleString), DontEnum);
putDirectFunctionWithoutTransition(exec, new (exec) JSFunction(exec, globalObject, functionStructure, 0, exec->propertyNames().valueOf, numberProtoFuncValueOf), DontEnum);
putDirectFunctionWithoutTransition(exec, new (exec) JSFunction(exec, globalObject, functionStructure, 1, exec->propertyNames().toFixed, numberProtoFuncToFixed), DontEnum);
putDirectFunctionWithoutTransition(exec, new (exec) JSFunction(exec, globalObject, functionStructure, 1, exec->propertyNames().toExponential, numberProtoFuncToExponential), DontEnum);
putDirectFunctionWithoutTransition(exec, new (exec) JSFunction(exec, globalObject, functionStructure, 1, exec->propertyNames().toPrecision, numberProtoFuncToPrecision), DontEnum);
// ------------------------------ Functions ---------------------------
// ECMA -
static ALWAYS_INLINE bool toThisNumber(JSValue thisValue, double &x)
JSValue v = thisValue.getJSNumber();
if (UNLIKELY(!v))
return false;
x = v.uncheckedGetNumber();
return true;
static ALWAYS_INLINE bool getIntegerArgumentInRange(ExecState* exec, int low, int high, int& result, bool& isUndefined)
result = 0;
isUndefined = false;
JSValue argument0 = exec->argument(0);
if (argument0.isUndefined()) {
isUndefined = true;
return true;
double asDouble = argument0.toInteger(exec);
if (asDouble < low || asDouble > high)
return false;
result = static_cast<int>(asDouble);
return true;
// toExponential converts a number to a string, always formatting as an expoential.
// This method takes an optional argument specifying a number of *decimal places*
// to round the significand to (or, put another way, this method optionally rounds
// to argument-plus-one significant figures).
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL numberProtoFuncToExponential(ExecState* exec)
// Get x (the double value of this, which should be a Number).
double x;
if (!toThisNumber(exec->hostThisValue(), x))
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
// Get the argument.
int decimalPlacesInExponent;
bool isUndefined;
if (!getIntegerArgumentInRange(exec, 0, 20, decimalPlacesInExponent, isUndefined))
return throwVMError(exec, createRangeError(exec, "toExponential() argument must be between 0 and 20"));
// Handle NaN and Infinity.
if (isnan(x) || isinf(x))
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, UString::number(x)));
// Round if the argument is not undefined, always format as exponential.
NumberToStringBuffer buffer;
unsigned length = isUndefined
? DecimalNumber(x).toStringExponential(buffer, WTF::NumberToStringBufferLength)
: DecimalNumber(x, RoundingSignificantFigures, decimalPlacesInExponent + 1).toStringExponential(buffer, WTF::NumberToStringBufferLength);
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, UString(buffer, length)));
// toFixed converts a number to a string, always formatting as an a decimal fraction.
// This method takes an argument specifying a number of decimal places to round the
// significand to. However when converting large values (1e+21 and above) this
// method will instead fallback to calling ToString.
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL numberProtoFuncToFixed(ExecState* exec)
// Get x (the double value of this, which should be a Number).
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
JSValue v = thisValue.getJSNumber();
if (!v)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
double x = v.uncheckedGetNumber();
// Get the argument.
int decimalPlaces;
bool isUndefined; // This is ignored; undefined treated as 0.
if (!getIntegerArgumentInRange(exec, 0, 20, decimalPlaces, isUndefined))
return throwVMError(exec, createRangeError(exec, "toFixed() argument must be between 0 and 20"));
// states "If x >= 10^21, then let m = ToString(x)"
// This also covers Ininity, and structure the check so that NaN
// values are also handled by numberToString
if (!(fabs(x) < 1e+21))
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, UString::number(x)));
// The check above will return false for NaN or Infinity, these will be
// handled by numberToString.
ASSERT(!isnan(x) && !isinf(x));
// Convert to decimal with rounding, and format as decimal.
NumberToStringBuffer buffer;
unsigned length = DecimalNumber(x, RoundingDecimalPlaces, decimalPlaces).toStringDecimal(buffer, WTF::NumberToStringBufferLength);
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, UString(buffer, length)));
// toPrecision converts a number to a string, takeing an argument specifying a
// number of significant figures to round the significand to. For positive
// exponent, all values that can be represented using a decimal fraction will
// be, e.g. when rounding to 3 s.f. any value up to 999 will be formated as a
// decimal, whilst 1000 is converted to the exponential representation 1.00e+3.
// For negative exponents values >= 1e-6 are formated as decimal fractions,
// with smaller values converted to exponential representation.
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL numberProtoFuncToPrecision(ExecState* exec)
// Get x (the double value of this, which should be a Number).
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
JSValue v = thisValue.getJSNumber();
if (!v)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
double x = v.uncheckedGetNumber();
// Get the argument.
int significantFigures;
bool isUndefined;
if (!getIntegerArgumentInRange(exec, 1, 21, significantFigures, isUndefined))
return throwVMError(exec, createRangeError(exec, "toPrecision() argument must be between 1 and 21"));
// To precision called with no argument is treated as ToString.
if (isUndefined)
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, UString::number(x)));
// Handle NaN and Infinity.
if (isnan(x) || isinf(x))
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, UString::number(x)));
// Convert to decimal with rounding.
DecimalNumber number(x, RoundingSignificantFigures, significantFigures);
// If number is in the range 1e-6 <= x < pow(10, significantFigures) then format
// as decimal. Otherwise, format the number as an exponential. Decimal format
// demands a minimum of (exponent + 1) digits to represent a number, for example
// 1234 (1.234e+3) requires 4 digits. (See ECMA-262
NumberToStringBuffer buffer;
unsigned length = number.exponent() >= -6 && number.exponent() < significantFigures
? number.toStringDecimal(buffer, WTF::NumberToStringBufferLength)
: number.toStringExponential(buffer, WTF::NumberToStringBufferLength);
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, UString(buffer, length)));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL numberProtoFuncToString(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
JSValue v = thisValue.getJSNumber();
if (!v)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
JSValue radixValue = exec->argument(0);
int radix;
if (radixValue.isInt32())
radix = radixValue.asInt32();
else if (radixValue.isUndefined())
radix = 10;
radix = static_cast<int>(radixValue.toInteger(exec)); // nan -> 0
if (radix == 10)
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, v.toString(exec)));
static const char* const digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
// Fast path for number to character conversion.
if (radix == 36) {
if (v.isInt32()) {
int x = v.asInt32();
if (static_cast<unsigned>(x) < 36) { // Exclude negatives
JSGlobalData* globalData = &exec->globalData();
return JSValue::encode(globalData->smallStrings.singleCharacterString(globalData, digits[x]));
if (radix < 2 || radix > 36)
return throwVMError(exec, createRangeError(exec, "toString() radix argument must be between 2 and 36"));
// INT_MAX results in 1024 characters left of the dot with radix 2
// give the same space on the right side. safety checks are in place
// unless someone finds a precise rule.
char s[2048 + 3];
const char* lastCharInString = s + sizeof(s) - 1;
double x = v.uncheckedGetNumber();
if (isnan(x) || isinf(x))
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, UString::number(x)));
bool isNegative = x < 0.0;
if (isNegative)
x = -x;
double integerPart = floor(x);
char* decimalPoint = s + sizeof(s) / 2;
// convert integer portion
char* p = decimalPoint;
double d = integerPart;
do {
int remainderDigit = static_cast<int>(fmod(d, radix));
*--p = digits[remainderDigit];
d /= radix;
} while ((d <= -1.0 || d >= 1.0) && s < p);
if (isNegative)
*--p = '-';
char* startOfResultString = p;
ASSERT(s <= startOfResultString);
d = x - integerPart;
p = decimalPoint;
const double epsilon = 0.001; // TODO: guessed. base on radix ?
bool hasFractionalPart = (d < -epsilon || d > epsilon);
if (hasFractionalPart) {
*p++ = '.';
do {
d *= radix;
const int digit = static_cast<int>(d);
*p++ = digits[digit];
d -= digit;
} while ((d < -epsilon || d > epsilon) && p < lastCharInString);
*p = '\0';
ASSERT(p < s + sizeof(s));
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, startOfResultString));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL numberProtoFuncToLocaleString(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
// FIXME: Not implemented yet.
JSValue v = thisValue.getJSNumber();
if (!v)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
return JSValue::encode(jsString(exec, v.toString(exec)));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL numberProtoFuncValueOf(ExecState* exec)
JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
JSValue v = thisValue.getJSNumber();
if (!v)
return throwVMTypeError(exec);
return JSValue::encode(v);
} // namespace JSC